Pristine bonus changes coming

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Domino, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-KerowynnKaotic Guest

    Vitality isn't affected by Quests but Quests aren't affected by Vitality, either. So, you'll use up less Vitality but you won't be getting as much use out of it as before, anyway. So, the point is rather moot. You'll only get as much as you would have if you had only made the item to 3rd rank.
    You guys do realize it's not just your First Pristine Bonus that's been removed? It's the fact that every single time you took your item to Pristine (true for the most part everything needs to be "pristine" what with previous changes in crafting) but every single time you crafted even after your 1st run through it, you were always getting a Pristine Bonus. It's a hold over from the original system. When you could make different types of items based on their ranking.
    Maybe 'cause she's changed the wording but in Beta she made it pretty clear that Both types of Pristine Bonus are being removed. I don't know, there's always hope that she changed that at least but in Beta she did say that BOTH Pristine Bonus and First Time Pristine Bonus were going away.
    It's not the end of Crafting by any means it's just that, even though I have enjoyed every single one of Domino's quests and am still overall very happy to have her as our Crafting Dev, I have to wonder why I am paying @ $30 a month for 2 accounts to play in a MMO to follow along a solo game path that could be called EverQuestingCrafter or maybe it should be called simply "QuestCraft". Maybe that could be SOE's next big MMO title.
    Not to mention any Crafter who's already 90 will be blowing their potential Quest Exp by doing any of the Quests till T10 comes along. So we go to 'hording pristine bonuses' to 'hording quests' .. not really a good change in my opinion.
  2. ARCHIVED-Liandra Guest

    Kaisha@Permafrost wrote:
    I dont know Kaisha.
    I copied over a lvl 53 Armorer from live to beta. I did the exact same Lvl 50 writ for the exact same items on both servers. On both servers i get the exact same amout of xp for each of the 6 items. The only diference came when i handed in the writ. On Live i got 5.6% xp and on beta i got 22.4%xp
  3. ARCHIVED-Bekkr Guest

    Kaisha@Permafrost wrote:
    This is news to me. Never heard of it, never heard anyone mention anything like it, and it doesn't match with my experience tradeskilling over several years. Either way, Liandra's example strongly suggests that it's a non-issue.
    Also, if you can't finish rush orders until around level 40, I dare say you're doing something wrong. I don't think I've ever failed a RO for any reason other than not paying attention, at any level. They're really not that hard, and I think any argument based on failing to finish them is inherently flawed.
    Just my 2c.
  4. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Kaisha@Permafrost wrote:
    Adventurers at least have AA to get when they're max level. Crafters.... well.. do the crafting quests give AA?
  5. ARCHIVED-Therendil Guest

    Maroger wrote:
    Horse hockey. Rush orders are too tough at 20, but get manageable by about level 24-26 if you know what you're doing.
    -= Therendil =-
  6. ARCHIVED-Seiffil Guest

    Rijacki wrote:
    Yea they do give AA except well, if you only craft and don't really do any adventuring, there's maybe 10 total AA's worth spending towards crafting. Swift creation and I guess bountiful harvest if you do your own harvesting.
  7. ARCHIVED-Nuhus Guest

    Deson wrote:
    Indeed. Finally.
  8. ARCHIVED-Te'ana Guest

    Therendil wrote:
    To quote you, "horse hockey." I recently leveled up a crafter and it really is too difficult to do rush orders before about level 40 to 50, depending on your tradeskill. The non-timed writs just don't pay enough to be worth the effort.
  9. ARCHIVED-Bekkr Guest

    Lateana@The Bazaar wrote:
    The way I read it, one of the main points of the change is that they will be. Rush orders obviously more so.
  10. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    Therendil wrote:
    Funny, within the last year I leveled a jeweler from 20-80 on just rush orders. I started at 20. I didn't fail any rush orders at 20. I did finish most of them with less than 30 seconds remaining until I got to 30 but it only got easier as I leveled.
    Why would a jeweler do only rush orders you might ask? To get Halas crafting faction of course. I still haven't hit max faction yet.
  11. ARCHIVED-XanElNife Guest

    I'm okay with these changes. I have a 90 sage and woodworker, and have been struggling with my weaponsmith because there's so few recipes to get first pristine bonus from. Now that the bonus is moved to writs and quests, I'm really looking forward to working on my other crafting classes. Thank you Domino.
  12. ARCHIVED-mjlinton2 Guest

    Nuhus wrote:
    they nerfed sages when they put in the research assistant
  13. ARCHIVED-Liandra Guest

    Maroger wrote:
    I disagree. I have a Carpenter and an Armorer that (other than the 4-5 new recipes each lvl) have been lvling almost exclusivly on rush orders. I dont think i have ever failed to complete one.
  14. ARCHIVED-Wildphyre Guest

    i don't think you can do writs until level 20....

    it'd be nice to keep the "pristine" xp, sound, message for all recipes where the receipe level is less than 20...

    pretty much all crafters have the same number of recipes in the game up to level 20.... it'd be nice to keep this long standing fun/nostalgic feature in the game for the more trivial recipes?
  15. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    Nuhus wrote:
    And worth logging in to say Hello! I hope you're well.
  16. ARCHIVED-Lortet Guest

    Does the experience bonus for maxed level crafters add to or multiply the pristine bonus? If it is a product, then that would mean an increased effect for those with lvl 90 crafters - if it just a factor of the base xp then this doesn't really factor in.
    and 2 - I personally haven't ever had problems completing speed writs from lvl 20 - takes a fairly major problem like falling asleep at the keyboard to miss one. Yes it is easier later on - finishing with 3 - 4 minutes left, but still doable at lvl 20.
  17. ARCHIVED-Atmu Guest

    Tock@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    The problem is that if you hate doing writs, which I do, it takes away from me a way to level my crafter. An exp ding here and there kept me wanting to do crafting but doing the same thing over and over again does not, without any seeable result. I don't enjoy crafting doing a thing I cannot see or sell or put in my house. It is that simple. It is like hovering and cleaning your house without cleaning it but getting a message that you got better at cleaning...
  18. ARCHIVED-Seiffil Guest

    Bleuty@Everfrost wrote:
    Not really. Most people will still seek out a sage for experts rather then waste the time researching expert and then master. Those that will research the expert and then the master, wouldn't have bought the expert from you anyways.
    Now at lower levels sure there will be even less interest in purchasing experts there, but vast majority of the people I've made spell upgrades for are in 70-90 spell range where the research time has jumped up significantly, (70-80 are usually spells that haven't upgraded in the final tier or two.
  19. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    Rijacki wrote:
    yes they do which is how I was able to max AAs on my main adventurer who is also a woodworker doing the daily tradeskill in SF and stonebrutn highlands
  20. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    Wildphyre wrote:
    you dont need to do writs the quest will get you to 20 quick enough. just start the gathering obsession while doing it.