Things That Would be Nice (and to be brought back)

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Avouriel the Ratonga, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. mouser Well-Known Member

    They're actually doing a bit of your first pick by keeping AoM relevant during this expansion cycle. Maybe that signals a new trend going forward.

    I'd love to see a return of overland heroics/epics in all tiers. I remember when all the zones had that one mob you always had to be looking over your shoulder for, whether it was that dog in the sprawl or Doomsquall or whoever. There was always that feeling of danger if you weren't at least mildly aware of you're surroundings. Those shouldn't be all that hard to bring back, honestly. You don't even have to itemize them, as there purpose isn't the reward for killing them so much as a penalty for letting yourself get caught.

    Hell yes to the starter areas and quests (though I think more still exist than people realize).
    It's a sad day when most of the player base has never heard of the Rat Queen of Vermin Snye.

    Edit: As to the engine thing, I had to laugh a bit. If you want the game to look great as a picturesque slideshow, then yeah, that might be a good choice, but there's no way an engine designed for single player (or small scale multiplayer) can support an MMO.
  2. Avouriel the Ratonga Active Member

    Ohs, well that's interesting.

    Also, I WOULD LOVE for more voice acting to be put in the NPCs and possibly the player... Everyone's tired of the silent protagonist cliche... and well, it does feel lifeless when the NPCs don't have voices.
    Seefar likes this.
  3. mouser Well-Known Member

    Personally, I much prefer the silent protagonist. I have no problems imagining my own voice.

    As for voice acting - that's a very double edged sword. Without it, adding a new quest or fixing a problem can be done very simply by a coder / editor. Once you add voice acting, in order to change or add anything you need to schedule studio time and voice actors any time you want to change a line or add a little quest.

    With the limited resources Daybreak has, I would much rather see them spend money on adding content rather than tying themselves down with voiceovers. Reading isn't hard, and it keeps your mind working (imagination and all that). I think that the trend to full voicing in games is ultimately a step backwards that is going to limit the games we get from now on.
    Enoibia and Eradani like this.
  4. Seefar Well-Known Member

    I sort of remember it too, but always figgered that the pizza would be cold by the time it got to England...
  5. Katz Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah. And silver membership option too. I would like that back for my minor alt accounts.
  6. Vladislav Active Member

    I would really like to see /gems back. That was a pretty fun little game.
    DoomDrake likes this.
  7. Enoibia Well-Known Member

    No thank you! I much prefer my NPCs to be silent. I read much faster than they ever speak and the voices get old really, really fast.
    flameweaver likes this.
  8. Siren Well-Known Member

    If you ever see silver return to EQ2, you will then see a great white light shortly thereafter: It will signal the permadeath of EQ2.

    Silver is one of the big reasons Sony Japan sold off SOE to a Russian investment firm for lack of profits. I doubt you will ever see it return, and rightly so. EQ2 was one of the only games in the entire SOE stable actually turning a profit; it was funding all the other fail games that got shut down. Now it's one of the only ones left. Let's not wave goodbye to EQ2 as well here.
  9. Boli Active Member

    Better use of previous expansions. This game is HUGE... I mean *really* big but most of the time you potter around the same few zone. I was nattering to someone a week or so ago and mentioned there was a beehive zone or something I literally have not set foot in in *years*.

    The fabled zones are a great idea but they are only really relavent to the current tier they were updated on.

    I say for *every* instance (heroic AND raid) there should be Advanced Solo, Heroic (and in the case of raid zones) Fabled Raid versions which is constantly updated to every tier.

    *But* the "loot" is not real loot - just appearance only versions of the items (e.g. A memory of Doomrage Breastplate) and infusers / salvaged pieces of armour and they are part of the current tier mission system with a weekly to "clear a tier"

    so you'd still have to go to the current expansion zones for loot but at the same time there is some worth returning to an older tier zone and leaving with useable items.

    but the instances you may kno, love and cherish will never leave and will always be current... so every expansion will have like 6 new current instances (or whatever) ... and the hundreds of previous zones which you can run through solo, in a gorup or even in a raid for "fun".
  10. chastyze New Member

    If we could bring back but 1 thing, i would suggest making all the stats relavent once again.
    would love to have back my smitey Inq, extra dam from str, better avoid from dex and so on, miss those customizations
  11. Ruckus Well-Known Member

    Make all classes neutral.

    I WILL have an "evil swashbuckler" that was made on the PvP server moved over to HoF server on Dec. 3rd.

    0.0.1% of the player population cares about the lore (and that went out the window ages ago).

    An even larger player population would appreciate having their favorite class being welcomed in the opposing aligned city without having to betray to the polar opposite class.

    Why do we even have "good vs. evil" anymore? You'd think after 11+ years, the cities would eventually learn to get along, join hands and sing "Kumbaya", and combine forces to battle the real evil that is out in the Norrathian wilds...the orcs, gnolls, etc.
    DoomDrake likes this.
  12. Avouriel the Ratonga Active Member

    I think the only class that would stay evil is the Necromancer, the others, ehhhhh, don't care. xD
  13. Ruckus Well-Known Member

    Some (those 0.01%) would argue for sk/paladin, too. The rest of us...just...don'
  14. Avouriel the Ratonga Active Member

    I've seen good Shadowknights in other games, like Final Fantasy 3, never seen an evil Paladin though. lol
  15. mouser Well-Known Member

    There's one locked up in the bottom of the merc den as the 'ultra-rare' reward to entice players to spend oodles of real money on the merc crate crap shoot. Has anyone actually gotten this merc? I know I'm not going to try as a dice roll...
    Belenos likes this.
  16. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Just to a little correct that - I have nothing against have initially KOS faction with opposite city but would love to have a way work this thing out w/o betraying city. ROK (especially jasarth wastes) were perfect example of how faction should work. Heh I do remember in EQ1 my DE necro was mercilessly killing orcs around FP just to stop been KOS to the guards :)
  17. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    and so should be warlock and wizard (it been weird to see my class became neutral) same goes to coercer and was perk and privilege to be on the dark side only with coercer
  18. Belenos Well-Known Member

    OMG--I still have nightmares about carrying LORE hay bales from the field to the farmer to get my EQ SK non-KOS with the Qeynos Paladin guild. The guards liked me quickly enough (Black Burrow rampages) but those pesky Paladins never would until I carried hay bales galore--I lost count--it was terrible--and they were lore--one hay bale per trip! /shudder.
    DoomDrake likes this.
  19. Avouriel the Ratonga Active Member

    EQ1 was always a pain, but in a good way, if that makes sense. lol

    Also, your signature is hilarious.
    Belenos likes this.
  20. Belenos Well-Known Member

    Thanks! That sig is actually 100% true--that is what the Troll Pirate Assasin merc Lady Belizabart Killigrump actually says! Laughed my butt off the first time I heard it. But she is good for her word--a good DPS merc.