Return of Rodcet Nife and the void invades as part of world event in update 45

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-irish, May 2, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-kuraan Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Some might call a miracle cure-all pretty divine. I know I would, provided it worked.
  2. ARCHIVED-Arkast Guest

    GlitterPaws wrote:
    Servers, clearly. :)
  3. ARCHIVED-Kindayr Guest

    Wasn't the cure they were talking Dr. Effin had cured the itch? hmm?
    Well my friends and people on Test say that characters in NQ and SQ are complaining of itchiness.
    Sorry Cusa :( I think Rememberance: Prime and Dr. Effin and Dr. Occulous is looking to be, in fact, Nife and Bert.
  4. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    I don't know if we will see a repeat or not, of the first prime healer, some of the dialog that the Seer says has me wondering, about Rodcet's supposed desire for all life, I won't say anything else as it is spoiler.
  5. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    Kindayr wrote:
    If you believe the anagram association, then Nife invented a "mirale" cure for all illnesses. But, a strange illness started spreading amongst the people of Prime that slowly changed them into nightbloods(based on the physical description). nife says he has no idea where the illness came from but he will travel as far as he needs to go in order to find a cure. Meanwhile, Bert accuses Nife's "miracle" cure of causing the new illness because it ultimately corrupts the body. Bert mentions that his cure should have been taken instead.
    There's no mention of itchiness in Remembrances: Prime.
  6. ARCHIVED-Wilde_Night Guest

    There is still the conspiracy that maybe the banished Ashanti Sul became the Goddess of the Void and being she was the original Prime Healer, she could be jealous and spreading this uncurable illness that transforms the infected into her minions.
  7. ARCHIVED-kuraan Guest

    Or perhaps the forbidden two from Zebuxoruk's prophecy are in fact Bertoxxulous and Rodcet Nife. A stretch, I know, but given the way the three of them seem so intertwined...
  8. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    I'm seeing another Zeb prophesy that *might* fit based on what I read on the test server surrounding the event.
    "5. In the guise of harmony the mirror is flipped and chaos walks among us."
  9. ARCHIVED-Gukkor2 Guest

    kuraan wrote:
    How is Zebuxoruk intertwined with Rodcet Nife and Bertoxxulous?
  10. ARCHIVED-Coniaric Guest

    Gukkor2 wrote:
    I think he meant Anashti Sul, Rodect Nife, and Bertoxxolous.
  11. ARCHIVED-Gukkor2 Guest

    Coniaric wrote:
    Ah, that makes more sense.
  12. ARCHIVED-Sartredes Guest

    I wonder if the leper colony in the northern Commonlands and the Springview Healers will play any expanded role in the return of Rodcet Nife. The couple of low level quests that happen there involving Springview Healer Hanif seemed to allude to the return of Bertoxxulous but so far that was just left hanging.
  13. ARCHIVED-kuraan Guest

    I can't help but be reminded of an episode of The Simpsons with all this... I keep seeing this scenario playing out like the "Publisher's Clearie-Dealie" scam that Bart, Homer and Grandpa pulled on the people at the Retirement Home.

    Dr. Rodger Effin: Bart!
    Dr. Bartholomew Oculus: Yeah, Rodger?
    Effin: You unleash a disease, I'll pretend to have the cure, and when all these suckers are taking it, Anashti jumps in and wrecks the place! It's perfect!
  14. ARCHIVED-Kindayr Guest

    My apologies, for some reason i read the Panacea Cure as the Cure for the Itch, and that's why i put two and two together. Again, my apologies :)
  15. ARCHIVED-Gukkor2 Guest

    Kindayr wrote:
    Someone did refer to it as a "cure for the itch," but I'm pretty sure they meant it as a figure of speech. In other words, it's such an effective cure, it could even cure the itch.
  16. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    Kindayr wrote:
    The other common thing about a panacea cure is that it's not only a miracle cure for all ailments, but it also prolongs life indefinitely(ie you can die from a wound, but not from illness or age)
    I don't know if that aspect of a panacea cure was intended on Prime or not. But, if it was, then the inhabitants of Prime were all essentially immortals. And if Anagrammed-Nife(tm) created a path to immortality for the inhabitants, then he essentially accomplished what Anashti-Sul failed to do on Norrath. (reference Ewer of Sul'Dae) But then the obelisks arrived and the inhabitants got sick and turned into nightbloods.
    The whole Prime Healer shoots for immortality and creates undeath and is replaced by new Prime Healer who creates immortality seems compelling. And what if Anagrammed-Bert(tm) is actually correct in saying that Anagrammed-Nife's panacea cure caused the corruption?
    Some interesting things buried in there somewhere...
  17. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    BTW, I did the new quest at the Celestial Watch on Test. It seems to almost, but not quite, confirm what alot of us thought about the Temple of Life. Check it out for yourself. :)
  18. ARCHIVED-FreaklyCreak Guest

    Wilin wrote:
    I like that theory about Anagrammed-Bert being correct about the panacea cure causing corruption, even if it's wrong. But also it's kinda hard to imagine that a disease ment to cure everything actually turned them into Nihilistic beings that were super intelligent. I say super intelligent because we have yet to see anyone else traveling to other worlds, though using dimensional portals seem to be nothing to un-common.
  19. ARCHIVED-Yindari Guest

    Frank Harbor made me laugh a little, not sure why it translated it as that. I speak Italian fluently and a Porto Franco is a Free port, ie. no taxes on items traded in the port. I have never herd of a Frank port or harbor used in English though.
  20. ARCHIVED-Gukkor2 Guest

    Wilin wrote:
    What did a lot of us think about the Temple of Life?