Positive Rangers Only

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-bosmer24, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-LoreSpade Guest

    Hey who said it would be easy?
  2. ARCHIVED-Ijiamee Guest

    I want to be level 35 again :smileysad:
  3. ARCHIVED-Plexar_Varius Guest

    Well playing a scout class, I did really well level 1-10, 11-14 was pretty easy, but then it started getting harder as Predator power just isn't there. When I hit 20, I had saved up enough money to buy completely new armor, weapons, and a bow from the broker / fence. I found myself able to SOLO white con and even some yellow con normal encounter mobs. I will admit I started this game late (about 3 weeks ago) but I am level 24 now and that is with spending a long time doing the betrayal quest and not really playing at first, because I wanted to see if ranger was the class for me.
    At this point in the game yes it is. I mean we aren't super special so everyone wants us in a group or on raids, but who wants to be joe every guy anyway?
    I am one sexy dark elf bow toting animal loving guy... It can't get much better than that.
  4. ARCHIVED-Tsoth Guest

    I have played all classes in this game and let me tell you, this is the only one where I can line up 12+ specials up front, and pretty much outdamage ANYTHING (even a Warlock) in the first minute.

    Gotta love that :)

    Of course you have a problem on longer fights :(
  5. ARCHIVED-coochic Guest

    I still love my Ranger, Man, we do have some nice heavy damage, be it only for a short while. We sure make the life line go down in the front like a mad man.
    BTW, I'd just like to know from a level 25 ranger, what's the best weapons for agi mods at lvl 25? Thanks.