Please give Warlocks and FC some love.

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Nero, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. Nkito Well-Known Member

    Why do you feel you should be ahead of the assassins on single target? I'm sure they have 100 fervor and reset runes. Sounds like you are about where I would expect, on top of ae encounters and behind the sins on single target?
  2. Mandoblast Active Member

    Maybe I am jaded. I was beating them in ToT with the hammer and they had the runes. Now, its not close. I think that hitting the CB cap with the conversion for scouts did wonders for them thus closing the CB cap quickly. As was foretold at the beginning of ToT, the largest nerf to warlocks came not with FC, but the CB cap.
  3. ZUES Well-Known Member

    I think swashies and channelers should be number 1 on the AOE parse by a large margin. But this is path one dev decided for us.

    I think locks are in a good place right now. But wizards, assassins and necros are OP as hell. Assassins in particular. They are topping both the single target AND aoe parse. It's crap.
  4. Nkito Well-Known Member

    I guess it varies per raid force or depends how people build their character, our lock and swash bury the sin on ae but trail by quite a bit in single target. Perhaps it would be different if the sin focused on ae procs.

    I'd love to see the cb cap bumped another 1k.
    Mermut likes this.
  5. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Why should a healer class (channeler) be top dps?
    Xillean likes this.
  6. Konc3pt Active Member

    I think you should try harder.
  7. ZUES Well-Known Member

    Edit: I'll be nice.
  8. kluxor Well-Known Member

    And why should a channeler be topping any dps parse? All these "op" classes are buried by BL so if you want to call any class overpowered there's only one you need to mention.
  9. ZUES Well-Known Member

    So people have a reason to pull out their credit cards. Right now channy is dead in the water. It will take something amazing to make people actually buy them, gear them and raid them.
  10. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    I am not seeing any one playing warlock on my server which is a bad sign for the class.
  11. Mandoblast Active Member

    Warlocks are at our ceiling. There is just no where to go. I have more diety points than everyone in my guild and the only hammer. This is the only reason I am still near the top. Once other T1 catch up, I am toast.

    Just give warlocks something to grow with.
  12. Konc3pt Active Member

    Maybe it isn't a class issue.
  13. ZUES Well-Known Member

    He's trolling, just ignore him Mando.
  14. Yards Well-Known Member

    The berzerker in my guild is beating the warlock. It's sad when a t1 class can't beat a tank.
  15. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    My proposed fix:

    Remove the potency aspect of Focused Casting altogether. But add this:

    While active, Grants CB Overcap = 50% of whatever the current CB cap is. By doing this, the buff essentially grants a 50% damage increase. That would make it still significantly less popular than "pre-CB-cap Focused Casting", but it would prevent it from being worthless.
  16. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    And just to answer any sort of questions in advance - I DID poke my head into the new xpac because it is too cold to catch Pokemon here in Green Bay. However, I'm really only soloing at this point. I have looked at the numbers and it is staggering how far behind Warlocks are going to fall if we don't have an "super powerful ability" that scales like other T1s.

    I really REALLY hope the goal isn't to fix this by using the Epic 2.0 to Make Warlocks Great Again.
  17. Konc3pt Active Member

    Better idea for FC: lowers the warlocks potency by 50% and increases the groups fervor by 50%. And allows spell double casts to be recorded in Fiery Blast if wizard.
  18. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    Also applying those benefits to any and all Berzerkers in the raid?
  19. Konc3pt Active Member

    We wouldn't want Focused Casting to be op, so no.