NDA Lifted!

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-Morie, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-missconstrue Guest

    wish i had them all to show you :(.. will try over the next week
  2. ARCHIVED-mikemcmodmike Guest

    Well... Wardens are good now. Our heals are pretty nice and heal for a lot. We're near the top of the heal parse on every raid and can actually keep a group up in aoes (not to knock shamans or anything).

    That being said I never use our 2 main spells. The only time I use genesis is if I'm almost out of power (it regens power almost as much as it costs) and even then it usually cancels because you get a couple of bad ticks where the power cost is over tick cost. So essentially it's useless. Our other spell that's been sucking it up is Sandstorm because of the huge power cost and 0 value of avoidance vs orange con mobs so it's not adding enough vs the level 65+ mobs.

    That being said I'm happy about the cure. I find Wardens fit nicely in G1 because of cures. Have a fury in an off group keep the solo hot up and I can happily cure the mt and use my burst heals for those 5k hits. With the sloooow cast times of temps and mystics they dont have time to really cure the mt. That being said uncurable effects were getting me down.

    I think with the level 65 spell we're getting it will be nice to be able to cure all those BS effects PLUS cure ourselves of stun with the stamina line of AAs. Sounds fun. I'd still like our other spells fixed though... after all. The reason I'm curing is I have nothing else to do besides direct heal.
    Message Edited by mikemcmodmike on 02-09-200610:37 PM
  3. ARCHIVED-quetzaqotl Guest

    Ehm 1 thing the fury t7 spell list is a rehash of spells from t6/t5 we gte 1 new spell in call of storms.
    We only gte one "debuff" upgraded and that one is crap so yeah pls dont paint the grass greener from start as it isnt that green ;)
  4. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    All classes get upgrades to their spell lines from t6 and t5.. that's how the system is set up: every 14 lvls you get a new version of spells you had in the previous tier (been like this since release so I really don't understand why ppl always complain about getting upgrades of their old spells) So, wardens get a "rehash" of their t5 and t6 spells + rehashes of mystic spells for our "new" t7 spells. At least your t7 new spells actually ARE new (yes there's two of them the other fury one is infusion and the warden's other one is faerie ally aka warden version of mystic badger pet). Now the new ones that got removed early in beta could very well get changed, but as far as anyone right now knows that's what they are.
  5. ARCHIVED-quetzaqotl Guest

    I am just saying that furies dont get a lot of new spells as people say.
    And yes there are two spells but if Im correct 1 got removed and is now an achievemnt? (aka infusion) so yeah doubt well see that one back just like they removed call lightning in dof beta.
    Yes I know that spells get upgrades of course just wanted to say that furies dont get lots of new spells while wardens are the only ones getting their old spells upgraded and of course we still dont have any nice debuffs either.
    Message Edited by quetzaqotl on 02-10-200606:29 AM
  6. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    Infusion was ALWAYS the final achievement of the druid int line, and furies at one point also had a new line at lvl 62 called infusion with the same effect as the achievement. All classes level 62 new spells were removed afaik (it's defeinitely sure for wardens and furies). And my point is that while wardens are getting rehashed mystic spells as "new" abilities, furies are getting ORIGINAL spell ideas as new abilities. It does kind of rub one the wrong way.
    And I know the debuff furies get sucks (I have a fury of my own), but hey you have a debuff and wardens' ONLY debuff was changed into our root line; something is better than nothing even if that something isn't the greatest thing in the world.
    Message Edited by Dragonrealms on 02-10-200610:17 AM
  7. ARCHIVED-Naithik Guest

    hey quetz, im not trying to say fury is getting a ton of new spells. Yes they get upgraded versions of spells, just like us. The problem is...
    Pre-revamp, HG rocked... Then they changed it, and made it completely useless. But we were ok with that because we were aiming for 60. But that still made porcupine a much more intersting spell. Like i said, in a raid, warden's agi/wis buffs were pretty much = to porcupine. So depending on who the raid leader was, you had either afury or a warden in MT group. And i was ok with that. But now, our old gimped spells like HG are comming back.
    Oh and about the HG regen, it regens the power of the target, not your own. And it costs 16/tick, and regens 16/tick. So you are basically transfering your power to the MT. Unless MT is fighting a power draining mob, its completely useless, and even then, wizies give a lot more power, faster than we can transfer it.
  8. ARCHIVED-Lochr Guest

    Is there any difference between Tranquility (our 'marquee' 65 spell) and the last skill in the Strength AA tier (Purify?)

    I guess I'm really disappointed by the sound of this spell. It's 100% useless for soloing wardens, while the fury spell does damage. Damage = good.
    It's 100% useless in exp groups. I don't even bother curing debuffs in exp groups; mobs die too fast. A fury's nuke does damage. Damage = good. Can't ever have enough of that.
    Even for raids, how often are you curing things that your existing cures aren't handling, especially now that cures don't have a recast time? What's the over/under on # of times Tunare's Watch is cast on a raid, versus # of times Tranquility's cast on same raid? To me, the spell's that sad, and wardens have enough sad 'class-defining' spells.
    Tunare's Watch ought to be enough for the rest of EQ2's existence. Unless wardens are to be defined by having a book full of super-situational marginal heals (and now cures).
    I'd much prefer to see a version of the fury's spell, that does the damage as a DD instead of a DoT. Remove the stifle component from the warden's version as a tradeoff (as damage up front > damage over time). Heat based instead of cold to complement our winds line.
    Another neat spell would be a form of divine arbitration for mana. Wouldn't do anything for soloing people, but would help exp groups to power up the perpetually OOM tank, and would be useful for raids.
    In the fury thread about druid AAs, almost everyone wants the charm line. Why? People want to do damage. I didn't see anyone looking at the strength line and go, wow, Purify. Now that's a must-have!
    Because it's not. And neither is Tranquility.
  9. ARCHIVED-arielelf Guest

