Super boring tank-only raid encounter ...

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Kalika, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Ok so you have two twins, like in shard of hade they ask for a specific tank archetype to tank them. Really a boring encounter, coercer forced shouts do not help tue to their aoe nature. And 24 people rely on 3
    and just wait and see ?

    Possibly doing it witth 6 tanks, so that you have 3 archetypes in the top 10 of each named
    make the encounter easier. But currently we have issues since we use alts (our two MT are crusaders)
    that are undergeared.

    An item dropping on the trash putting you on the top 10 or top 5 of the agro list would be welcome.
  2. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Its a scripted fight that requires all 3 Archetypes of fighters to be prevalent in raid. Not a bad thing in the slightest. It was almost nice to see a fight that wasn't "Block this DT every 40s, rest of time stand and pick your nose".

    If you don't have 1 of each Archetype, consider recruiting. Should have 1 of each really anyway unless you run like 4 crusaders in guild. Or just gear alts. Tanked this on my monk wearing 4/7 Potent and 3/7 Arcane, all with 0 Gems.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  3. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Or you can just use a tsunami and burn it down. That works too. We did it with only a brawler in raid for our first kill. We also first pulled it on our first time ever in the zone, with only a brawler in raid.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  4. Kalika Well-Known Member

    I quite got the script, but how do you get a monk in quested gear (may be AS) gear to climb up from last in hate list (aasuming he is called on the mob he is not beating) to rank 1 within 5-7 seconds ?

    My paladin positionnal are like +3-4 in the best case.

    The issue is not to keep an undergeared tank alive but to have tank able to get on top of the agro fast enough.

    Anyway it;s a fight in which only 3 people do play, that's why i dislike it.
  5. Strac Active Member

    not sure about monks 100%, but you should have 6+ rescues at your disposal, i know i could get 8 rescues if i specced for it as Bruiser. snapping actually is the ability Brawlers excel at, so if you just keep attacking both nameds to stay around 50 on hate meter , it should take you 1-3 snaps to get hate at best. Mantis leap is a great tool for this fight too.
    Out of all fighters, brawlers should have the easiest time with this script imo.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  6. Brainwashed Member

    channeler has group positional de-aggro for group if that helps as well
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  7. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Mantis Leap. 45s Reuse. Should be up practically every time.
    Hidden Openings - 6 Position Increase 1 Min reuse.
    Provoking Stance - 1 Position per normal taunt used (4 of them in a 5s window).
    Rescue - 3 Positions
    Sneering Assault - 3 Positions - 90s Reuse
    Coercive Shout - 5 Positions (AoE, so other tank would have to snap back).
    Coercer left side prestige - 3 Positions.
    Draconic Effigy - 1 Position

    And funnily enough, all dps classes have a deaggro too. If they all dropped places on switch, tank goes up the list.
    Wirewhisker and Le Clown like this.
  8. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Actually all the dps weraing the stupid neck that can produce a full agro wipe could solve our monk issue.

    Btw you are right my coercer as a spell that drop his rank by 24 ... conclusion : our dps are bad ;-)
  9. Darkon Well-Known Member

    It's not on your dps.

    Tank both mobs on top of each other, tanks are hovering around 60-70% on the mob they are not actively tanking.

    The script swap occurs, tanks hit tab+snap of any kind.

    Wirewhisker likes this.
  10. The_Cheeseman Well-Known Member

    If your DPS really need to drop 24 hate positions, consider farming Trak for "Trakanon's Gaze", it is a secondary/ranged weapon you can hit-swap mid-combat with a -24 hate positions clicky. Recharges pretty quickly, too.

    But yeah, your tanks just need to push the right buttons.
  11. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    I haven't raided any of the new stuff yet, but did they recycle the sisters from Hate or something?
  12. Luhai Active Member

    Yeah, kinda. It's actually a pretty fun fight, at least for tanks. Monks have pretty much the best tools to gain aggro very fast. Errrorr has already listed most of them, only Peel is missing on that list, which gives you another 4+ positions. Just by using Mantis Leap and a random positional the monk should be able to get the aggro within 10 seconds without any problems.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  13. Plinc Active Member

    Con Man's Bounty and some other items can make this fight very interesting :p
    and whoever gets bored should focus more on dealing damage so it's over faster.
  14. Estred Well-Known Member

    Single best item for making something interesting is:
    \aITEM -741549185 -229643157:Hoop of Casalen\/a

    Have everyone in Raid wear one and watch hilarity ensue, though if it triggers fast enough and randomly enough the whole raid could conceivably stack this up to 20% more damage on the boss assuming the tanks are alright with the boss popping all over the place.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  15. Ucala Well-Known Member

    not even that hard, lets bring back 3sages

    Edit: also your whole argument on the whole raid relaying on tanks could be made for any raid encounter tbh :p
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  16. Estred Well-Known Member

    Oh, I loved Sages :( guess I was in a odd boat on that.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  17. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Waste of space on the loot table =(
  18. Draylore Well-Known Member

    We struggled on this fight but it caused us as a raid especially tanks to learn how aggro mechanics and such work which is a good thing. Relying on just snaps = wrong. As others have said...setup your groups correctly, tank them close to eachother.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  19. Anghammarad Well-Known Member

    Get the Monk better gear? Raiding with quested/kryptic gear is really really "suboptimal" and that is nice talking.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  20. Kalika Well-Known Member

    My issue is not the "difficulty" (we got monk geared and it was easy).

    The problem is that it is a RAID, the action of everyone should matter. Everyone should be focussed.

    As a healer i have abolutelly nothing to do, i cannot prevent a wipe with fast ressurection, or insane heal, or cure or with death prevent ....

    It's just very bad design.

    I'm not a hardcode raider but encounters like "elraine" or the "mixer guy", especially beofre we got geared were
    very entertaining, so different from this "afk till tanks managed to taunt correctly" encounter.