Sarnak Names

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Jedi_Knight_Jr, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zyphius Guest

    Ekaunek@Lucan DLere wrote:
    How so?
  2. ARCHIVED-Barbai Guest

    It's not a violation since it doesn't involve any real character/peoples name. And come on people relax its just a silly name to remark on how sarnaks look like a cross between a chicken and a lizard.
  3. ARCHIVED-Deadrus Guest

    maybe something like Xen'xio Xi'dok (zen-so zI-doc)
  4. ARCHIVED-Nayukhuut Guest

    [p]Cept you can't use ' in your first name so it would be more like Xenxio Xi`dok.[/p][p] [/p][p]And as for the chicken lizard thing I just like seeing real names. I like living in a fantasy world at times and names like that take away from that but I don't report them unless they're something actually offensive. As much as I dislike them I do realize that I'm not the one playing and enjoying them. [/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-Leatherneck Guest

    Lunani wrote:
    Just out of curiosity, why would you want to do something like that?
  6. ARCHIVED-Gutwrench Guest

    The only names that really annoying me are like "Imadude Smokesomebud".... Come on, be honest, you're a 13 year old little crap bag, not some ghetto gangster.
  7. ARCHIVED-Leatherneck Guest

    Gangsta wannabe's crack me up, in a "look at the sad, sad person" kind of way.
    It's the perfect example of the grass is always greener.
    They emulate a group of people who would give anything not to be in that situation.
  8. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Saerkin wrote:
    With info like this, someone should probably sticky this note, if it hasn't been already.
  9. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Huh? you can use appostrophes in your surname? They didn't allow that in EQlive. I guess they changed that for this game. :p.

    I really didn't know that.
  10. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Heh was a pain for Dark Elves in EQ1 because they couldnt use appostrophes in their names...for RP server atleast :p glad your allowed to on this...
  11. ARCHIVED-VladisSar Guest

    little bit of topic, but i think BEST names in eq were names of Vex Thal mobs =)
    there were 2 bosses whos name was at least 8 words long =)

    I am copyrighting following Sanak name:
    Chech'Pak Trach'Uk =P
  12. ARCHIVED-Nayukhuut Guest

    Actually acording to the Sarnak naming post Srukin put out only the last name should have a `. An example is Vardykil Nibi`sok. That is a female name using the chart that was put out.
  13. ARCHIVED-Nikalaru Guest

    I already have a name placeholder on my server for my sarnak healer. Her full name at the moment is going to be Kimaya Sanjaya, but I may pull a last name from the chart that Srukin supplied earlier.

    I'm beginning to wonder what the Sarnak population is going to be at the launch of RoK. With EoF having so much publicity and hype surrounding it this expansions forum was teaming with Fae enthusiasts. I would love to see a virtual Sarnak army, at least on my server.
  14. ARCHIVED-LaurnaRose Fauldorn Guest

    Have a placeholder for my name already too ... her name will be Vacri Mhal'Fentuk (vah-cree male-fen-took)
  15. ARCHIVED-Belaythien Guest

    Ekaunek@Lucan DLere wrote:
    I'm pretty sure that Imachicken Lizard won't be around for very long. They've changed less ... stupid names.

    If I understand right, they are even listing a few names they nerfed on their support site ;)
  16. ARCHIVED-Magnamundian Guest

    Nayukhuut wrote:
    Agarash @ Antonia Bayle

    (I already have a level 1 human reserving the name)
  17. ARCHIVED-MGoblin256 Guest

    Torzan (would be Tor'zan, but no apostrophes -_- ) Kaz'haak would be mine.
    Already got a placeholder character with the name.
  18. ARCHIVED-Atolmyth Guest

    My Sarnak Inquisitor's name is intended to be Chetyre Sek'Undes; I've been sitting on the name for quite a while for a time when maybe it'll come into some use, looks like it'll see the light of day after all. However, the surname is - as yet - undecided.
  19. ARCHIVED-TaleraRis Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Couldn't do it on your own, but once upon a time GMs would do it. When my boyfriend and I married my wood elf druid to his dark elf mage, there was a GM there that was able to make them Lyinar and Jadeth Ka'Bael.
  20. ARCHIVED-Jedi_Knight_Jr Guest

    do you guys think that sarnaks look like a chicken and lizard's love child?