The lore revolving Elements of Fear in Sirens Grotto

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by GabenBison, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. GabenBison Active Member

    So is there any basis of what and who is invading Sirens Grotto? Is it Cazic Thule of EQ1 or of EQ2? I thought EQ1's Cazic Thule was pushed out of our universe in the questline of CoE? Not to mention he could only penetrate into the Ethernere and not the living world. So what exactly is going on here?

    Also was the abandoned camp in Colbalt Scar the cause of the Sirens enthralling them? I must have missed that notion in the questline.
  2. Estred Well-Known Member

    It could simply be agents of Thule once again trying to herald the age of Fear and reconnect to Modinthule. They have been trying that for expansions. Remember Xorrxze (spelling?) in Sanctm of Scaleborn? He made mention of the Thulians trying to use Enoxus to reopen the portal to Modinthule to allow the denizens of fear to invade.
  3. GabenBison Active Member

    Except that was before the gods came back. Wouldn't Cazic Thule of EQ2 have sent a message to his followers not to intervene or cause alarm until this entire issue regarding Kerefym is taken care of? Why would he tolerate or attempt to cause issues with the very same force that is attempting to save him and the universe from nonexistence?

    Isn't Modinthule technically the Plane Of Fear though? I believe the lore you're talking about that happened in KoS was just foresight to the emergence to the Gate Of Fear in the Feerott prior to EoF coming out.
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    I think you may be right, I am a bit sketchy on the lore of KoS/EoF though I have rigorously read the timelines. Perhaps these new Talavan's are actually renegade members of Fear? Or perhaps they serve someone other than Cazic who seeks power?

    There are a number of possibilities but I believe the Talavan's are not related to the Amygdalins of Fear.
  5. Brenlaun Member

    The abandoned camp was the Kelethin contingent being enthralled by sirens, you see the individual soldiers inside Siren's Grotto. It's sort of referred to near the end of the CS questline if I remember correctly.

    I was kind of curious about the whole Cazic-thule and his minions being involved in Siren's Grotto, as I don't remember seeing much about it doing the questlines.
  6. Venomizer Member

    Where does the boss of talavan abyss come from? what type of transportation is he using.

    what is the purple haze that reaches to stone blocks.

    as for siren's grotto, i find it interesting that some of the mobs are guilded as <Worshipper of Gen'ra>. Just like neriak & cristanos, they seek apotheosis or just a demogogue trying to be pharaoh and claiming supernatural powers. what kind of false promises is gen'ra giving for her support?

    as for naming, elements of fear->elements of war. is there any set lore on what type of space an "element" is? we've encountered planes, shards, pockets, rifts, bastions, alternate pasts. only element that is coming to mind is war. dont remember it having anything to do with zek either.

    estred: as for relation of amyg and talavan. i think amyg were originally 1 massively divisible entity demigod, a limited edition print if you will. amyg you see in feerott/ct are more like echoes of this higher order being, or maybe a derivative work. talavan are more like a player race of sentient mortals. demigods and sentient races are apples and oranges, even if both are ilithids.
    Estred likes this.
  7. Meirril Well-Known Member

    The purple haze is used for fear portals in several places. The shard of fear entrance in Feerrot, and the Throne of Fear in CoE (multiple portals).

    I haven't seen any previous mentions of Gen'ra. Gen'ra could be a minor spirit related to Cazic that the Talvan use as an intermediatory, or as an originator of the Talvan "race" and thus worshiped along side its creator (assumedly Cazic).

    Elements can refer to a subdivision of a greater subset. In this case, a subdivision of (the plane of) Fear. As in it has portions (elements) that characterize Fear. Element isn't being used to refer to an extra-dimensional space here.

