Return of Rodcet Nife and the void invades as part of world event in update 45

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-irish, May 2, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    "Blight" is a word used to describe someone afflicted with a disease in general. It doesn't matter what the disease is. It's still a blight.

    Just for kicks, I decided to head to Gorowyn and see the evil side of the story if I could (which I can't). However, next to the Altar of Bertoxxulous was a Springview healer who said that she remembered my time helping Healer Hanif in the Commonlands so many ages ago. That doesn't put me at ease, very much. :/

    I couldn't help but notice that one of the NPCs has stated that it has been two years since the Gods returned to Norrath.

    OH yeah. I'm kinda disappointed that Rodcet Nife didn't return with this quest. I was hoping they were actually putting him in as a new worshipable diety. Maybe this is only part one, and we'll eventually be able to in a few weeks or something.
  2. ARCHIVED-Grimlux Guest

    I just completed the Evil side and got a book. Was that it?
  3. ARCHIVED-shadowscale Guest

    no. the main quest is from hrath everstill. talk to one of the blighted people that give dialog options, then can get the main quest.
  4. ARCHIVED-Todra_B Guest

    I have not absorbed much of the lore in EQ2 while playing my main but I did like these quests. Healing the sick and injured is what my dwarf Fury is all about.
    It might have been nice to get some faction from these quests but it did give just enough aa xp to ding me. I was kind of disappointed that the Springview healer was only even con and sort of wimpy at that. At lvl 79, even con? As soon as I came up from the SQ bell it attacked me. I took a couple 200 pt hits before I realized this was my target. I thought , you are TOAST! 15 seconds later I was standing over its charred remains.
    If Rodcet Nife does return I'll need to look at changing deities. I have Brell now just for the Forgehammer miracle.
    Well done SOE for this little adventure.
  5. ARCHIVED-Grimlux Guest

    Im a bit disapointed. I went back and finished all the evil side of the quests. The only ongoing storyline is from the book with the priestess and the Prime Healer. Im not saying its not bad at all! I just wish there would have been more to it then just.. Blighting the healthy. o_O
    So far on the evil side during the live events we spread Hate, now Disease. The good has repelled hate and cured disease. You'd have to be blind not to see that Rodcet is gonna be in the next expansion, but does that mean were gonna see the Tribunal as well?
  6. ARCHIVED-shadowscale Guest

    tribunal is already in game
  7. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    shadowscale wrote:
    Indeed. Go speak with his Prophet at the newbie beach in Timorous Deep. Tribunal is Neutral, and from what I hear, isn't half bad for healers.
  8. ARCHIVED-kuraan Guest

    I find it terribly interesting that Dr. Oculus says his serum would have fixed the problem, and we're now using an item called "Pestilent Serum 92C" to cure the blighted citizens. Smells like a dirty double cross to me.
  9. ARCHIVED-Lodrelhai Guest

    kuraan wrote:
    serum - a watery fluid which is given as an injection to fight, or give immunity from, a disease

    Like terms such as pantheon, prime, and blighted, they are descriptive terms with a definition which makes them suitable to the situation, and do not necessarily indicate items that are the same or even related beyond their basic properties.

    However, the fact that the cure the Seeres selected had a name more in-line with game naming conventions (odd-sounding, random apostrophe), while the one given to her by the Prime Healer (which worked) has a more scientifically descriptive name, gives some very indirect evidence that the Prime Healer himself either is of a scientific mindframe or has agents/servants on more scientific worlds.
  10. ARCHIVED-Lodrelhai Guest

    double-post, sorry
  11. ARCHIVED-kuraan Guest

    Lodrelhai wrote:
    I just found the presence of the word interesting. Might not be anything to it, but I'm certainly preparing myself for the possibility of folks turning into Nightbloods and running amok in the streets of Qeynos.

