The Drinal Signature Line - Positive Feedback

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Caethre, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Wurm Well-Known Member

    And Caethre,

    Please please please, stop using orange text to post, you are seriously hurting my eyes with it and while I'd like to read your opinion, I skip over it due to the pain.
    Estred and Cyliena like this.
  2. Atan Well-Known Member


    I'm not sure its a step forward, but its a different step. I certainly hope its not a sign that sigs like the Fallen Swords will not happen anymore, cause I really enjoy those. I don't think it is, I just think it was a different flavor this time to give other play styles a taste. The next one might go back to all epic again, these things swing around and evolve.

    But as your last statement says, requiring it as a gate to heroic content is moronic.
  3. Onorem Active Member

    Why does it matter? If you are serious with that question given the context, it's clear you don't have clue enough to talk to.
  4. Wurm Well-Known Member

    I know that you have a hard-one for free to play, and I don't. You see I refuse to worry about things I have no influence on in a GAME I play. I have enough stress IRL to get worked up over something like F2P.
  5. Moiya New Member

    No 1 I have toons in casual and raid guilds and I see a decline in both guilds from people who having done the questline once right thru are reluctant to do it over and over for their alts.

    No 2. Personally I LOVE questing and i have quested all my toons from 1 to 95 w/o pling (11 toons so far) and i'm still working on the rest of my toons who are all over 50 but having said that working on this questline for each and every toon just so i can have access to the zones is already getting tedious kinda like the quest in Sinking Sands that stupid beetle herding quest. I think while they had a good idea going with this questline, they just missed the mark along the way slightly. I'd hate to be the devs working on these expansions knowing that they have to try and make everyone happy but the simple fact is NOONE will ever be 100% happy.

    No 3 As for the OP's comments about all people do is come to these forums to whine and complain lol GET OVER YOURSELF, there have been alot of positive feedback on these forums at any given time including from those people that you say whine and complain all the time. There are always gonna be bad feedback and yes sometimes maybe you have to dig deeper to see the positive comments but maybe instead of hanging out in just the one forum you should check them out and you would see alot of the positive comments that have been made.

    No.4 I do thank the devs for all their hard work, I love the new zones and I absolutely love the amount of content we have this time around, while real happy with the amount of quests maybe next time dont make it so reliant on them for us to do the new zones. There are people that love to quest and others that wanna just do the new content zones.

    OK sorry for the ;long post just needed to air my opinion which i know is not everyones and I happen to like reading everyones opinions bad or good as it makes me think about things I mighta skipped otherwise.
  6. Onorem Active Member

    I have a hard-one? What is that supposed to mean? Let me help you out. I worry about things on a GAME that I don't play anymore. They've screwed up that much. I care, but I won't play until they fix it. And my main issue is not FTP so please get back on topic.
  7. Wurm Well-Known Member

    If you aren't playing, then your opinion matters not.

    *edit* remove the "e" from one... you'll figure it out.
  8. Vrisslar New Member

    A good signature quest line, heritage quests and so on im all for and think they are a good idea, gating group content with a forced solo line makes as much sense to me as it would gating solo content with a group signature line. Forcing people in to play styles they dont enjoy in a game like EQ2 that supports multiple PvE play styles just seem like a bad plan to me. Maybe we should gate the next expansion for the good and longlivity of the game by a BG/PvP signature series.

    Anyway thats my view on it, like it or not :)
  9. Onorem Active Member

    Removing the e still makes no sense...and if you think the opinion of the players who have been around since 2005 (No, not the start) and are now quitting don't matter, then I'll respond with the same.
  10. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Been here from day one, still don't get your point. Rage quitting has always been silly IMHO. And as soon as you did so over F2P, your opinion on current content no longer matters, sorry to say.
  11. Onorem Active Member

    Rage quitting? Who said that is what happened? It was a long and painful process to quit.
    If you think that veterans who are fed up and quit don't matter, then you don't matter in my opinion. The game is dying, and it's dying because of people like you who defend soe no matter what they do.
  12. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Signature Quest Line - Nice Idea
    Requiring a moderate amount of questline to delay heroic clearances - Reasonable Idea
    Requiring us to do the WHOLE questline on EVERY alt we want to do stuff with - Horrible Idea.

