Please, end the Void storyline.

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Yeah.. Whats this about the underfoot being exposed now?
  2. ARCHIVED-Homeskillet Guest

    The Tillage Patch is essentially an exposed part of the Underfoot. By appearances, the Moors of Ykesha is Innothule swamp that got pushed up into this giant cliff island that defies physics, since now the Innothule Swamp is now a contained valley within the Moors. Technically it should have ceased being a swamp due to run off of water and the sudden shift in elevation that assumingly occured during the Rending.. Broken Skull rock is at the same sea level as it always has been, it is the location of the Palace of Ferzhul. The Tillage patch was lifted up and exposed with it, so that coastal area of the Moors is actually a former area of the Underfoot which was settled by the Survival Accord whom cooporated with a friendly group of Shroom Men.
  3. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Homeskillet wrote:
    I don't know where you came to that conclusion that it is, because there were natural fungus men living in Innothule Swamp in EQlive, and the questlines mention nothing about the Underfoot.
  4. ARCHIVED-Homeskillet Guest

    They never bothered to explain why Innothule is a swamp contained in a valley resting on an enormous pillar of rock that did not somehow collapse in upon itself. Tillage Patch is indeed an exposed portion of the Underfoot. I may be wrong but by the borderline alien features, the elevation difference between the swamp contained by chunks of the Rathe mountains that still rise further above even the swamp itself, its pretty much there.
  5. ARCHIVED-Winter Guest

    The... the void thing did get a little tired. ^_^;
  6. ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu Guest

    Having everything single thing come back to the Void in the end gets tiring for me. Constant looming apocalypse is just so blah and Buffy the Vampire Slayer did it better.
  7. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    well until someone clarifies through quests or developer intervention, there's no proof that Tillage Patch is part of the Underfoot.
  8. ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Looks more like a section of the sea floor that was dredged up and settled by mushrooms and troll pirates from Brokenskull Rock.
  9. ARCHIVED-dawy Guest

    Meaghan@Lucan DLere wrote:
    LOL,aye buffy would have whooped the voids backside a longtime back.
  10. ARCHIVED-Khurghan Guest

    Please no more aliens!
    I remember seeing some stuff on player feed-back from G.o.D. (yeah that's a long time ago but ..) and one of those was players didn't like "alien monsters" please go back and read that stuff sony.
  11. ARCHIVED-andurilh Guest

    Brickfist wrote:
    I support this 100% as long as we can extend this moratorium to armor. Whatever artist has settled into this area of the color spectrum needs a nudge. Or a noogie.

    bleh, on second glace the poster did say "wear". So a 100% support as it stands.
  12. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    I personally have enjoyed the Void. I got sick of the 'evil dragon faction 01' in Eq1.
    and the Void is no damn different then the Planes. it's a seperate reality/dimension. this one is more akin to a black hole, while the planes are simply the lego toys of the Gods. are the planes 'tied' into Norrath? yes, by the will of the gods. as they have proven, they can at a whim shut us out of the Planes with no way to get to them.
    you talked about all these subplots in the previous expansions. the Ring of Fate, the Claymore, Soulfire, etc. name one that dosn't involve Mayong, or a dragon. I can only think of 2. the Ring of Fate and the Peacock line. everything else has been tied into Mayong, or the dragons. (theorectically you can probably tie the peacock line to mayong as it involves the D'morte vampires who are actively trying to usurp Mayong's power in the vampire realm)
    So do you want to just get rid of Mayong now? I mean he's been in every major expansion past KoS as a power player. you can't do any of the major storylines without running into him or working for him or working against him.
    the Void has been here since day 1. they've been secretive, hiding, learning, waiting. now with TSO. and the LS update and this one, we're seeing them pull out a full scale attack on us. there are 2 powers in the Void. Theer and Anashti Sul. in TSO, we sever Anashti from the void, fight back hard, and manage to best at least one half of the 'dark powers'.
    I imagine in the next expansion, or maybe in a LU before then, we're going to see us face Theer.

    I akin TSO to the Battle of Helm's Deep in LoTR. Anashti is our Saruman. we have to get past her, so we can rally and prove that they can be beaten, before we take on Sauron/Theer.
  13. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
    In a word, yes. He was overdone and overused in eqlive, and overdone and overused now in eq2. Mayong has been pretty much just a way to "god mode" as he was pretty much invincible in all the eqlive gm events in the past. If the next expansion will be velious, I will hope they finally tie off the dragon's role in norrath in some way. Even those among them knew that their end was coming in eqlive.

    You say, 'Hail, Klandicar'

    Klandicar says 'Oi, what is this? A Half Elf, if my tired old eyes are not mistaken. Knew it would happen. Sooner rather than later. No stopping the flood now, eh?'

    You say, 'What flood?'

    Klandicar says 'The flood of beings to Velious. Starts with a trickle, like all floods. Sweeps the old away in the end, leaving a new landscape. Blessing and shame that I will not be around to see it all unfold.'

    You say, 'why won't you be around?'

    Klandicar says 'I will be leaving this world soon enough, I think. Too tired to continue this existence, too jaded to believe tomorrow would be any different than today. Seeing you here is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in aeons, and even that isn't enough to make me want to continue. Yes, it is the Necropolis for me, and the swift embrace of fire, and then my dust shall fly free as I once did.'

