Please lets Revamp Qeynos and Freeport!

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Zabjade, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Look: It is no longer just post shattering could both cities go through urban renewal, glass should be availble now to patch windows and new doors instead of patched-hole doors? The Overlord could trear out the dead trees and grass and replace them with new shrubbery and (many with toxic double uses) and carnivourous plants.

    Personalities: Lets update the dialogue please :) after all Felwith is found and lets send the pompous High elf Rep there if he hates Qeynos so much, Give Nathan, Orpheus and Molly JOBS like Royal Paiges (and child/teen age bodies and not the Mara versions eaither) !
    Ditch the posers in freeport who go around saying that today is a good day for evil to thrive (most people do not thing of thmeselves as evil, just that they are trying to survive in their society)
    Evil or Good Races that betray (back in the begining this was rarer then it is now) , the insults they endure get old really quick. I would love to engage the twerps who go spouting off in debate or at least do some sity quests that causes the to shut up or at least grudgingly admit you are an exception.
    Perhaps add in NPC's of the evil races gone good to act as mentors to those who wish to be not confined by their racial attitude.
    Graphics: We have climbable walls in game now and people can use equipment to get onto buildings once not really scaleable. However getting up there gives a wierd view of things and an easy way to fall through the world.

    I apologize for the spelling I was in a hurry to get this down while it was fresh in my mind. Not really a rant, more of a plea. might even go well with the Update that brings back Halas.
  2. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Seriously its an enjoyable pass time to jump around building roof tops~
  3. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    As someone with two Ratongas living in Qeynos, I'd love to show some of the NPCs that I belong there, but for now, I have to content myself with giggling while gleefully pelting Representative Klen'Thall with snowballs at Frostfell. (Actually, I'd do that anyway, I'm giggling now at the thought of it, I really don't like him. Even when he speaks to my High-Elf, he gets on my nerve.)
    I myself have donated at least 3 gold to the Nettleville Hamlet Restoration Fund, and judging from the Ratonga/Qeynos population alone on my server, I'd guess that they'd have enough for that village at least. ;P
    I'd love to see a re-vamp of the main cities though, if possible. I've heard they're doing more with the housing, so perhaps we could hope for more work on the city too? *Puppyeyes*
  4. ARCHIVED-KniteShayd Guest

    Charlemin@Everfrost wrote:
    It's just Nettleville, now. It used to be Nettleville Hovel, not Hamlet. Hamlet is in Castleview's neighborhood title.
  5. ARCHIVED-KniteShayd Guest

    I agree that a revamp of city stuff is needed.
    I'm also glad Byron Shorecling isn't in Willowood anymore..., speaking of smart mouthed NPC's...
    I think that Neighborhoods need a revamp. Not many people go to them anymore. Sure you have the cheap housing and Researchers, but that's it. They need something added to make the major 3 city areas less trafficed. Perhaps new housing? Maybe new one room models to attract new residents?
    Opening up new apartments in the Baubbleshire could be a new start. Make the rooms new zones that have the Hobbity feel there, accessable from the homes on the hill. New 2-3 room houses in Nettleville and Starcrest, one room on top of another in the unused houses there. Maybe some prime condos in Elddar Grove?
    It can be done, it's just whether anyone wants to do it is the issue...
  6. ARCHIVED-Ananasa Guest

    I too agree that its time that the main cities get a over haul on there post shattering looks. I can under stand that the Over lord of Freeport may not want to fix his city. But the Queen of Qeynos would most certainly want to revamp her city and make it a shining star of Norath. Its really the Ghettos that look the worst. I do hope they revamp the cities. I too like the roof top jumping ^.^
  7. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Amen, I'd love to see Qeynos revamped. But yeah, don't take away our fun of jumping on the rooftops... if anything add a few more unique places to get to ;)
  8. ARCHIVED-Froed2004 Guest

    Perhaps he doesn't care about cleaning the outer districts of freeport, but one would think good ol' Lucan would at least make an effort to clean up the main parts of Freeport. I mean, for someone that constantly rambles on about the "Glory of Freeport", you'd think he'd try to at least impress others into THINKING the city is great.
  9. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    Fayle@Mistmoore wrote:
    Complaint since launch. Only thing we got was the removal of permanent cloud cover. Freeport is in dire need of a public works clean up project and I see plenty of NPC's that should be able to do the job. They want to focus on the live game? making Freeport worthy of the Overlord's glory is a project long overdue.
  10. ARCHIVED-Aera Guest

