PVP Writs = Joke

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Poison-X, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Quinath Guest

    Where are the writ givers? I will be happy provide eager-to-fight exiles later this evening.
  2. ARCHIVED-DarthofAgony Guest

    I have to whole heartedly agree with the general consensus here. I wasn't really in love with the idea of a writ system, but I was accepting if it enhanced the overall PvP experience. However...in my opinion, introducing class specific targets as well as exile targets would severely defeat that purpose. I foresee this change making PvP far less enjoyable and token consumption far too difficult. Obviously Sony is trying to render people pacified in hopes to ensure them playing the game, but the amount of time and effort it would take to achieve this will only force them to become disinterested and ultimately leave for something less absurd.
  3. ARCHIVED-Dimglow Guest

    I'm usually very pro-dev because I respect a lot of the mechanical depth of EQ2.

    This, however, is a complete failure.

    Drop the exiled player requirement and the two required classes.

    My Qeynosian berserker on Venekor will love it when he's tasked to kill two exile players, a templar (have to find an exiled one) and a mystic (again exile.)

    I still don't understand how the very FIRST system they came up with (faction) was the best, but was abandoned for today's idiocy.

    Just have PVP faction consumed like god faction and presto, laudable system.
  4. ARCHIVED-Roald Guest

    Horknut@Nagafen wrote:
    lol, Sony are dumb
  5. ARCHIVED-dellaripa Guest

    I play one of the lowish played classes (mystic). Does this mean I'm going to have raids of gank squads salivating at me?

  6. ARCHIVED-Armmiller Guest

    Peldaar@Venekor wrote:
    It really is a big screw u to vox. Also it makes solo pvp simply non-viable. In this game there are always classes that are going to be difficult/impossible for other classes. If your unfortunate enough to draw one of them, what are you suppose to do? I guess delete the quest and try again, but that is just such a gimpped way of playing. Also writs already sux because they make you run back and forth to renew the quests. Now they are bringing the same annoying system to pvp. I really hoped the writs would act to improve pvp, unfortunately it appears that little thought was given to making them interesting/work.
  7. ARCHIVED-Armmiller Guest

    crossfader wrote:
    uh? no. In case you didnt notice, SOE has driven everybody to t8 pvp. By t8 faction and status are hardly significant factors.
  8. ARCHIVED-jaff247 Guest

    Milambers@Nagafen wrote:

    This has been implemented so terribly. What they needed to have done was create a system where one guy in EFP and QH sat infront of a big marker board, every day he would rotate what paid a bonus, wardens, exiles, whatever... You would accumulate a running tally of kills you could go to him and 'cash out' , and for example if you had killed 25 more swashbucklers than any other class you could wait till they are class of the day to earn something like a 1.25 bonus over whatever the normal rate of pay is. But you dont have to go to him to get a little quest which you a/ cant recycle while youre out pvping and b/ have little hope of completing because the requirements just dont make sense from a ' why people play on a pvp server ' standpoint. Goodluck Qeynos who need to kill a necromancer, goodluck anyone who needs to kill a guardian. And no that doesnt make the quests 'challenging' , it makes them stupid.. " Everquest 2 is a game that appeals the casual player who can log on and achieve something for their character in 1 hour " was your mantra right? Yeah like sit with a ' Kill a Conjurer ' update empty in the corner of their screen for days, not able to earn any tokens in the meantime...

    did you guys confer with ANYONE who actually plays on these servers?
  9. ARCHIVED-Bayler_xev Guest

    1. Can you delete a writ and get a new one right away, if you don't like the classes needed?
    2. Can you have more than one writ at a time? (The patch notes said there are writ-givers "spread throughout the world"?)
    3. Can you share writs with groupmates?
    Depending on the answers to these questions, things might not be so bad. If each kill is dinging you on 3-4 writs, that could add up pretty quickly. The system would favor group pvp over solo, so maybe some of the less-played classes would come out of the woodwork, as part of a group.
  10. ARCHIVED-DarthofAgony Guest

    dellaripa wrote:
    yes, good luck.
  11. ARCHIVED-Poison-X Guest

    Akilie@Venekor wrote:
    1. yes
    2. only found 2 writ givers .. gave the same writ had the same npc name ala copy n paste like the q writ
    3. only if they never completed a writ before it works just like any other repeatable quest.
  12. ARCHIVED-toenukles Guest

    Worst change to eq2 in history.

    One writ could take a whole day depending on which classes are out and about, and the fact that Venekor has ONE exiled guild... and all that for a nice amount of tokens? o wait, no FIVE tokens? That's a ******* joke.

    Then to add injury to insult, lets make the awesome new pvp armor cost 400+ tokens which no one will ever be able to obtain now due to crappy writ system.

    Going to lose a lot of people with this update, especially Vene/Vox people. But.. maybe that was the goal, consolidate PvP servers to one?
  13. ARCHIVED-DarthofAgony Guest

    Taear@Venekor wrote:
    I agree, it does not make much sense. It almost seems as if they are trying to sway PvP from happening.
  14. ARCHIVED-Geoff77 Guest

    these writs sound awesome, should increase pvp alot. Of course, for those people that evac at the first sign of combat, and think of their titles first, then i can understand why you'd be upset.
  15. ARCHIVED-DarthofAgony Guest

    Nail@Venekor wrote:
    "Worst change to eq2 in history."
    Spot on Nail.
  16. ARCHIVED-Chaly Guest

    My sympathies to all the Enchanter & Mystic types (and their evil twins). Everybody will have to do 80 writs per piece, and good luck finding an exile that doesn't have a raid waiting in the wings, which is going to make it ... interesting. But the less viable (read as "most likely to get steamrolled and are seldom played") classes are now going to be hunted down like they're the last of their kind, making them even more unplayable. I'm rarely openly negative towards implemented changes in the system, but wow, if this really is the way it's being implemented, we'd better hope for a quick-fix to it in a freaking hurry.
  17. ARCHIVED-MuliganVanJurai Guest

    I think this is evidence how out of touch they are with the PvP servers. This may get PvP pumping for a couple of days but I can foresee a lot of frustration.
    Such a good idea in theory but, terrible execution. As someone said, some writs could take days and I would dare say most people may not see the worth in respect to the work and frustration.
    This is a PvE game and that is all the wish to maintain. They threw us a bone with PvP and stumbled onto a great thing. Unfortunately when you stumble onto great things you eventually start walking again. It's hard to repeat great accidents.
  18. ARCHIVED-Nimbrithil Guest

    Taear@Venekor wrote:
    This is a far more realistic concern than those others I have seen posted here.

    Question to SOE, You want to discourage exiles, make it impossible to sell and such dfor them, then make them mandatory for a writ? Are you ignorant or just uncaring?
    With this said, a group of my guildies completed thier first PVP writ about 1.5 hours after the servers came back up.
  19. ARCHIVED-Csky Guest

    But.. maybe that was the goal, consolidate PvP servers to one?

    ummm no..venekor and the other servers dont belong together they are a different ruleset and the PVP actually has a purpose on venekor
    leave venekor out of it, its light load but functioning well
  20. ARCHIVED-MalkorGodchyld Guest

    LOL...im just amazed at how clueless these guys are. Are they serious? Do we play the same game!? Next time and EVERY TIME in the future, there should be testing & most importantly INPUT from the goddamn player base! GG ppl how can you totally screw somethin like this up...most ppl i play with could implement a much better system. Why?? cuz they understand the game they play. So are we to believe that the ppl who design this **** lack THAT much understanding? Its either that or somebody just doesnt give a rats ***. Grats!
    Marius ~