    You say, 'Why don't you fly free anymore?'

    Klandicar says 'Dragons have never been truly free. The Claws, the Ring, the One Who Sleeps, our very nature, all conspire to keep us enslaved. We can not grow beyond what we are now, so doomed we all are. Masters of this world we are not. Your very presence here screams this to any who have ears to hear. The Age of Scale is long past.'

    You say, 'why is it long past?'

    Klandicar says 'It proves how weak and static our race has become. Here you stand, in the most sacred of places, fearing nothing, daring to converse with me. If I were to consume you now, a dozen would appear to replace you. As mighty as Dragonkind is, we can never hope to match the power you wield. Dragons have limits set upon themselves, while you and your kind refuse to accept any limits. We can not compete with that. If only we could throw off these shackles we bind ourselves with.'

    You say, 'What not cast off the shackles?'

    Klandicar says 'I do not see this happening. Too proud, too sure of ourselves, as a race we could never concede that we have anything to learn from the likes of you. We need a revelation. Something to open our eye, a poke in the rump. The Iksar almost woke us up, they had us united and striving for something for a brief while, but the Iksar Empire was in many ways as doomed as we are, too inflexible. What does not bend will break. The same could be said of the Kromzek.'

    You say, 'What about the kromzek?'

    Klandicar says 'The Kromzek are also clinging to the old ways, they have changed no more than we have over the generations. We kill some,they kill some, nothing really changes. Now the Coldain, they are a group to admire, the first trickles of that flood I spoke of.'

    You say, 'What about the coldain?'

    Klandicar says 'I admire the Coldain They are strong because they adapt. They fought the Kromzek to a standstill, then pushed them back. They have not really crossed Dragons yet, but I feel that if they had a feud with us, they would present quite a challenge. And lo! There is a whole WORLD of peoples such as yourself, hardy and flexible as the Coldain, and here you stand at our doorstep, knocking.'

    This was from eqlive, which supposedly is around 500 years before our current situation. Their time is at an end and their race in the decline. The ring of scale and their leader Trakanon, one of the more powerful dragons is now dead. Either the dragons find their revelation and change, or they should die off as the lore has repeatedly hinted that they would.
  14. ARCHIVED-Taldier Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
    The reason people play a Fantasy game IS to kill dragons and orcs and vampires and Fantasy creatures. Its cliche because Its #*@$ing supposed to be. People Want to be reminded of D&D or Tolkien or Forgotten Realms or any of the hundreds of various Fantasy books they read as kids.
    It doesnt matter how lore is used to explain the void, the fact still remains that youre fighting a refugee from area 51 with some crazy antigrav hover device. Space aliens do Not belong in a Fantasy game. The top of kurns tower, a zone that had so much possiblity, looks like a #@#$ space ship.
    EVE is that way ----->
  15. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    Taldier@Venekor wrote:
    I nearly cried when I saw the Void thingie sticking up out of the top of Kurn's Tower, so mark me down for ending the Void story, preferrably before the next xpac.
  16. ARCHIVED-Maroger Guest

    I agree I hope this is the end of the VOid Storyline - it was one of the worst storylines in the game!!
  17. ARCHIVED-Thunndar316 Guest

    I am much more interested in the possible Velious/Kunark war than I ever was in the entire void plot.
  18. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    Thunndar316 wrote:
    Same...the void was interesting when tossed in as a random thing, but the Void invasion is old
  19. ARCHIVED-GrunEQ Guest

    The void was nice for a brief change of pace....but it's over stayed it welcome.
  20. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    what I meant was that everyone wants dragons, dragons, dragons. I'm tired of the dragons always being the super bad villian. where the hell are the norrath version of the 'metallic' dragons. you know, the ones that were good guys? I bet you five to one if they introduced the Rygorr Chief as the newest bad guy, people would still be going ''s a ORC. how badass can he be?!'
    No one complains about going to Hate, or Fear. Yet everyone complains about the Void. and there's really NO difference between them other then the models of the creatures. Fear and Hate can be anything Cazic or Inny want it to be, and they aren't attached to norrath except for a 'gateway' in one of the know, kinda like those Void Anchors? I bet if they'd put the Grathok mob in Hate to replace the golems and never introduced them as 'void' monsters, not one of you would complain about them now.
    I don't see anyone complaining that Rodcet Nife looks like a green 'area 51' alien. Yet everyone wants to complain about the 'area 51' Void/Shadowedmen. Why is that? because it's Rodcet Nife?
    it's been 500 years. the old Kurns tower has been consumed by the void in places as part of thier invasion. and frankly, good riddance. if I wanted zombie and skeleton zones I'd just stay with Befallen, which was all Kurns in Eq1 reminded me of. Befallen on Kunark.
    The lore on it was nice, don't get me wrong there. but as a zone, I got the 'been there, done that' feeling the second I stepped inside it.
    But that's all a side track. back to the topic at hand.
    So do answer me. why is it okay to have the God of Health look like a little green space man, but not okay for the Void monsters to sport the same appearance in a different color?
    why is it okay to venture to extra planar realms that are owned by Gods, and not okay to go to the extra planar realm that is basically Purgatory/Oblivion? I have an elven paladin that I can send to his version of Hell (PoH) but it's a terrible gaming idea to send him to Purgatory.