Tradeskill Apprentice Request

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Raenius, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Raenius Well-Known Member

    Could we please be able to use research potions (maybe even those from SC) to accelerate recipes from our tradeskill apprentices?
    18days for a Tier 9 recipe is hilarious - or you may lower all research durations for any recipes by at least 50% - or allow us to do the daily craft-quest not once per day but infinite amounts like any other repeatable quest in order to catch up faster.

    Its just "zzzZZzzzzZZzzz" atm ~
    Guiscard and Eradani like this.
  2. Eradani Well-Known Member

    i'm wondering why my Expert Researchers don't learn any faster
    Alarra and Guiscard like this.
  3. Guiscard Active Member

    Could we have more useful recipes added for armor and weapons and not just Essences for decoration.
  4. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Do you have a compelling argument for why this would be good for the game? Personally I'd like the best equipment in the game to just be mailed to me every month but I can't provide a single reason why it would be good for the game for that to happen.
  5. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    The timing gates were put in so a few lucky people could benefit from being the first to learn something. If you need the item for yourself right away, you're better off just asking if someone can make it.

    This isn't a race. If it was, you lost about a year ago. There are other players out there. Talk to them.
    Cloudrat likes this.
  6. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    I'm not usually on this side of the coin... but this quoted bit is the point. The 'race' was over about a year ago. This isnt new content anymore, so there's not really a balance reason for preserving the gate. I thought that the Dev's should add up the amount of time that researching all the recipes would take, then add like 50-100% of that time, and when that duration of time passed then start selling potions to reduce the research time from the SC store. That way the winners of the race got some exclusive time on market, and the late adopters get to catch up.

    The Deshniak and Yelnar researchers would have been opened up by now, and most of the city researchers too. the provy, weaponsmith and armorer researcher wouldnt be eligible yet though.
    Guiscard likes this.
  7. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I see your point and I'm not really against the idea.
    This goes back to what I said earlier. The items are out there to be made at anyone's request. The gate is completely optional. I could only see them changing the apprentice timers if we had a completely new population somewhere.
  8. Estal Well-Known Member

    Personally I don't mind the research time, what bugs me more is that its not apparent to customers... you see people asking for like 10 different items to be made by one crafter all the time and then you have to go and explain why 3 of your crafters can make 7 of the 10 items he requested and not the other 3.

    Currently there is a very easy to do daily quest to reduce the time a little, maybe a much harder daily quest could be added to reduce it a lot?
  9. Alarra Well-Known Member

    I recently acquired the Yelnar Apprentice and I have to say that not being able to improve the wait for the new recipes is a real pain.
    Almost everyone else that got it a year ago or there about, has all the recipes, what is the point other than to penalize New crafters. Just make them purchaseable, or add time reduction capabilities, or reduce it from 20 days to 10 per recipe, it's crazy. It's hard enough getting the apprentice itself.

    So what if they can be turned into some of the best items in the game, I could acquire the ingrediants, get someone else to craft it then experiment on it myself. I would rather not have to go through the middle man and just do it by myself.

    There is no longer a point for the gating.
  10. Finora Well-Known Member

    If they actually give us more recipes to research there would be, I certainly hope the researchers aren't going to be yet another thing put in for a single expansion & forgotten about.
    Elostirion and Feara like this.
  11. Mae- Well-Known Member

    You're kind of proving the point right now. You want it NOW, you don't want to wait. Well guess what, you waited a year to bother to pick it up, so why should you get your stuff faster because you were too lazy or unable to get it until now? Nope, you'll wait like the rest of us did.
    Lempo likes this.
  12. Alarra Well-Known Member

    I was unable to, and I think that as it is the next expansion some of the old gates should be loosened. I don't necessarily want it now, but it would be nice. The cap has risen to the next tier per se, so they should reduce the times anyway. Do you wait 20 days to do a level 80 Recipe on the old TS apprentice?
  13. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    Almost every other tradeskill gate in the game still exists. The only exceptions have been moving recipes from Emerald Halls to a vendor and putting in daily quests for Kunark factions. Even with the EH recipes being moved, there's still something of a gate with the recipes costing Far Seas tokens. Those still took a few years to get changed and the level cap was well beyond what it originally was when those items first came out.

    The apprentice gate isn't even that old. We've had Deshniak and Yelnar for about a year and their content is still relevant (we're only halfway through the current tier). As long as that's the case, nothing is really going to change. Even beyond that, the only thing that may change is Yelnar might lose the raid requirement. At that point, we'll have moved on to the next set of gear. I imagine the regular TAs will finally have some new gear to research when we reach 100 and that will take about 20 days to learn.
  14. Fractals Member

    I happen to like the "gates". It's nice to be able to do something quick and get a reward each day when I can't play for very long. I I also get asked to make items of most tiers regularly, especially tiers 3,8 and 9. Asking someone else to make something for you also brings in the Multi player aspect of the game too which I love. Some of the things people say to me when I commission for them cracks me up and I would have never met them if they didn't ask for help in the chat channels.
    Deveryn likes this.
  15. Lempo Well-Known Member

    Title should be changed to "A thinly veiled request for instant gratification"
    No. There is no reason to reduce the timers, the only reason to reduce the timers would be if there was a true shortage of crafters available to make the items, wanting to eliminate the middle man is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in an attempt to justify why this should be changed.
    Want it done?
    user the general chat channel, the auction channel or the broker, or wait like everyone else did.
    Finora likes this.
  16. Fractals Member

    Yes and adding to what Lempo said, there isn't a shortage of crafters, in fact we get a new batch of crafters every time double experience weekend rolls around, and also there's the new folk that decide to level the old fashioned way. Oh and also there's the crafting channel you can ask for stuff made. /join crafting
  17. Finora Well-Known Member

    Very true. You can even ask in test chat & most times of the day you can get someone to help you out if you don't have the ability.
  18. Alarra Well-Known Member

    Well obviously, you lot enjoy the wait. When it fades into uselessness will you still bother to get the apprentices for new crafting alts? I doubt it.
  19. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    None of us enjoy the wait. I can probably speak for some when I say we don't enjoy the idea of achieving a goal and having someone come by and achieve it faster by getting a change put through, when things were already set a certain way. We also don't enjoy the idea of the devs wasting time on changing old content that isn't broken.

    I think Yelnar has already faded into uselessness and there's no point in pursuing it anymore. As we've all said, there are plenty of people out there who have already learned the recipes. Crafting in general has been rendered pretty useless already, with so many wanting to do things for themselves.
  20. Alarra Well-Known Member

    I would also like to add that Yelnar is not completely useless at the moment with experimentation, but by the time I get the recipes that other members feel I should wait for the content will be completely non-current.
    As a new crafter, why should I wait for the content to be non-current to receive the ability craft a couple of these items?
    All well and good to say I should wait because you did, but you waited with the expectation that it wasn't going to be out-tiered by the time you got the recipes you wanted.