    I for one am very excited about the cure all. I'm a bit of a cure-a-holic unless like you stated the mobs are just dying to fast. On raids, IMHO, curing is essential. Call me a control freak, but waiting for another priest class to hit their group cure is maddening. As far as damage goes, sure I like to do damage but it is by far the least important aspect of being a warden in my opinion. I'm a healer first and foremost and curing is a big part of healing. The more you cure the less you have to heal. This is just a guess and I could be entirely wrong but it seems to me that the developers gave us a cure-all to help make us more useful in raids. It could theoretically be a reason to put us in the MT group depending on what you are fighting. I'm not really debating here on who is the most useful in the MT group or that the cure gives us an advantage in any way over the fury. Personally, I think they are interchangable and I believe that's the way it should be. That being said I do wish we had more utility in a raid and I think the cure helps a tiny bit with that.

    Oh, and I'm not in beta so I'm just going off what is listed here but it looks like Purify is a self cure-all not a group/friend cure all. It doesn't look like the cure-all is a group cure. That stinks.
    Message Edited by arielelf on 02-10-200611:29 AM
    Message Edited by arielelf on 02-10-200611:32 AM
    Message Edited by arielelf on 02-10-200611:35 AM
  10. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    The last skill in the str line can be used while stunned and is just a self cure on a long timer.
    Tranquillity heals your target for 343 (ad1) for every hostile effect you cure with it and it recasts 3 mins faster than purge inflictions does.
    Also, as for waiting for for someone to hit their grp cure, it would actualyl be faster for them to use a group cure than for us to use tranquillity (tranquillity has a longer cast time) plus a normal group cure only has a 20 or 40s recast whereas tranquillity's recast is 2 mins. The concept is nice but they already gave the GOOD version to the mystics at lvl 55 (mystic version = 8s recast and I assume 1 or 2s cast). if they reduced the cast/recast on ours and/or the power cost it might be good on a raid but as it is this cure is good only for curing multiple effects and how often on a raid do multiple effects stay on the mt for more than 2 or 3s including hlr reaction time (not very often I hope)?
    Message Edited by Dragonrealms on 02-10-200602:40 PM
  11. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    Can't post screens but here's the numbers for ya on HG upgrade:
    Hierophantic Advent (m1):
    89 power to cast + 44 every 2s
    heals for 577-705 instantly and every 2s
    increases power of target by 45-55 instantly and every 2s

    For comparison purposes...
    Greater Chloroplast (m1):
    190 power to cast
    heal target for 433-530 instantly and every 2s
  12. ARCHIVED-Morie Guest

  13. ARCHIVED-Shennron Guest

    Sorry, I was going to post the pics of the lvl 66 to 70 spells today but I got distracted and did not post them yet. Bare with me and I'll post them
  14. ARCHIVED-myount Guest

    Thanks man, looking forward to seeing them.
  15. ARCHIVED-Code2501 Guest

    Focusing on Warden spells only and making no comaprison that could be termed class envy.
    HG line is uninteligent. By casting it you loose the ability to quickly change tactics to heal slightly more efficiently. Most wardens didnt care too much cause this 'never gunna use' spell was only lvl 50 and post nerf, um i mean revamp, everyone had another 10 lvls of spells.
    Now this useless spell is repeated, and it sucks cause wardens see it as a wasted spell option. If the devs looked at the number of times this spell has ever been cast by wardens it would probably equate to about 1.5 castings per druid... 1 to see if it really sucked and 2 for some to see if there really was no hope for it.
    So the issue is the HG line should either be replaced or repaired.
    Wardens don't want another 'end game' spell that they will never use.
  16. ARCHIVED-Naithik Guest

    dont forget to put sand/dust storm on the wasted spells list :p
  17. ARCHIVED-mikemcmodmike Guest

    Hum, see the increased heal amount on genesis? Might be worth using now actually.... higher % increase then on solo hot and it amounts to a lot of healing now.
  18. ARCHIVED-Yirabeth Guest

    Probably a lower rate...I've never cast it *g* I read the description, kinda shook my head in wonder and came to the forums to see if it was really as bad as the description appeared to be...lol

    I don't need a spell that's useless when I am having problems healing, for whatever reason --- better to keep on trucking and hope for a few misses on the mob's part.

  19. ARCHIVED-AlienFaction Guest

    I've never cast HG, and I doubt I ever will (not sure why I even have it on my hotbar). I don't use it in solo or group play and haven't needed it in any raids so far.

    I can count how many times I've cast duststorm (on one hand, it's a spell that hasn't figured largely in solo, group or raid play todate.

    Maybe they should think about replacing these with some useful debuffs.
  20. ARCHIVED-Tuppen Guest

    For me, HG has become a way for me to feed power to group members who are running low. This happens rarely in combat.

    90 percent or more of the time, I use it out of combat (healing component is useless) to shorten downtime between battles.