    There have been a lot of echoes of the past popping up lately; it all seems a little too coincidental to be coincidence.
  12. ARCHIVED-Wluil Guest

    Wilin wrote:
    I just ran through all this on the good side. I kind of made a similar connection, but only because (I think it was one of the blighted people) said something along the lines of, "We didn't think it was so serious until their skin started to change". I don't recall the exact wording, but the "skin starting to change" bit sticks out in my mind clearly.
  13. ARCHIVED-aquaviann Guest

    Lodrelhai wrote:
    This may just be wishful thinking on my part, but the name of the Seeress-chosen item, Aab'l Hayat, reminds me of the DoF style of naming things -- specifically, the descriptive language of mob names in Living Tombs/Silent City (who we know have ties to Anashti Sul and the Ewer of Sul'dae).
  14. ARCHIVED-Lodrelhai Guest

    I decided to Google Aab'l Hayat, just to see what we could find. After Google suggested a change (Ab'l Hayat), I got this:

    "It also acquires a specific value as a special drink, comparable to milk; in the mystic Alevi-Bektashi sect of Turkey, the Water of Life (Ab-l Hayat) must be drunk by those who seek knowledge." (Asian Mythologies By Yves Bonnefoy, Wendy Doniger, Gerald Honigsblum, excerpt found here.)

    Sound familiar to anyone?
  15. ARCHIVED-Grimlux Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    That's not what I meant, I used wrong words I think. Wasn't Rodcet, Povar, and E'ci a trio of some sorts? Or should I put my crack pipe down? To the poster above me, Yes... it sounds like the Peacock Series. hehe
  16. ARCHIVED-Saroc_Luclin Guest

    Praetorate@Nektulos wrote:
    No you're thinking of E'ci, Povar and Tarew, the 3 parts of the Triumverate of Water, the Elemental god of Water. (Ice, Vapor and Water respectively).
  17. ARCHIVED-Grimlux Guest

    Saroc_Luclin wrote:
    Thank you, I knew there was something.
  18. ARCHIVED-Valdaglerion Guest

    Wilin wrote:
    Just a side note as I have been searching out the Everling saga for a while and once again the Ewer of SulDae has come into focus ->

    Previously with Nek3 released the Everling Idol changed text when examined leading to the Antiquitor of MajDul. When hailed he emoted about seeking another in MajDul. The SEEKER near the gates of MajDul would emote about the Ewer of SulDae when you had the idol with you.

    A conversation with Vhalen months ago confirmed that the story line had not been completed in-game but more would be coming once the book of sunder could be opened. With Vhalens departing words we were able to open the book of sunder in nektropos castle. I grabbed teh idol and went treking back through MajDul. The 2 previous NPCs now have interactive text when hailed. The Antiquitor tells you to find the SEEKER, you click text that says "I will find the SEEKER in MajDul. When you talk with the SEEKER near the gates of MajDul you click final text that says "I will find the Ewer of SulDae". Again, previously these were only emotes and hints from these NPC's.

    Peacock club seems to have 1 new NPC that I dont remember seeing there before but could not be certain of it. She is near a newly placed small doll on the shelf. A doll of a barb strumming and singing his tunes. The Ghost of Vhalen. She says nothing at this point though.

    A raid on the God King is going to be a PITA on my server as no one raids this any longer and farming the eyes takes forever but.....thoughts???
  19. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Artemiz@The Bazaar wrote:
    If only that were the case. When you present the Idol of Everling to Mor'Tael, he tells you a cryptic message about his involvement with the void, but sadly, I can't remember what he says because it was a one-time only deal.
    Mor'Tael is involved in the Peacock questline for other reasons not related to the Idol. As part of the Peacock line, he tells you to find Seeker Abdeef. Seeker Abdeef is obsessed with finding the Ewer of Sul'Dae, but once you finish the questline and talk to him about what you had to do, he completely understands the situation and is relieved that you had to destroy the ewer. After that, anytime you hail him, he only says "Good to see you again, adventurer. You are always welcome in Maj'Dul."

    As for the Peacock club, The Ghost of Vhalen (human BTW, not Barbarian) only shows up if you have the Idol of Everling in your inventory. I've never seen that Nighbright sister there before, and I don't know what she's involved in, since she doesn't say anything other than for you to go away.
  20. ARCHIVED-goldfeesh641 Guest

    Praetorate@Nektulos wrote:
    You need to put the pipe down, it was Tarew Marr that was with the Triumverate of Water, not Rodcet Nife.