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OUTLAWS on HALLS OF FATE, recruitment post

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Meilay, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. Meilay Active Member

    OUTLAWS on the Halls of Fate server, is recruiting casual heroic minded players, as well as, players that desire to progressively raid top tier content.

    OUTLAWS, has (2) Raid Teams. MAIN RAID TEAM (MRT) raids from 8pm EST to 11pm EST on TUES/ THURS/ SAT. The BANDIT RAID TEAM raids on SAT/SUN mornings from 12 noon EST to 3pm EST.

    OUTLAWS was the 1st level 150 guild on Halls of Fate, and as of 6/26/16 is seated 5th on our server for Raid Progression.

    We welcome all players that want to participate with us in a very Team Oriented Atmosphere and want to enjoy the challenges EQ2 has to offer without a lot of drama. OUTLAWS has a strong leadership core and has built a strong foundation of players from all walks of life, and spanning several continents, so players are on at just about all times.



    Players that want to undertake the challenges of EQ2 with the OUTLAWS team, please send an IN GAME mail or tell to MEILAY (Guild Leader) or any OUTLAWS Officer for assistance.

    Good Luck and Good Fortune fellow Norrathians.
  2. Meilay Active Member

    As of 12/25/2016 - OUTLAWS continues to have open recruitment for casual players of any class that want to benefit from playing with experienced, motivated and team minded players. The team runs casual heroic content daily at all hours, but peak times are late afternoon EST.

    The OUTLAWS Main Raid Team (MRT) is a focused, progressive and competitive team currently downing all Kunark Ascended T1 raid content, as well as few T2's. Currently seated 5th on the server, the MRT does have minimum qualifications to join the team as an APP.

    MRT is looking for: Coercer, Troub, Paladin or Guardian, Inquisitor, Fury
  3. Meilay Active Member

    OUTLAWS now clearing all T1 and T2 KA raid encounters. Resolve minimums to meet T3 checks (590 in raid) to be competitive.

    RAID LOOKING FOR: Inquisitor , although other classes may be considered.

    Good Luck!
  4. Zorroperrolobo New Member

    Do you still have an EU times raidforce?
  5. Meilay Active Member

    BANDIT RAID TEAM (BRT) is on hold until the summer again, when it goes active again, times will be 1200 hrs.EST on SAT and SUN.

    The Main Raid Team (MRT) is still looking for an Inquisitor as well as another Chain healer. We will consider other classes, but seating is competitive.

    Clearing all T1 and T2 content. We downed 1 T3 in Vaedmoor, and are working toward more progression.
  6. Meilay Active Member

    MAIN RAID TEAM (MRT) is still looking for an INQUISITOR as well as a COERCER at this time. We are pulling T3 mobs, at 590 resolve.

    EPIC 2.0 not required at this time, but soon will be, interested players should be working toward that goal.

    Gear can be overlooked as long as skill and interest are there, the team will work with you to get you up to par.

    Happy looting, and good luck all.
  7. Jrox Well-Known Member

  8. Meilay Active Member

    Inquisitor, Coercer, Troubador sought at this time for 3x a week raiding. Casual players of any class are also welcome.
  9. Meilay Active Member

    OUTLAWS Main Raid Team (MRT) is still looking for the following classes;
    1 COERCER,

    MRT is currently seated 4th on server progression for Kunark, and has cleared all T1 and T2 with the flawless achievement. MRT has taken down 2 T3 encounters, and we are working on new T3s to add to the list.

    The team remains competitive, those desiring to participate on the team are strongly encouraged to be pushing ascension level 10 and complete their epic 2.0 quest.

    Those that want to participate on MRT, but need work OR want to join as a casual memeber, are encouraged to join and work toward their personal gaming goals, while benefitting from a team oriented guild, that has a strong player base, and some of the best in class players HoF, that can help mentor players seeking advice.

