Scars of the Awakened is LIVE!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Dexella, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. ZUES Well-Known Member

    I took the day off work just to focus on server firsts (an old tradition of mine). I own a company so days off in the week are at a premium. But I'm an avid gaming nerd and it was (or at least should have been) worth it. I sat at my computer and refreshed the server status page every 60seconds or so, for over an hour, (after the expected 3 hour downtime) in anticipation of some disco. So I got in the game for 15 minutes before the first crash. 5 minutes before the second crash. I was so mad that I got dressed and went to work. Just got home and instead of logging in I am reading these forums. I just want to say to Windstalker and/or SOE management that you guys need to take a serious look at how this played out today; and who is to blame. As a customer, I'm very disappointed that all the time and effort that went into beta posts were completely ignored by SOE staff. Then there's the Crushbone only issues...! Many of the issues I'm reading about right now we're issues reported early on in beta. Why are you guys wasting our time and money? We should all get a free krono on Crushbone (or something demonstrating customer appreciation). And maybe a formal apology is in order to the entire community.
  2. Cisteros Active Member

    Launch days have been like this since EQ1. Anyone who claims to be a longtime player (one who has been around long enough to have old traditions) knows that they don't usually go off clean. Unless this is your first rodeo, you should know better than to take the day off expecting perfection.

    And 2-3 hours, no matter how frustrating isn't worth a month of free game time. Never has been, never will be. Take a deep breath or your favorite opiate and chill.
    Spindle likes this.
  3. Lemont New Member

    All I can say is out off all the mmo games I have played eq2 has by far the least amount of downtime. Even counting crushbone (which I play on) this update went quite quickly if you ask me. My god try n play WOW just on a maintenance day. Or that bs when Pandaria dropped. D3? Lol

    thanks SOE. I for one think you guys do pretty well.
    Spindle likes this.