Public Perception of Templars

Discussion in 'Templar' started by ARCHIVED-Merrilee, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-RipFlex Guest

    As far as I know after Combat Update, just about every RAID leader and group leader knows squat about the Templar changes.
    FACT - Templars Buffs/Most Heals/Debuffs are SINGLE TARGET SPECIFIC. Which means We are suppose to be in the MAIN TANK'S group or at least the Main Assist's group; and Debuffs are on a SINGLE ENEMY - the one everyone should be assisting the TANK on. Our Proc Heals and Debuffs effects works best in this way.
    Yet I get placed in an ALL caster group in RAIDS = I'm USELESS, all I have a 1 Group reactive heal and very few buffs/debuffs work out side my group and will not proc on the casters. All I can do is spot heal and Group spam heal = OOP because this is suppose to be the Druids job.
    I'm DEPENDANT on a Melee Target in our group that hits back and gets hit for all my Spells to work as INTENDED.
    Otherwise I am just throwing up a reactive target heal and twiddle thumbs.
    By an new description I have heard, Templars are Proc Healers.
    Please ask your Templars in your Guild, you'll find I'm right.

    Message Edited by RipFlex on 12-01-2005 09:18 PM
    Message Edited by RipFlex on 12-01-2005 09:20 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-Timaarit Guest

    Wrong, you do point them, but you also stick to them in the following posts. In the next phase you make strawmen out of them by exaggerating them.

    As for calling others liars or stupid. Well not with those words.
  3. ARCHIVED-Sinnester Guest

    My apologies to the Templar community. I should not give up!

    After repeatedly posting regarding Templar issues, I came to the conclusion that the posts were just our rants to each other and that developers rarely read the posts since they have already picked out individuals they interface with on a regular basis. Yes, some individuals have a direct communication line to the developers and other staff within SoE. Unfortunately, some of these individuals are not the best choices in their class communities for SoE to listen too.
    Of course, it would be better that SoE did not have certain individuals that represented each class and took the time to read each individual post to incorporate into their updates. However, we all know that is a impossibility due to the massive number of posts on this forum.
    What would make an individual a well-rounded representative for the Templar community? First of all, I truly believe the person would have to be level 60. They would have to have experience in solo, group, and end game raiding and it wouldn’t hurt to have a person who was experienced in questing. A person that is familiar with all Templar spells, familiar with fighting techniques, etc. Each of those areas are distinctively different in play style. Most templars have the solo and group experience but some that post on this forum are lacking in end game raiding. My definition of end game raiding is being a lvl 60 templar and fighting lvl 63+^^^ Tier 6 raid encounters. Until you have participated in these raids, you will have no idea what the needs are in that area.
    Now, who has the developers’ ears regarding Templars? Most of us can bug/feedback all day long but those developers will look for certain names when they read them. Unfortunately, a individual that has the ear and eyes of a few developers is lacking in all needed areas to cast a voice for all templars. Around a month and a half ago, I distinctly remembering having to repeatedly inform this person that Templars no longer had three direct heals. This is not the only issue this person has been misinformed about.
    Message Edited by Raijinn Thunderguard on 12-02-2005 02:11 PM
  4. ARCHIVED-Nari Guest

    If we did have a representative, I would like someone who has a stable of templars (or at least someone who mentors a lot.) I know it sounds silly, but the game is a little different at each tier. The march to 60 is just as important as sitting at the top.
  5. ARCHIVED-bigmak2010 Guest

    Agreed wholeheartedly. lol

    What I haven't figured out is if it's a Sony directive to try and squelch any dissent or if it's just a personality issue.

    All the references to communications with Sony are extremely disconcerting since there's so much common sense lack of balance in all areas -except for- basic healing. And even basic healing is out of balance at 58+.

    I fail to see how anyone who loves the Templar class could advocate Templar's being gimped and do so under the banner of wanting Templar's to stay in their traditional role of "only a healer" -- that being my opinion of course since that person is so vehement about Templar's only healing. Makes no sense at all when healing is supposedly equal.

    How could a Templar have privvy to design discussions about all classes being equal in their primary role without inquiring what would happen to the role of a dedicated class?

    Message Edited by Raijinn Thunderguard on 12-05-2005 11:39 AM
  6. ARCHIVED-KingOfF00LS Guest

    Manitos, is there a reason you feel the uncontrollable urge to troll in nearly every sentence in every post you make? Seriously, even Kendricke makes a coherent point every once in awhile. If all you're going to do is throw mud (unintelligible mud at that) then save us the time and don't post. Please.

    If you have a coherent thought to post then by all means do it, but we'll all be much better off if you keep the trolling and the threats to yourself.
  7. ARCHIVED-Grimhammer Guest

    Templar is no longer a class my guild is recruiting, and it's not because we have too many.

    The perception is that the Templar class is now one dimensional - a one-trick pony - and the other healing classes offer a better variety of skills.

