Please stop researchers from stealing research time when recipe is done

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Brigh, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Mermut Guest

    I've got 12 of the basic researchers in the same basement of a qeynos 7 room house (mixture of races) and all of them always show the bar for their 'master' on mouse over. My husband has similar in the freeport mage tower prestige house and some of the progress bars on his apprentices don't show all the time.
    I've got my heroic and raid apprentices in a different house from my regular ones, he's got his in the same house. I wonder if there is some interaction in having two (or more) apprentices belonging to the same toon in the same house?
  2. ARCHIVED-Cloudrat Guest

    Cyliena wrote:
    So nice for you that you are so young and sharp and don't make the same mistake twice on something that could be more user friendly .
    I make that mistake a lot ( and the reason doesn't matter) There are so many imho useless messages and warnings and ways to prevent errors in the game there is no reason this couldn't be fixed as well. If you complete a recipe when you turn in a quest or help, you get a message like the one from the researcher that tells you when a spell has completed in your knowledge book. Why don't we get this same one when we log in from our crafting research?
  3. ARCHIVED-Freejazzlive Guest

    Enrico@Permafrost wrote:
    One of my guildies told me the difference, but I already knew it from reading these forums, so I had no trouble with that.
    I do agree with Atan, that it would be nice to target or mouse-over your researchers to see their progress.
  4. ARCHIVED-Afista Guest

    The Coldain apprentice does not have a progress bar above it's head until you target it and select the option to show status of research.
    Yes, it's easy enough to check first. But, in the early AM before I'm coherent I can't tell you how many times I've clicked to train on completed recipes. If nothing else, for the sake of consistency, the bar should at least show above the heads on these apprentices too. But, I'd much rather just having the option greyed out as suggested above.
  5. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Ah, I see the issue people are having. I shoved my Skyshrine researchers in a different house since I can't do anything other than pick up research every 18.5 days anyways. Haven't had the progress bar issue since.
  6. ARCHIVED-MrWolfie Guest

    The progress bar SHOULD be visible when you target the NPC. It is not always (especially if you have the other researchers in the same house).
    However, you should always be able to train your researcher irrespective of whether they have a recipe running or complete because training them is tied to achievements and there may be times when you are not actively researching anything (like having completed them all, or completed all the ones your level allows). Just because some people make the mistake of not checking (and I have before now, but I don't think it's that big a deal) doesn't mean the ability should be removed for everyone.
  7. ARCHIVED-SlashnGut Guest

    Aemm@Splitpaw wrote:
    Exactly. It's the I want it easy mentality instead of oops I made a mistake because I can't take the time to check before clicking.
  8. ARCHIVED-Deveryn Guest

    We have a housing limit of 20. There's no reason for anyone to not have their Skyshrine TAs separate to avoid this problem. Yes, it means a little extra travel time, but that's only once every 19 days and only 4 or 5 trips, if you stick to what your class normally makes.
  9. ARCHIVED-Zivgar Guest

    Hakdagutz@Butcherblock wrote:
    Sorry Hak that just doesn't make sense. If anything can be made better than it should be made better. If people had your mentality then we would still be using candles and walking from place to place.
    This is a simple fix to make the game better. First when a recipe completes just have it pop up like a spell/CA when it completes. The recipe does it allready when it completes and you are logged in the game. Why not just pop up when you first log in.
    2nd idea what many people have stated allready is to have the bar show when you simply target the apprentice. You can easily see that the recipe is complete then you dow hat you need to do.
    SoE could do one or both ideas. Easy enough.
  10. ARCHIVED-Karimonster Guest

    Deveryn@Crushbone wrote:
    Um. No thanks.
    Zoning x 12 crafters = ridiculous when I can do one stop hailing for 3 researchers in one place.
  11. ARCHIVED-Deveryn Guest

    Zivgar wrote:
    There's no such thing as a simple fix in an MMO.
  12. ARCHIVED-Skexiss Guest

    Caela wrote:
    You are correct. Only the normal researchers can have their time reduced.
    I've stuck all of my raid/heroic droag researchers in a Felwithe house, accessable by all of my characters. It's the only house I own that was large enough.
  13. ARCHIVED-Brigh Guest

    I have clicked the wrong response before so it has nothing to do with "just hover your mouse", or "check carefully the status bar", etc.
    Why is the response even there when the action is complete? No other NPC in the game will respond in a quest when an action is completed with the same text needed to respond for an action that needs to be completed.
  14. ARCHIVED-Prrasha Guest

    Because you don't even HAVE to research things to use those options, and they have rewards other than reduced research time.
    Once your recipes are all researched, you can still do the craft-one-item for the quest rewards, and the "here, let me show you" response to advance the "researching coach (roman numeral here)" achievements.