Paladins really do suck.

Discussion in 'Paladin' started by ARCHIVED-Geekyone, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-RStahl Guest

    If you can't its a matter of two things:
    Gear (armor/weapons/spells/potions)

    At 50 I took down a 52^^^ raptor (cobalt armor, fabled shield, str potion, vanadium jeweler, cambric dolls), it took everything I had, some luck, and I was red when done, even white ^^^ are a challenge and are a toss up, blues doable, green ^^^'s are pretty much back to back (occasionaly pwr regen).

    BTW the debuff taunt is a key, make sure to keep it up and running (look at the mob) and hit him with divine and hit with the stuns.

    Message Edited by RStahl on 03-29-200607:53 AM
  2. ARCHIVED-MeridianR Guest

    Seriously give me a break....if you think you can still just put Amends on one dps and do nothing you are wrong. There is more to aggro then just amends on 1 dps. You have DPS and Debuffs, we have aggro with it.
  3. ARCHIVED-Geekyone Guest

    Did you read my posts not just the title?
    I never said I want more DPS or more abilities, or that our abilities are bad....
    I said suck but I should have said boring. I like my pally, in fights he doesn't suck, he's good, I'm good...I don't lose aggro (to often) post was about how a paladin plays. IMO they play very boring. I don't know if you've tried other classes or races, but holy flip, they are very amusing to watch do their moves. They have nice combat arts that are the entertainment of the fight.
    A paladin has nothing (from what I've seen in 53 levels) The best looking thing that ever happens to a Paladin is the HO that gratns us Heros Armor.
    I just want more love for my Paladin in the art department. All you guys love your paladins so much I don't see why your fighting with me...other then you've mis interpetted my post and think I'm bashing paladins, but I'm not...I'm trying to get us more love, and if you trying to stop me, then you are pally hater! ;)
  4. ARCHIVED-Leawyn Guest

    Get a bo staff, you can get the kung fu moves too! I got the Staff of Arresting from SoS and love to use it cuz I can do funky moves and flip it all around and look bad [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn]!
  5. ARCHIVED-Wulfborne Guest

    I am not going to tell you that you are wrong. Different things excite different people. So what you find boring isn't what I would find boring and so on. However, I think you may just not have 'broken into your niche' for what the Paladin class is capable of.
    We have special moves. Do we need to accomplish a series of attacks in order to use one of our skills? Not so much, but I'll promise you that if you complete some of these attacks in a certain order, your overall damage will be higher. A lot of your CAs are based on divine damage. You also happen to have a taunt with a divine debuff on it. Use the debuff first and all successive attacks will hit a bit harder. Also, it's been stated that attacks to the mob's back will hit harder... I can't confirm this, but I do know they won't ripost, parry or block from there. So if you really want to, hit one of our stuns (we have 3) and then run to his back. Oh look! We're scouts now! ;) As for special abilities to use at just the right time... Boy, you sure do need to time Castigate. But if you do that just right, BAM! Mobs will *not* be happy.
    You want a flurry of attacks that are awesome to watch? break into the AE crowd. Anyone that ever plays with me knows I like to "create my own epic encounters". That is, I look and find multiple group encounters and pull them all at once. (You can get more crazy in a group, but I took to doing this solo in my mid-50's). Ward, consectate, then fire those AE's at will. Most people that watch me do this are awestruck, because they say there's no way in hell they could pull that off. Most tanks are single target optimized, and the classes that are awesome at ae (casters mostly) go splat if said mobs aren't held at a distance.
    I think someone else addressed the HO issue you mentioned. Use your ae taunt to debuff divine, or pop that lvl 50 spell Decree (Brimstone at 70) to finish it off. We don't have super huge hits post LU13, but the Refusal of Faith line is still pretty nice, especially if you have debuffed vs divine and have good int for a massive wallop.

    Oh and if you are saying a group tank doesn't have to pay attention, then perhaps you would be better rerolling a different class. As a paladin you have to *constantly* watch EVERYONE in your group. Healers are human too and look away from their screens, or ninja afk at times... I cant tell you how many times that I've noticed an add, or popped that heal, or fired that Rescue off and barely saved the group from an ugly ugly wipe. EQ1 was mash-and-go for tanks. EQ2 actually requires you to have skill to be any good at it.

