Pack Pony and Harvesting Goblin BUG

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Quantitative, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Quantitative New Member

    Somehow it ended up with a 10 hour recast. I have changed zones redid my AA nothing seems to work? Has anyone had this problem? :(
  2. Anghammarad Well-Known Member

    This is a really old bug. Unfortunatly you can only sit it out.

    Afterwards as "Pro" Tipp... After summoning, taking mats, sending gathering, DESPAWN him before you zone anywhere. (same button as summoning).

    Then this bug shouldn't happen.
    Quantitative, Shmogre and Deveryn like this.
  3. Quantitative New Member

    Thank you Anghammarad:)
    Anghammarad likes this.
  4. Alenna Well-Known Member

    My Inquisitor/Jeweler keeps having to wait 12 hours to bring up the Goblin I have 5 point in the Goblin and it does not matter if I have switched from my mass production to harvesting. Yesterday and yes I slashed bugged it she was in harvesting spec when I sent the goblin out when I tried 2 hours later to bring it up had 10 hours before I could bring it up again I always dismiss the goblin in case I switch specs which I did not do this time because she was going to spend the day harvesting so there should have been no reason for it to bug out because of switching tradeskill specs. it is a bug she has to wait while all myh other crafters can call the goblin up every 2 hours.
  5. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    Did you send out the goblin before you had allocated the 5 points to it? so you switched spec's and as the goblin was filling in ranks but wasn't rank 5 did you send it out? If you did, that is the cause of the bug. You need to wait for the 12 hours to completely be done then shouldn't have any issues.

    However, if you still have issues after the 12 hours, re-do aa's and select a different build, commit that. Select the build for goblin (again) and recommit that, don't sent out goblin until it's fully 5 points in the rank and full spec is in.
  6. Grundge Active Member

    Neither of them are returning any items to me, they just keep telling me that they are out working. I went to sleep last night around 11 pm, I logged in this morning at 8 just to check in and sure enough both said that they are out harvesting still. I just checked again and the pony and the goblin are still out working! o_O

    I tried resetting my AA's, even though it shouldn't affect my pony, but still no change. I will check again later today when I get home, hopefully they will come back with harvests, if not I will post again.
  7. Grundge Active Member

    OK NM, just checked again and this time they returned with harvests, not sure why it took over 12 hours but hey its working now and all is good. :)
  8. Alenna Well-Known Member

    pack pony and goblin should never take 12 hours if I recall it is 2 hours.
  9. Alenna Well-Known Member

    I know about the bug you are talking this isn't it. I was in the spec that had 5 points in the goblin when I sent it out. I then dismissed it go gon on with my adventuring 2 hours later it was showing I needed to wait 10 more hours the 5points was in there before sending the goblin and I had not changed my spec to massproduction and then back again within that 2 hours my toon stayed in the what I call my harvesting spec with the 5 points in the goblin the Whole time.
  10. Kiry Active Member

    I am having the same problem on my Inquisitor, and it's only on that toon.
  11. oldskool Active Member

  12. Oakmist New Member

    I have the goblin on 20+ toons and 2 or 3 of them seem to be permanently bugged, no matter what I do. I always despawn them. Have reset aa's multiple times, nothing seems to work. I have the full 5 in the aa tree and it keeps telling me 3 hours to recast.
  13. Enoibia Well-Known Member

    I have the same 3 hour recast on my goblin also, Oakmist.
  14. Katz Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid all the tricks mentioned to fix or prevent the problem don't work for me either. I just wait it out on mine when they glitch. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 days before I can re summon the goblin. The most annoying thing that happens sometimes is that I will pick up the mats and then it immediately despawns preventing me from telling it to get more mats and I can't respawn it for hours. I only have 9 goblins and it seems that the 2 of the characters that haven't yet gotten the harvesting pony don't glitch as often as the others that have both harvesters.
  15. Meirril Well-Known Member

    I don't have any problems with the goblin or pony. I have herd from other players that having other cosmetic pets out interferes with /pet commands. There might be other funky interactions. If you want to try and reset I'd recommend getting rid of all pets, then resetting your tradeskill prestige line and then either zone or camp to the same character. That is pretty much everything you could do to try and fix whatever is going on with your character.
  16. Kakra New Member

    Two of my characters have goblins that are showing recast timers (up to 12 hours) although I have always had 5 points placed there. I tried respecting, logging out, waiting the timer out and recasting etc. It started with just one toon but, it's spreading now! Getting concerned I really want my T-11 harvestables!
    Quantitative likes this.
  17. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    I've seen this problem crop up before when folks don't toggle the goblin off (after sending it out to gather) before changing zones. Is this possibly occurring in your case?
  18. Quantitative New Member

    This happens to 2 of my toons all the time I have tried uncasting them switching aa to get it to reset, nothing seems to work :mad:
  19. Thimdirran Active Member

    It happens to me sporadically. If there is a way to reset the 12 hour timer, I have yet to find it.
  20. Spira Member

    Same thing happens to one of mine.. its quite annoying :(