    With the limited amount of information we have on Talvan I'm not willing to say anything about them...other than they are an obvious direct rip off of ilithids from D&D (who are in turn mini cuthulu rip offs from Lovecraft).
    Estred likes this.
  8. GabenBison Active Member

    So the Siren's were originally followers of Prexus. I'm assuming they're now following a false or demi deity in the same way the Yhalei of Kunark did?
  9. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Sirens aren't particularly known to be devout worshipers of anything. Prexus gets the general nod from anything living in the ocean, but these sirens seem to be more directly influenced by Cazic. Other sirens are probably more likely to worship Prexus, Povar or even Tunare.
  10. GabenBison Active Member

    I think they're new established followers though.
  11. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Depends on what you consider "new". Sometime in the last 500 years the Sirens of the Cove (Sisters of Darkwater) obtained a necromatically infused dragon relic. Maybe it happened really recently but probably not. Probably it happened at the same time the Othmir in Cobalt Scar were able to obtain the dragon bones. The most likely source of a bunch of necrotically charged dragon bones would be Zlandacar and/or the Dragon Necropolis. Zlandacar himself was a dragon lich. More than likely Zlandacar himself is probably still around since liches have a bad habit of regenerating as long as their phylactery is still in tact.

    This could of all been fairly recent. The Dragon Necropolis could of been destroyed during the rending, shattering, upheaval or the attack on ToV (Temple of Veeshan). Any of these events could of washed dragon bones that Zlandacar was experimenting on to where the Othmir would have access to them. This would probably be the time the Tear found its way to the Sirens.

    Now why a necrotically charged item leads to Cazic Thule is...questionable. He's the patron of Fear. In Anashti'sul's long absence necrotic doesn't equal any diety. So most likely it was whatever evil diety noticed the effects of the relic or what it was twisted to do by Zlandacar. It could be Zlandacar used it to subjugate the Chittari or that it caused fear in the Sirens or charmed beings that first encountered it and that influence grew quickly. Honestly, this relic is the sort of thing that Inny goes in for and the sirens seem more like his kind of followers. (Twisted relic made by another diety, necrotic, and a bunch of twisted lying backstabbers.)

    Actually I'm more surprised the relic is Veeshan's Tear and not Zlandacar's Talisman of the First Brood. That would of made more sense.
  12. Estred Well-Known Member

    Is Anasthi'Sul still technically trapped in the Void? I know Rohen Theer broke out during Sentinels Fate and the conflicts of Odus. I still haven't found exactly how Toxxulia fit into the plot of SF.

    I had read of Zlandacar and had thought perhaps those bones were either his experiments or perhaps pieces of himself. Remember liches can regenerate lost parts so long as the phylactery is intact. Also with the effects of the bone, perhaps Bertoxxulous had a minor hand in it as it was a necrotic disease, it's hard to say. Zombies are really Anashti's realm though so I don't quite know what to make of it.
  13. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Anashti'sul is free to roam Norrath and the near dimensions. She is probably trying to either establish her own plane, or devising a plan to claim another deities' realm. She was loose before Theer was. I don't believe Toxxula was significant in the SF storyline.

    Anashti has the most direct claim on undeath but she's been out of the loop for thousands of years. As such, every "evil" deity has undead servants and it really is too late to convince all of the undead they need to worship Anashti as their "creator". Certainly some will flock to her, but the ones already devoted to other deities (or to avoiding deities) won't be drawn to her.
  14. GabenBison Active Member

    Hmmm my best guess at this point is that it probably is another attempt by EQ1's Cazic Thule to enter this dimension. Perhaps he found a way a change to enter the living side after being shut off in CoE to enter the Ethernere? I think the entire story of the Veeshan's Tear and how the Sirens obtained will be unraveled once we get Western Wastes. No doubt we'll get the Dragon Necropolis in some form or another.
  15. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Wasn't EQ1's CT banished by us to EQ2's CT so that our CT could consume theirs?
  16. Estred Well-Known Member

    We banished the Avatar of Fear within the Throne of fear greatly weakening the "false Cazic" which may or may not be EQ1's Cazic who was defeated in the House of Thule expansion. From my knowledge both CT's are still in existence but one is greatly weakened and that is the one effecting Drinal. Perhaps after his banishment this other CT found new followers and has begun building power that way.
  17. Innania Member

    I primarily play EQ1, but this thread may have some bearing with our current expansion, Rain of Fear. Especially since during today's E3 online presentation it was stated that EQ1 and EQ2 will be joining together in some ways.

