Question about a painting

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by mouser, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. mouser Well-Known Member

    I'm going back over some quests I skipped leveling up. Apparently the Ethernauts have something to do with the Obelisk of Lost Souls, Lucan is missing, the New Combine needs me in Cobalt Scar and I see dead people. All very confusing, actually.

    In one of these miserable errand quests around Qeynos I go into a "strange apartment" filled with Bloodsaber chaps. In the back of the apartment there's a painting of a mermaid. I'd love to have that hanging in my art gallery (4 Bayle Court - Redblades, Freeport server if anyone wants to check it out, still a work in progress but getting there).

    Does anyone know the name of the painting and how one might obtain it?
  2. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    If it's been discovered ingame it should be listed on I ran a search of Paintings -> Portraits and it's quite the large page to sift through, but if you can find it there, most paintings show how they're acquired.
  3. Finora Well-Known Member

  4. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

  5. mouser Well-Known Member

  6. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    You could always add it to the list of things to add to the loyalty merchant! Don't give up hope yet. ;)
    Finora likes this.
  7. Finora Well-Known Member

    Or maybe it will return, some of the scenarios did.
  8. Aivet Well-Known Member

    A few months back I got Painting: Arabesque from opening a LoN pack as part of the Loremaster thing. I couldn't say for certain without knowing if it's in the loremaster loot table, but it might still be available as a rare bonus. However, as the chance of getting a Loremaster bonus seems to be very small*, and you don't get to choose what bonus card you get, it's extremely unlikely you'll find one.

    As Avahlynn said, add it to the list of loyalty merchant items. Maybe if there's enough interest in old LoN scenario rewards, they'll add in a LoN Loyalty Program :D

    * For reference, it's the only Loremaster bonus card I've received, and I've opened over 150 packs.
    Avahlynn likes this.
  9. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Oh I love that painting! I hope I get it one day too. :) congrats on your beautiful new painting!
  10. Katz Well-Known Member

    I've wanted that playing for a long time also.
  11. Lucus Well-Known Member

    They re-ran the mind meld and Erollisi Day scenarios in LON sometime this year that's how i got mine. You gotta keep an eye on LON sometimes they add the old ones as monthly scenarios.
    Avahlynn likes this.
  12. mouser Well-Known Member

    I suppose this means I'll have to get around to learning to play the game.

    At least I've got cards from hundreds of booster packs I've opened over the years...
  13. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    You and me both. I cannot figure out that game. At all. I had to watch a youtube how to just to figure out how to claim packs, pick their pack type, open them, and get the loot (if any). I have the worst luck I think with LoN, in over a year, it's been 4 paintings and a bow. And one of the paintings is a rat eating what looks like someone's brain. :eek:
  14. mouser Well-Known Member

    I tried learning the SWG version of it with no luck, and they came out with some good rewards every now and then for going through the scenario stuff. I remember being sad when I couldn't get the larger backpack one time.

    I guess I do alright with the loot. I've gotten a few paintings (one twice :( ), two bows now - one looks great on my channeler (she only in her teens but she's got a good look going with the pale blue 'outfit of temptation', the blue sparkly bow, and an opalescent prowler to ride - lucky draw last day of goblin games). a set of shurikens, and some house items and pets (including a rat). But that's going all the way back to when they first started giving away packs. I know I opened many, many packs trying for that mug that bound to a pub to no avail.

    Edit: I checked out the EQ2 Furniture page - I've got more of them than I thought I would. If you've got a toon on Freeport, check out what I did with the bar in the Uncanny Estates (redblades, qeynos portal). Took a long time to get them placed just right, but I like the way they turned out. Someday I'll figure out how to take and post screenshots...
  15. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    After 3 years of trying I finally got the deed for a Gorowyn Prestige house a couple of months ago /dance
    Ahupu, Naudi and Avahlynn like this.
  16. Katz Well-Known Member

    I tried to play it just to get that loot you get from actually playing it. I had...difficulty. As in I couldn't even finish the first little tutorial thing. :(
  17. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    You don't have to actually play the silly game to open the loot packs, you know.

    Edit: Yeah there are apparently bonus things from actually playing, but anyone with an all access membership can log on once per month and get 5 packs for free, and do nothing other than open them.
  18. Lucus Well-Known Member

    It's hard starting out but once you get cards and learn you can make a decent deck and knock out scenarios to get other cards that will help.

    I have a generic archeologist questing deck focused on pulling cards from discard pile, boosting quest card numbers, cheap quest card power cost(4x forge ahead) a bunch of wayfarer's pastry/bread cards (healing), some defence boosting items(dragon tooth choker, scaled leather tunic)

    I don't have many unit cards in my deck so the endline scenarios for the nicer loot card can be a PITA.

    my favorite cards though are tablets and talons and taste of past glory making enemy units go boom for completing quests with a low unit count deck is amusing.

    sometimes you may have to tweak a deck to beat a scenario (i.e take out cards that aren't helpful for the fight)
  19. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Are you saying you have to fail the game long enough to get the decks to win the game?
  20. Lucus Well-Known Member

    You have to buildup your cards from the monthly packs, run the tutorial and you'll work out a good setup if you work on it.