    For any questions, or just to throw out a friendly show of support, feel free to hit me up anytime,
  10. Jrox Well-Known Member


    OUTLAWS Main Raid Team (MRT) is still looking for the following classes;
    1 COERCER,
  11. Meilay Active Member

    MRT is still looking for a Troubador and Inquisitor. Other classes will be considered, but on a case by case, as those spots are more contested.

    Only 1 T3 mob left to tackle, then progression advances to the next tier.

    Epic 2.0 and Ascension 10 in one class are highly recommended for those wanting to stay or be competitive for raid spots.
  12. Meilay Active Member

    UPDATE: Looking for an Inquisitor and Troubador for our Main Raid Team (MRT).
    Now clearing all T1, T2 and T3 KA x4 encounters, and working on progression kills of T4 difficulty.

    Casual players of any profession are also welcome.
  13. Meilay Active Member

  14. Jrox Well-Known Member

    Looking for an Inquisitor and Troubador for our Main Raid Team (MRT).
    Now clearing all T1, T2 and T3 KA x4 encounters, and working on progression kills of T4 difficulty.

    Casual players of any profession are also welcome.
  15. Meilay Active Member

  16. Jrox Well-Known Member


    I mean... Bump!
  17. Jrox Well-Known Member


    Always looking for good competitive raiders. I would say at this point in the xpack were looking for a solo resolve around 404 for MRT raider apps. As always we always accept casuals or those working up to be raiders. We have a ton of good people and types that are casual, raiders, crafters and what not. Lots of folks very active, you definitely wouldn't hurt from lack of people to hang with, as strange as we may be! ;)
  18. Jrox Well-Known Member

    MRT is still looking for full time Swashbuckler 1, Coercer 1, troubadour 1, and chain heals 2. Other classes will be considered, but on a case by case, as those spots are more contested.

    Epic 2.0 and Ascension 10 in one class are highly recommended for those wanting to stay or be competitive for raid spots.

    Casual players are always welcome to the party!! ;)
  19. Meilay Active Member

    Starting soon, OUTLAWS will be opening the BANDIT RAID TEAM (BRT). This team is designed for our members that are not able to commit to our MAIN RAID TEAMs schedule, and will be active on weekend mornings EST.

    BRT will utilize the same strategies and team leadership that have made our Main Raid Team successful, and of course maintain the competitive yet enjoyable atmosphere.

    BRT will begin conquering the T1 and T2 content, ensure that all team members meet T3 resolve checks then punch ahead and work on those encounters.

    Raid Times/ Days will be SAT/SUN from 11am Est to 2pm Est.

    During the onset of BANDIT, loot will be an NBG round robin style, until a solidified team is secured, at which point BRT will adopt a similar loot system to our Main Raid Team.

    At this time, ANY/ALL classes are being considered for this team, once the roster is filled, I will announce the opening raid weekend.

    I encourage those interested on HOF server, to speak with any of my Outlaws members about our guild, and if you want to take part in the BRT please send me a tell so we can discuss anything you have questions on.

    Guild Level 157 as of this writing.
    Jrox likes this.
  20. Jrox Well-Known Member

    Recruiting has begun! OUTLAWS will be opening the BANDIT RAID TEAM (BRT). This team is designed for our members that are not able to commit to our MAIN RAID TEAMs schedule, and will be active on weekend mornings EST.

    Raid Times/ Days will be SAT/SUN from 11am Est to 2pm Est. At this time, ANY/ALL classes are being considered for this team, once the roster is filled, I will announce the opening raid weekend.

    I encourage those interested on HOF server, to speak with any of my Outlaws members about our guild, and if you want to take part in the BRT please send me a tell so we can discuss anything you have questions on.

    MRT is still looking for a few good classes. Come ready with resolve and your skillz up to par and you could be just what we are looking for. If your not quite ready yet the Bandit team could provide you with the stepping stone you need to get you where you want to be!

    Catch you in the fray!