Sentinel's Fate Beta Access Challenge: The Haiku

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Stoneyard Guest

    I wonder what my
    Ulteran Bug Locator
    Would come up with next
  2. ARCHIVED-Synj Guest

    Freeport runs amok
    Save the city or suffer
    The Sentinal's Fate
  3. ARCHIVED-Tubbycat Guest

    To the horizon
    our eyes lift, as the new land
    beckons. Adventures!

    bring it on!
  4. ARCHIVED-hellfire Guest

    From land long past
    Our fate rests with Theer
    Epic tales near
  5. ARCHIVED-alabama Guest

    A Lost Champion
    Weilds Twin Blades of Destiny
    Formed to Destroy Fate
  6. ARCHIVED-Gorpier Guest

    Odus calls to us
    We shall rise to the challenge
    And answer fate's call!
  7. ARCHIVED-Gorpier Guest

    In the dark of night
    Whispered secrets from the past
    "To Odus!" they call.
  8. ARCHIVED-Gorpier Guest

    Ancient secrets shared
    A new glory awaits us
    We forge the future
  9. ARCHIVED-Gorpier Guest

    The spires will shine
    Erudian people know
    The secrets of fate
  10. ARCHIVED-Gorpier Guest

    Ulteran Spires
    being fixed around Norrath
    To show us new worlds
  11. ARCHIVED-Hecula Guest

    The two that were lost
    Shall come together as one
    Norrath's fate awaits
  12. ARCHIVED-Hecula Guest

    A continent lost
    Through ignorance and folly
    Shall be found once more
  13. ARCHIVED-Hecula Guest

    The shores of Odus
    Once more revealed to the light
    What secrets await
  14. ARCHIVED-Zephanor Guest

    The hole, dark and deep,
    Evil strange lurks in shadows.
    Bristlebane is cheered!
  15. ARCHIVED-Zephanor Guest

    Paineel, what a pain!
    Slipping down the slope of death,
    the heart of odus.
  16. ARCHIVED-Zephanor Guest

    A new release, sweet!
    Many new lands to explore.
    Face warmed by the sun.
  17. ARCHIVED-Zephanor Guest

    Kerrans rejoice! Rawr!
    But please do not tear or cry,
    Wet fur means you smell.
  18. ARCHIVED-doomalot Guest

    The basis of a haiku is 3 lines with 5, 7, 5 syllables

    The lost has been found
    Chaos and dissaray reign
    What fate for norrath?
  19. ARCHIVED-digitalbandit Guest

    Erudites unchanged
    All new places to explore
    Sentinal's fate found
  20. ARCHIVED-Rubiade Guest

    Exploring new lands,
    the miracles of Odus.
    Do not hesitate!