    In House of Thule, Cazic was put into an enchanted sleep by the House, and we killed him in his dream. His children, having power over dreams and nightmares, planned this so that they could steal CT's power. Morell cheated Terris out of her share of the power (as she planned to do to him) and became the Arch-God of Dread. He was unable to control this power, and was being driven insane by it, and we cleansed him of that power, casting it out of his body.

    The God power of Cazic then disappeared. The other members of the Pantheon could sense it had travelled to a portion of Norrath hidden from them, so Tunare, Brell, and some of the others sent us mortals to investigate.

    In Veil of Alaris, we find a hidden continent on Norrath inhabited by a race that had been chased from their homeworld by the forces of Discord. This race, the Alarans, have their own gods, and these gods were Alaran themselves at one point, but ascended to godhood.

    When the Alaran homeworld was invaded, their gods joined their powers together to flee, and found themselves on Norrath. This was after Veeshan had deposited her brood, but before the other races were created. Frightened by these dragons, the Alaran gods used the very last of their diminished power to create a veil and hide the continent. In an attempt to regain power, some of the Alaran gods who had slowly regained some power created the House found in House of Thule as a trap for powerful beings so that they could siphon their power.

    When you defeat the final trio of Alaran gods (who have joined into a single entity), Cazic's stolen power escapes once more, and ascends towards the heavens.

    However, when it hits the upper atmosphere, it crystalizes into physical form and falls to Norrath as purple crystals. Many characters around Norrath find these crystals, and become infused with a portion of Cazic's power. Since November, we have been travelling to zones both old and new facing familiar faces who have been twisted by the power of the slain god.

    In the most recent content patch for the expansion, we find more shards of fear found their way to the moon of Luclin (still intact in EQ1). One has been found by the Shissar, who have rebuilt a version of their original home city of Chelsith. The other has made its way to the Plane of Shadow, and Luclin herself and her minions must be faced.

    As we collect these crystal pieces of Cazic's power, they are being assembled into a single piece at the site of the largest one's landing.

    This crystal is home to the final section of the expansion due out soon, and is known as the Heart of Fear.

    Some of the files for this finale for the expansion have hit the patcher already, and so we have found several new mob types listed. These are: Gehein, Triun, Orafik, and Skirths. None of these creature types have ever appeared in EQ1 before, but I am told they do appear in EQ2. The Xulous are also showing in the file, and while they have never been seen in EQ1, they are known in EQ lore.

    So, I basically came here to find out about these new creature types, but wanted to give you back lore so that you could help us figure out why your mobs are showing up in our game! LOL
  18. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Ok, Xulous are the race that became the Shadow Men when they were banished to The Void. The rest of the races you've mentioned are parts of the Harrowing Horde, a group of transmformed souls that respond to the needs of Drinial/The Ethernere and were affected by the spirits of (EQ1's) Cazic Thule and (EQ2's) Rallos Zek when they were slain and passed on. In EQ2 the Harrowing Horde are attempting to take control of a spire to link vast portions of the Ethernere...and we don't know why.
  19. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Oh, and the Harrowing Horde act like a hive mind, with Gehein acting as the brains (and the only ones with real independent will), the Triun are brute enforcers, Orafik act as scouts/senses, and Skirth are small fast hunters like wolves for chasing errant souls. All of them want to push things that don't belong in the Ethernere out, or transform them into more of the Horde. If a soul stays too long in the Ethernere, it eventually gets caught and transformed into one of the Horde.
  20. Innania Member

    Thanks for the info. I hope you don't mind, I used your info in a thread I created on the EQ1 forums. I cited you though for credit!