    ~Sir Hawke Holyblayde, Paragon of Truth
  6. ARCHIVED-Kinesthesia Guest

    I won't go into how much I love playing my Paladin, but I do have something constructive to add. Get to 55, and get Consecrate. It's easily the most fun I've had. Go into Living Tombs... pull the whole floor and just AE the bejesus out of everything. If that doesn't make you smile... um, roll something else.
  7. ARCHIVED-Jonaroth Guest

    Yeah Consecrate is a ton of fun, but I think bezerkers didnt have to wait till 45 to do that, they could do that at lvl 10 :p
  8. ARCHIVED-Nurta Guest

    It sucks that some of you are having a bad time playing a paladin :(
    For me though, I love it. I left the game for four months shortly after DoF came out. Since coming back late January I have made 10 levels (62atm) and am having a freaking blast. No, we're not perfect. Yes, we have issues but we're doing ok, at least in my opinion. No I can't solo orange singles or white or yellow heroics but I can do blue herocis and yellow singles if I am on my A game. My gear isn't that great, I still have some cobalt but I'm still holding my own. I don't raid much anymore I just log in an play but most of all have fun. I find myself grouping allot and although I group with a monk and guardian or SK of similar levels my group mates want me to tank. I think I do alright :)
    I don't have aggo issues usually if my group mates all understand how my taunts work. I got 6 levels in the breeding grounds doing the heroics there by using this tactic. In a group with a Ranger, a Monk, a Dirge, a Mystic, and either a Guardian or Wizard....I tossed Amends on the Ranger and let him pull and then use his aggro aversion CAs so the mob instantly comes to me. If the monk goes all out she will pull aggro from me but she does not take damage as well as I do so she totally DPS's. I never lose aggro to the healer or the wizard or the ranger or the dirge. Our parses of damage have the Ranger doing 500+, Wizard just shy of 500, Monk doing between 300-400, then the dirge then me then healer. Of course sometimes it fluncuates but the ranger always beats everyone and the healer is always last. Just as it should be. If I want to I can give the dirge a run for his money but my job is to taunt and keep the mob pissed so that's what I do. This has been the case since before LU21 and the numbers are the same after LU21. I don't understand what rangers were complaining about but then I only ever group with one ranger so who knows.
    Anyway I got those 6 levels in about 2.5 weeks with this group make up. If anyone is looking for an xp spot I highly recommend Breeding Grounds in TT:) Fast pops, non-stop pulls = fast levels. The loot sucks but who cares when you xp that fast?
    Remember, it's a game though and if this isn't fun maybe another class will suit you more. Once the devs started tweaking the classes and combat it started a cycle of endless tweaks. We are not the same class i started in Nov '04 but I still love playing my pally and will continue to do so. However, to hear that a monk can solo a ^^^ yellow mob makes me frankly upset. But I'm sure the devs will fix it eventually if not oh well, I'll keep playing until it's no longer fun.
    Best of luck to you all, I hope you find enjoyment in the game.

    EDIT: Guess it helps if I say where huh? :)
    Message Edited by Nurta on 03-29-200609:28 AM
  9. ARCHIVED-FieryFurnace Guest

  10. ARCHIVED-Luis Sypher Guest

    I was not going to post but after so much complaining about being nerfed i just had to say something.
    1. DPS - before Desert of Flames I was out dpsing Assisins and Rangers, then we got nerfed. KoS came out i got a couple of new spells and hello I am toe to toe with the same lvl of wizards, always pretty proficient in dps in a group when I am tanking or assisting with the mage, rogue, sumoner beating me.
    2. Soloing - I can solo all day and take down same lvl mobs ^^ with little or no problem...hit, stun, ward, stun, hit, heal.
    3. Spells - at lvl 70 i have about 6 (7 if you count doom judgement) AOE's, 4 heals, 1 ward, 2 debuffs, and 3 major stuns with knock back.
    4. Agro - now u want something to complain, complain about holding agro or finding creative ways to hold it. SK's Hold agro much better then we can, Amends was so nerfed, i went from 47% hate transfer to 41%. I use sigil everytime it pops up with an AOE and taunt with the best of them and i hold the agro but it gets lost more often then it want to.
    I am never bored with my Paladin, I have a brigand and a swash and they are a blast, had a mezzer and a healer..omg shoot me in the head..hated every minute of it.
    at level 60 we did Poet's palace without a healer, but there were 3 pally's in the group..we took a little longer killing the mobs but it was done.
    Now the new spells we get from lvl 61 to 70..Useless, castigate is not very good at all unless your soloing and the mobs dont interrupt you because it takes so long to cast. but if your grouped with a good healer, there are never any dots on you to heal or take off or the mobs goes down so fast why use i never use it unless i want to see the pretty lights and make everyone in the group ooohhh and ahhhh over it.
    Palatine, level 70 Paladin of Kithicor
  11. ARCHIVED-Turb0T Guest

    ColdMetal is doing something badly wrong.

