Sarnak Names

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Jedi_Knight_Jr, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jedi_Knight_Jr Guest

    So With RoK coming out soon.
    Anybody thought of what they are going to name there new Sarnak?
  2. ARCHIVED-Nayukhuut Guest

    I know exactly what I'm going to name my little Sarnak, but I'm of the paranoid delusional sort that doesn't want to say lest someone thinks "wow that's a great name I think I'll use it before she does". My last name will be Nayukhuut'Chet though as it is with all my charactors.
  3. ARCHIVED-Wildmage Guest

    theres going to be probably a couple hundred LordNaaagggaffen and Draaajin 's
  4. ARCHIVED-Nayukhuut Guest

    Unfortunatly you're prolly right. -_-
  5. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-Trepan Guest

    Have you ever read Larry Niven's "Pak Protector" books? Those names seem to indicate the integration of non-vocal sounds into the names (read: Like the sound of a quickly closing beak). For example Pish*pok* where the *pok* sound can be approximated by cupping both hands together and "popping" them in a clap motion.
  7. ARCHIVED-Srukin Guest

    I tossed these into a name generator to come up with a lot of random names for some of my NPCs (or to be used on the fly for NPCs like guards who aren't related to quests at all). Obviously it isn't meant to represent the full spectrum of Sarnak names, merely a set of examples :) First name = Prefix + Gender Suffix Last name = Prefix + ` (not ', I used ` to be consistent with eq1, and cause it looks cool :D hehe) + suffix First name prefixes: "Tal", "Tel", "Til", "Tol", "Tul", "Val", "Vil", "Vol", "Vul", "Thal", "Thel", "Thil", "Thol", "Thul", "Zal", "Zel", "Zil", "Zol", "Zul", "Ral", "Rel", "Ril", "Rol", "Rul", "Traen", "Trun", "Tar", "Ter", "Tir", "Tor", "Tur", "Tyr", "Chal", "Chel", "Chil", "Chol", "Chul", "Char", "Chor", "Claz", "Clez", "Cliz", "Cloz", "Cluz", "Gar", "Ger", "Gir", "Gor", "Gur", "Var", "Ver", "Vir", "Vor", "Vur", "Tlec", "Tan", "Ten", "Tin", "Ton", "Tun", "Garo", "Gero", "Goro", "Guro", "Taro", "Tero", "Tiro", "Toro", "Turo", "Tyro", "Ta", "Te", "Ti", "To", "Tu", "Ty", "Be", "By", "Ba", "War", "Wyr", "Ar", "Aer", "Ara", "Are", "Ari", "Aro", "Aru", "At", "An", "Bre", "Byr", "Chyr", "Chry", "Crae", "Car", "Con", "Dar", "Dyr", "Dvar", "Dvor", "Daar", "Er", "Ere", "Era", "Ere", "Eri", "Ero", "Eru", "Eyr", "Hla", "Hlor" First name suffixes (female): "cha", "che", "chi", "chon", "chun", "zakla", "zekla", "zikla", "zokal", "zukal", "zykla", "lakla", "lekla", "likla", "lokal", "lukal", "lykla", "kanil", "kenil", "kinil", "konli", "kunli", "kaera", "kuri", "kori", "dakil", "dekil", "dikil", "dokli", "dukli", "dykil", "wana", "wen", "win", "won", "wun", "wyn", "ak" First name suffixes (male): "char", "che", "chi", "cho", "chu", "zak", "zek", "zik", "zok", "zuk", "zyk", "lak", "lek", "lik", "lok", "luk", "lyk", "kan", "ken", "kin", "kon", "kun", "kaer", "kur", "kor", "dak", "dek", "dik", "dok", "duk", "dyk", "wan", "wen", "win", "won", "wun", "wyn", "ak" Last name prefixes: "Nibi", "Ska", "Di", "Dih", "Ku", "Mirt", "Zum", "Mak", "Shai", "Zo", "Dry", "Gi", "Al", "Myli", "Hir", "Riz", "Niba", "Sky", "Mok" Last name suffixes: "zi", "tu", "ouz", "lul", "uul", "ha", "din", "lun", "ervs", "dn", "mok", "ele", "tak", "touz", "guur", "ki", "roul", "oul", "lok", "nok", "rok", "sok", "tok", "dok", "zok", "bin", "kin", "lin", "nin", "xin", "zin", "rin", "vin", "ki", "li", "ri", "ti", "vi", "xi"
  8. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Saerkin wrote:
    Ooooooo thank you!

    hmmm last name: Nibi`li
  9. ARCHIVED-Nayukhuut Guest

    Saerkin. That's perfect. Although now I'm even sadder that we can't have first names like Wyr`Zocal as a first name. *sniffles* Stupid lack of symbols.
    Edit: I realize that the first name doesn't specify a ` but I like the break between the two sounds that that reprisents.
  10. ARCHIVED-FireDragon Guest

    Sar'kasm Or maybe Sand'wich hmm.. on an interesing note: looks like they had Ratonga slaves.
  11. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Just remember, players can't use apostrophes in thier names.

    Personaly, Cusashorn is the perfect name for a Sarnak.
  12. ARCHIVED-FireDragon Guest

    aww.. let me have my Sand'wich! ;) hehehe
  13. ARCHIVED-Barbai Guest

    I am going for the silly route myself Imachicken Lizard. or some alteration of the letters to get the same effect.
  14. ARCHIVED-Nayukhuut Guest

    Barbai wrote:
    Gods I hate seeing names like that. But then again is that's what makes you happy go for it....
  15. ARCHIVED-Lunani Guest

    Nayukhuut wrote:
    sounds like me :D first name is secret. my lastname will be dragonfyre or swampfyre
  16. ARCHIVED-DocFlareon Guest

    Nayukhuut wrote:
    I not only hate names like that, I report them to the GMs as the Naming Policy violations they are.
  17. ARCHIVED-Wildmage Guest

    Lunani wrote:
    you better get to 20 by the day after the launch day or both of those and every possible palatable variation will be taken.
  18. ARCHIVED-Anicane Guest

    azzkrak, krakor, dirtydiaper,leeznerd,orkahn,proznak are all worthy sarnak names imo
  19. ARCHIVED-Billfnclark Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    They can't use apostrophes, but they can use the...I don't know what to call it.

    ` <---that thing.

    You can use it in your surname. Unless they changed something of course, as it's been quite some time since I made Del`Forel my surname.
  20. ARCHIVED-MW2K2 Guest

    I think Cusa is talking about first names cuz last names can use the apostrophe or the ` and be accepted. I'm pretty paranoid as well about giving details on my names so I'll just not share it. I will however, because the name I'm using in ANY game has *never* had a surname associated with it, prolly use the Sarnak pre/suffix examples given to give her a last name.