    Posting here to agree with the OP that the main cities need at the minimum some touchups. I thought the same thing to myself yesterday when I was running through Starcrest and saw a broken window. Makes the citizens seem lazy after all this time.
  11. ARCHIVED-Mysticdraco Guest

    I'm all for some roof top shenanigans, but I also feel that at least one of the slums in Freeport should retain it's "slumy" look. But yeah, I agree, we need something to bring people back to the cities.
  12. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Bandorn@Venekor wrote:
    Lol, you're right, it is 'Hovel' not 'Hamlet', that's what I get for staying up until 2 in the morning doing a cross stitch of a kitten.
    I've actually never heard before that you can climb to the roofs, except in Maj'Dul. How do you do that in Qeynos? I've tried to jump from a high spot in Freeport and float to a roof with my Arasai, but I hit an invisable wall and bounced into the street.
  13. ARCHIVED-KerowynnKaotic Guest

    Long overdue for some clean up in both cities. Qeynos just needs a few new coats of paint, some new roof tiles, doors, etc .. lots of little touches. Not to mention a complete re-write of all the npc babblings. They are WAY out of date at this point. Is the Statue still talking about the 'disease' of the first "Live Event"? ..
    Freeport, however, needs a complete re-do! It is a horrible pig-stye of a slum! Neriak is "evil" but you don't see trash piling up on the Queen's courtyard, do you?! No! ... Freeport has plenty of lazy people just standing around all the time that could be force pressed into a clean up crew! Like what they did with the building of the Guild Halls .. Those came out really good considering the rest of Freeport's architecture and design motifs of "rotting piles of trash" and "dead trees" ..
  14. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    I have no problem with rooftop Jumping at all! Just don't want to fall through the world because of incomplete rooftops. :)
  15. ARCHIVED-Rocc Guest

    I just hope white walls will be available in our houses one day. I cant stand them being so dark. Synthetic sunshine coming from windows might be a nice addition as well.
  16. ARCHIVED-Elifin Guest

    I like the darkness of Freeport, the way the npc's are rude to you even if you're a citizen, the smog and the dead kittens in the pet shop. I still find it humorous...
    If Freeport is revamped I hope they keep its dark and seedy atmosphere. The npc dialogue could do with some updating though.
    As for Nathan Ironforge I can still remember him from Qeynos days.
    He should be given options like many of the house pets have so we can chose to: /slap /prod /torture /decapitate him.
  17. ARCHIVED-betatester7 Guest

    lol, Anyone remember the npcs that are stacked in West Freeport, in the Plaza? they look so funny 10 npc at the same place!
    more than 3 years and not fix on them, they're busy working in GU and New expansion, why they would be botter at this half year revamping freeport or qyenos, I don't think we will see this, until next year if we get luck
  18. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Zabjade wrote:
    Ah, you don't even have to roofjump for that! There's still that terrible spot in South Qeynos where if you jump off the little ramp wall at the one house all the geometry goes noclip and you fall through =)
  19. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    The village areas of Qeynos and Freeport especially have annoyed me for the last few years. Antonia should care enough for her subjects to clean that all up, and D'lere should be wanting to keep his glorious Freeport up to the standard it deserves.
    The other thing I'd like to see is Freeport and Qeynos ending their hostility towards eachothers citizens when in the opposite city. There is no in game reason for it, the lore of the game has essentially ignored this entire facet, it essentially serves no purpose outside of PvP.
    I'd like to see both cities have their guards altered to be more like those in Kelethin, with only the guards closest to their rulers being aggro to opposing factions.
    I'd even love to see merchants open up for opposing factions, charging twice the price, and quest givers handing out quests to opposing factions, with half the reward.
  20. ARCHIVED-GrunEQ Guest

    I'd also like some of the NPCs' chat revamped. For example I would like the nps in SQ who asks if you would like to see her latest invention, that you could actually answer her, and if yes, she would show you something. Perhaps what she showed could change from time to time. It would be nice to be able to be more interactive with the characters.