    I solo'd in the Clefts zone for at most two hours last night as a L50 pally, mobs white or yellow to me, had a lot of fun and made over 30% of a level. Also made some nice AA points from the solo nameds in there.

    I am enjoying my pally a lot. He can do things my alts cannot.
  12. ARCHIVED-mortem Guest

    lol. that made my afternoon
  13. ARCHIVED-robusticus Guest

    I think we need to be nerfed again, there are way to many fanboi pallies out there willing to brag about there prowess.
  14. ARCHIVED-Leawyn Guest

    :smileyvery-happy: ROFL :smileyvery-happy:
    Just because someone knows how to play their class well doesn't mean they are a fanboi. There are many others who cannot do what those few who have posted say they can. I am among those ;) I admit, I'm a crappy soloer, I suck at pvp, but I rock in groups (both small and full groups), and I'm a welcome addition to any raid, be it as a main tank, back up tank, group healer, buffer, or whatever other role I happen to fill.
    Message Edited by Leawyn on 03-29-200601:16 PM
  15. ARCHIVED-robusticus Guest

    Speaking of pvp, anybody ever dueled another roughly equal pally? I would highly recommend it if you've got the 2 or 3 hours to spare, a pretty good indication of how we are doing... it's like a pillow fight...

    "Live Nerf #13"... LMAO
  16. ARCHIVED-Kalera Guest

    I think everyone did misread your post. Hell, I misread it initially. Then I continued down the thread, contemplate what I was going to write as a retort, when I got to this post.

    Now I get your point, and you are 100% correct.

    I absolutely love being a Paladin in EQ2. I think it's the best Paladin I've seen to date in a MMOG. In my opinion SOE finally got the Paladin correct. We have a huge toolset to work with and being a MT in an active group is a blast as a Paladin.

    With all that said, you are corret - visually speaking, we're boring as heck. We get nothing in terms of great animations or unique moves. We stand there and swing, and our swings aren't even very creative. Our best damage spell, the Refusal line, throws a mediocre sized translucent purple ball at the enemy. Whooopty-do.

    But in the end, I don't mind too much. It doesn't dishearten me because our class is a blast to play. Nine times out of ten I'm far more engaged in the situation of the moment - determining the next course of action than I am with looking at my animations. Come to think of it, the only time I'm busy watching my character and not something else on the screen is when I'm soloing, and soloing is so boring I hardly ever do it.
  17. ARCHIVED-MeridianR Guest

    Worst duel ever - paladin vs templar
  18. ARCHIVED-robusticus Guest

    Yeah, I refuse to duel them. A pillow fight too but they got smaller, throw pillows whereas we have normal bed ones. Nothing quite like going all out with holy avenging rage on someone only to have their health go steadily up with each hit.
  19. ARCHIVED-MoD1133 Guest

    A pally is boring to you because your obviously a noob and you dont knwo what a pally is suppose to do.
    You clearly dont know the function of a paladin, and its sad that after 53 levels you still dont understand what a paladin is suppose to do. We are not suppose to hit hard because we are not zerkers or SKs, and we are certainly not brawlers. We can almost tank as good as guardians on raids, and we can tank equally well as guardians in groups.
    I agree Pallys cant solo as well as we could before DOF went live with LU13 was it? but we are not as terrible as you are trying to make us look, i can solo just fine as a paladin.
    Even though pallys do not have great hit points we can still use our wards to make up for it, plus our heals.
    You want us to tell you how to make your class fun for you? We probably can't because your a joke who doesnt know how to play a paladin at all after 53 levels.
    Thanks for the good laugh....
    Message Edited by MoD1133 on 03-30-200612:42 PM
  20. ARCHIVED-Geekyone Guest