The new queue system on TLE PVE Beta!

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Sneakle, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Sneakle Member

    It's 59 minute wait at 3 pm GMT+1 and the server shows light population. The queue also goes down and up in the wait time.

    You really need to up your server capacity or this will be a bad experience when the server goes live. I'm not waiting 1 hour to play when I feel the need or yrge to play then have to wait taht long, and it will be worse when the servers are live.

    So a question, have you set the server capacity low on purose or is this how it's going to be? It kinda needs to be alot more even for the beta, some are subbing to do this.

    And as I'm writing this the wait time went from 59 to 57 minutes now 1 hour and 2 minutes.

    So come on, give us alot more instances to spawn in! :) A crash would mean the end of a planned friend group and you know this is a major issue.
  2. MrDaltin Member

    Yup something is clearly wrong here.When i loged in this morning there was no queue and a /who all showed up 57 players on the pvp server.

    Now two hours later im in 1.33 hours queue and it just keeps ticking up.
  3. Akella New Member

    The wait to join a server should never be an hour! My wait time to join the TLE PVE sever was 1 hour and 9 minutes.
  4. Sneakle Member

    Yeah, a dev could answer this. It could be on purpose to reduce lag, but since instances can spawn it really shouldnt be a problem?
  5. MrDaltin Member

    Someone said in another thread that a friend of him did a /who all on the pvp server and it showed 23 players so meh.
  6. Hyiero Active Member

    They likely are testing the queue system but something is wrong in their queue system and it won't get fixed until they are in the office I'm assuming. It should be putting everyone at like a min and then letting them in
  7. Iadien Active Member

    The queue system seems to be missing a few 0's in there or something. lol
  8. WONDERCHILD New Member

    what a joke, I want to play
  9. Daarkstar Active Member

    Strange that there's still a queue, I've been playing for the past few hours and there's been less than 25 people showing up in /who all. Logged off as I couldn't find anyone my level to group with...
  10. Sneakle Member

    If there arent many online on the PVE server, then I wonder if the PVE AND the PVP are on the same server harddware and sharing it's capacity?

    Lets hope it's the queue system that needs work.
  11. Sneakle Member

    I was at 53 minutes, now I'm back at 1 hours 3 minutes.
  12. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    Read the FAQ,

    We’ll be testing a queue system for EverQuest 2 during this time. Don’t be alarmed if you have a short wait when logging into these beta servers.

    Having been in the TLE Beta for a few hours now, the queue system doesn't reflect the number of player, but is being artificially generated for the purpose of testing.

    And may be to also test the frustration tolerances of players. ;)
  13. Iadien Active Member

    Don't be alarmed if you have a "SHORT" wait.
  14. Almost Member


    LOL lets have a Beta, and then keep 90% of our tester out of game.

    Guess you don't need to fix bugs that testers never find. o_O
  15. Atze New Member

    ATM there can only be 50 Players Online. Dont think that this is intended?
  16. Almost Member

    LOL my 1hr 3 minute que just changed to 59 minutes, and then to 1 hr 50 min.

    Guess I'll go farm the broker in Live.
  17. Siren Well-Known Member

    Yeah, on the PvP-TL I'm at 1 hour 24 minutes like it's been for 10 minutes straight now.

    C'mon, guys, it's a Wednesday morning for Pete's sake.
  18. Antarious New Member

    When I got on for a bit it was showing a total of 20 players in game... Then I decided to see about switching characters and... that was a mistake.
  19. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    1 hour wait in the morning. many morning eq2ers......OR maybe they are just stress testing the que system.
  20. Freddie_Mercury Member

    LOL!! So let's get this straight... this game has been dead for years... then they make a TL PVP server, and the population actually has a chance to be high enough for people to enjoy the game after many years... and then they make a Queue for it?!

    Do these people know this game is friggen 10 years old and the vast majority of people coming back to this TL PVP server haven't played for many many years and just want to have a populated server to PVP on again? What a clueless bunch of folks to even consider a Queue for a server like this..

    It's like throwing a Hail Mary... and then telling the receiver... wait... I know this is a long shot... but just wait on the side lines until it hits the ground... maybe it will work, even though we just screwed up the chance of making the Hail Mary successful