Necromancer spell - Blighted Horde IX (Celestial)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Ptalomej, Mar 3, 2020.

  1. Ptalomej Member

    Old version Blighted Horde VIII (Celestial) has 3 time more hits with same damage per hit:

    Please give me back my Celestial Spell Book from Premium Edition to apply this book more wisely. :(
    Oranorn and Zynt like this.
  2. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    I'm curious how they'd respond.
    "this can be resolved through further gameplay"
  3. Ptalomej Member

    from patch notes

    The base damage for level 111+ abilities have been increased by a minimum of 20% before level and tier multipliers are applied.
    Most abilities that stuck the target multiple times or summoned multiple swarm pets have had that multiple strike combined into a single larger strike to reduce combat calculations on the server.

    Average hit must be multiplied by 3 then by 1.2 and also must have bonus from noxious rune set and from level. But in real damage equals with previous version.
  4. Twisty Well-Known Member

  5. Amiiss Member

    So i was doing testing on undead hoard before it went live and we were looking at the same thing. For that spell it went from 12 dumbfires down to 3. The reasoning I was given at the time was that the new pets were supposed to hit harder that was done so it would do less calculations and possibly reduce lag. The issue I was seeing was the old pets AE hit groups from all 12 pets, so when it was reduced to 3 they were not coming close to the damage output. I brought it up to Caith and in the beta forums and it went nowhere. Im assuming this is probably a similar situation. We still have a few spells that are just better last tier, including buffs (self), pet buffs, pets, and dumb fires. Im still using a mix of old and new spells.
  6. Ptalomej Member

  7. Amiiss Member

    So did anybody notice they fixed UNDEAD hoard instead of BLIGHTED hoard? I mentioned undead hoard having a similar issue and it being written off during testing. Did both need fixing? Or is this a misprint in the notes.