New Uncanny Estate Prestige House - pics

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-Afista, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire Guest

    maybe with replica zone of "Hedge Hollows" as for outdoor :) (with different sky texture)
    i already decided what each room will be.
    red domed room will be casino-game room, bar counter to be tavern type banquet room, upstairs 1st room would be an arena, and other 2nd upstairs room to be as music "classical" stage (but need cello, violet fiddler, tuba and jaxaphone), and finally that secret toom would be office for bookies.
    will have to built new wall dividers for kitchen and beer kegs, it does need another room for kegs and wine storage.
  2. ARCHIVED-retro_guy Guest

    Keratis@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I bought this too sight unseen after seeing the advert:
    "From one of the scariest places in Norrath comes the Uncanny Estate. It's an uncanny replica of The Estate of Unrest. This prestige home can be yours for 1,350 Station Cash!"
    From that I would expect it to be a replica of the Estate of Unrest, or at the very least a replica of the LP Haunted House.
    Please devs, correct this oversite.
    I mean, yes it's a nice little house but VERY disappointing. ;-(
    Unrest has a huge house with garden, basement, and 3 levels!
  3. ARCHIVED-Amitee Guest

    If I was an impulse buyer, I would have bought it on sight. But I looked at it, fell in love with it and wanted it, then logged off and went to the grocery store. Real life has a way of putting a damper on fantasy life stuff. Here was the thought process:
    I love the layout and size. As another poster stated, it's not overly huge. I love the hidden room under the stairs, the bar room, the upstairs balcony thing. I also loves all the ledges and large places on the stairs to place decorations.
    When thinking on it, I was envisioning doing out at least the front room all in white, picturing a New Orleans plantation house in my mind. Then I started realizing the item count this would cost me, as I realized I would have to change out the floors and didn't like the wall paper either. Then I thought further and remembered I have 3 other houses I'm decorating right now.
    So I came to the conclusion that I still want the house, but I'm going to wait until either double SC or it goes on sale, which I'm sure one of those things will pop up before Christmas.
    Thinking on it, I wish the designers of these prestige homes would give us the ability to change flooring and wallpaper like in the Freeport and Qeynos homes. Would save on item count!
  4. ARCHIVED-Velenda Guest

    I love this house! Finally one of these fancy SC homes with (dun dun dunnn!) low ceilings! it also suits my Freblood to a T!
    Love it. ^_^
  5. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Whilhelmina@Storms wrote:
    The second picture probably isn't a texture issue, unless it's due to an alpha channel (the channel on images that controls opacity) issue. More than likely, it's geometry that's completely missing. I suppose that it could also be due to the normals being reversed, but that's unlikely, given that you'd see the reversed normals on the other side of the pillar, as if it were "inside out". My guess would be that when the designer was deleting the bottom face of the pillar to save polygons, he or she accidentally deleted the vertices that made up the bottom of the missing faces as well.