Necro PSA - new GM Awaken worse than old Ancient

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Twisty, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. Twisty Well-Known Member

    "Omg they still don't know how dumbfires scale?!" - said noone who's been paying attention over last 3 xpacs, because there is really no reason to be surprised. Based on numbers below my estimate is that there is simply no dmg increase to this tier, much like last xpac; ie. new Ancient will be = old Ancient

    Tested on a heroic in AurelianCoast, removed special crits /multi-attks, 0 to negligible debuffing of mob. Each test run was ~30 hits after crit removal; these are the averages

    OldAncient    144,807,982
    NewGM        130,928,805
  2. Thand Well-Known Member

    atm the Only reason to use the new Non buffs spells is when we get the Full red sets that add fevror etc to current tier spells only.
  3. Twisty Well-Known Member

    Not exactly true. New Bloodcoil GM is slightly higher damage than old Bloodcoil Ancient, for example. I would check your damage spells carefully on individual basis.

    Their spell-upgrade script just doesn't know how to properly deal with dumbfire pets because there are no explicit numbers listed on the spell, so the whole "30% boost from lvl 98 Ancient dumbfire to lvl 108 Ancient dumbfire" didn't work last xpac. No surprise it doesn't work again this xpac with the 108->118 jump. Which btw, puts our dumbfire damage now 2xpacs behind, so if they fix it for the 108-118 jump only, dumbfires would still be behind the proverbial curve
  4. Arieva Well-Known Member

    Can you tell us after fridays patch if you see any change in dumbfire damage or just primary pets. I'm curious to know if by "all 111+ pets" they included dumbfires.
  5. Beee Well-Known Member

    Thats why no petclass player uses new spells. (except 3 upgraded) at the moment