    I'm just lucky, I guess, that my guild is not booting Templars.
  8. ARCHIVED-OlaeviaTraisharan Guest

    Guess they don't raid much eh? Good luck watching the druidic healers attempt to keep up with damage and actually have power left over at the end of the fight :p
  9. ARCHIVED-kenjiso Guest is only happen like 1% of all level, and only happened on high end. i am also a raider, but if u only care about raid balance... sad for u
    even in raid, our Group Heal ability is way weaker than a few class, such as Fury, Warden and Mystic, they have extra way to heal the group.
    placing a Templar in DPS group is a waste of slot, placing a fury and warden will have better effects cos of better offensive buffs. for more dps and same direct heal power.
    defensive buffs only need on MT or maybe MA. for the other 22 players in a raid, u are less-useful on buffs.
    1 templar and inquisitor is enough for a raid, but not fury / warden. more direct heal power always good, thats why Fury also uber in raid.
  10. ARCHIVED-Unmasked Guest

    I don't know what kind of raids you do, but the main job of a healer in a raid is keeping the MT alive. Group reactives can do that but group HoTs cannot.

    And not sure why you think only 1 temp and 1 inquis is enough. As I've said before, added clerics can keep reactives up after another cleric's burn out. This is an advantage druids don't share.
    Message Edited by Unmasked on 12-02-2005 07:52 PM
  11. ARCHIVED-kenjiso Guest

    the more group reactive priest u place in Main Group, the lesser defensive buff can place with MT.
    more than 3 Cleric in a raid...wasted, every 8 sec can cover 5 hits with reactive, with 2 Clerics, 4 sec. most single target raid dont require that. if u got the boss slowed, str debuffed, melee skill debuffed, the hit rate from boss will drop good, and the needs of reactive will drop, aka the use of regen will be boosted.
    Group Reactive only required on Main Group, Group Regen is required on all 3 Group for AoE healing.
    avoiding AoE is big dps drop in raid. lets say 30 sec per AoE, running in out for 5 sec. dmg lost per sec = 300 per person, 10 melee dps = 3000 per sec, losing 30000 dmg per min is a huge dmg drop. placing a druid each grp to cast Group Regen will help 30000 dmg per min. this is what Group Reactive cant do, but Group Regen pwn all.
    the freaking warden tree is raid wide or group wide? )
  12. ARCHIVED-Bad_Mojo Guest

    Fury here, hope nobody minds if I chime in...
    Message Edited by Bad_Mojo on 12-03-2005 07:38 AM
  13. ARCHIVED-Formangenavn Guest

    Just got healing tree, but pretty sure it is grp only. Range is supposed to be 20 meters, but is only 10 meters. Funny thing about this spell is that it can be usefull for healing the entire grp vs aoe, but even the smallest amount of damage will kill it. Can you imagine? A spell that can be killed by the very thing its supposed to counter? I am guessing the devs are laughing about this one.
  14. ARCHIVED-Anduri Guest

  15. ARCHIVED-Alephin Guest

    This statement is a bit too hyperbolic for my taste. While pacify is not nearly as effective as a true mez (mainly because its recast time is so much longer than its duration), it is good for reducing incoming damage for a significant time, if you communicate well while using the spell and the group is good at staying on the MA. Also, pacified mobs show no attacking animations. Not as glamorous or noticeable as particle effects, and definitely in need of improvement, but it is better than nothing. I have used this spell effectively many times in many situations. . . especially in small groups when things aren't quite as confusing.
    But yeah, if you use the spell in stealth without explaining what you are doing, or if your group is lousy, pacify doesn't last long. I doubt that particle effects would help much in this case anyway.
    Is pacify worth 100 dps? Not a chance. But one thing is sure--if you never use the spell because you think it is useless, it will be useless.
  16. ARCHIVED-Anduri Guest

    Alephin, you raise a good point. As the recst time is so poor, why cant it act like a proper mezz - it would hardly be game breaking.

    As for your comments about it needing a good group, I would say it needed a well drilled group of close friends on Teamspeak. Most mobs are called the same or similar things in an encounter. If you call out that you have mezzed Spider1 when you are fighting three of them, everyone in the group looks round to see which one you are on about. Unfortunately, all of them are still running around apparently fine.

    Statements like "Mezzing Spider1, the one on the left at the back of the group by the MT" are usually beyond the scope of most macros. And Im a fair typist but not that quick.
  17. ARCHIVED-Bad_Mojo Guest

  18. ARCHIVED-Alephin Guest

    Teamspeak isn't necessary, as long as your partners know that you will be routinely using it on adds. I've had good success using it in duos and trios when you are fighting difficult single targets. If something adds, everyone knows you will be pacifying it, so the tank just stays on the main target. If casters are switching off the main target, I would encourage them not to unless they have a very good reason. Aside from AOEs, you generally want to kill one at a time anyway. It is more efficient for healing. Pacify seems to work best for me if your tank doesn't need to damage the mob to keep aggro. I've also used it to save casters--it holds the damage down until the guardian can get rescue off.

    I agree, though, that it wouldn't be that big of a deal to make it a true mez and just keep the recast time and duration the way they are. I just hope you haven't given up on the spell, because it has made a big difference with me in winning difficult fights, even without teamspeak.

  19. ARCHIVED-Wildill Guest

  20. ARCHIVED-thomasza Guest

    So you're now actually where you want to be ? Spokesman of all templars, private time with developers even if the questions arent wonder this class is in such a bad shape...SoE only listens to a small private group with one man leading.....