    I have 2 main toons, both have done the questline now, and I enjoyed it the first time, and second time was just becoming tedious. What if I want to do it again on a slightly lesser toon? Its not going to happen. I have toons I'll play maximum one or 2 hours a week, at this rate, I won't be able to do anything moderately productive on them until 2 months time.

    EQ2 seems to have taken a serious turn this expansion, more so then ever before. Its gone from caring mildly about heroic content (You seemed to do that alright with DoV/Skyshrine) to catering for people who only ever want to solo.

    Once we've done the questline, what are we expected to do? Just run instances over and over for no reason just for the rare chance of a useful item?

    DoV you had heroic quests, missions etc, something to do in Heroic zones. SF - Epic repercussions line, missions, questlines in heroics. TSO - The Ethernaughts questline, Missions, other questlines. EoF/RoK - Fallen Swords/Claymore, heroic questlines. CoE - Solo Questline, Nothing.

    Its just a shame the majority of people who post on this forum tend to be people who have 10000 alts who only ever solo and don't do anything else.
    Vrisslar likes this.
  13. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Please, please, please. Switch to a different color if you insist on using a special color, but the orange is a hundred times more difficult to read on these forums. Adjust or people will just ignore you.
  14. Wurm Well-Known Member

    LOL You need to go peruse the old forums and you'll see I've done more than my fair-share of rebel-rousing over the years and am as about as far removed from SOE fan-boy as it comes.
  15. Revekk Member

    I just read a very good book. Probably took me a good number of hours to read. Rich storytelling, great characters. A really enjoyable read. (wait I have a point.)

    Do I want to read it again right away. Maybe multiple times? I don't think so.

    The signature quest is solo. It is the same every time. Exactly the same.

    Even the most exciting content is reduced to drudgery. I posted before saying I DREAD doing it again, I have 7 alts I like to play. I can't get my second alt more than a few quests in. I shouldn't hate something this much in a game.

    Why are you making me hate logging in my alts?
  16. Taysa Well-Known Member

    Changing your font color because it's quite an eye-sore against the yellow parchment.

    Anyway, I highly disagree with the part in bold. Longevity of content should be based upon the quantity and difficulty of content, as well as the progression of said content, not how many times it should be repeated on our alts to continue the progression of the expansion pack.

    Do you complete To Speak As A Dragon on every alt? Or do you buy the tablet? This is the same thing.
  17. Wurm Well-Known Member

    SS has been the worst expansion in regards to heroic content so far released. DoV was vastly superior.

    1 contested zone consisting of 3 zones that are mirrored by 3 instances that have a normal and challenge mode + UD

    I don't know about you but I was sick to death of Covenant District, Lyceum of the Recondite, Dracur Prime and UD by the time Sleepers Tomb was released.

    Now we have a new contested + 8 new heroic instances. The only real screw-up that needs to be fixed ASAP is the forcing of people to do a full blown signature quest access on alts, but then again only one single person in the group needs access to go in.
  18. Onorem Active Member

    LOL. OK, not really.
    I'll still stand by not caring what smed says about stats that (potentially) include accounts that have never paid a cent. Stats are useless when coming from the guy who will do everything to make the stats look good.
  19. Estred Well-Known Member

    This man just sufficed one of my biggest arguments about EQ2 right here. It's not that any content is "bad" its that there is missing content for those of us who don't enjoy soloing. Thank you though your name made me grin. My additions or comments are in Red on the quote.

    Though I think by this point I have vocalized my view enough on this particular thread.
  20. Feldon Well-Known Member