Monument and Might to our UK, French, German and Japanese servers

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by ARCHIVED-Brenlo, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Brenlo Guest

    Howdy folks,
    Unfortunately we have some issues with the build intended to be pushed out tonight for our European and Japanese servers. This means we will be holding back the update until Tuesday the 23rd for those servers. I do apologize for the delay. It was our hope that all of our players could enjoy the content on the same day. I regret that we cannot do so for you, our loyal fans in Europe and Japan.
    So the 23rd it is my friends, for you to also enjoy Kurn's Tower and other new content and features. We will look to add some additional fun for you folks as well.

    Brenlo wrote:
    You say "it was our hope that all our players could enjoy the content on the same day" how is patching 24 hours later on EU servers the same day? let alone a week!
  3. ARCHIVED-Dessellion4 Guest

    Chakine@Runnyeye wrote:
    That's it in a nutshell. EU servers are not updated on the same day. GU52 in US - 16 June, EU servers should have been 17 June, same day I think not.
    One difference caused by this disparity. My characters on Splitpaw have their fair share of Server discoveries. Yet it is highly unlikely that they'll ever get a world-wide disco because SOE favour their US players. Unfair - yes, likely to change - no.
  4. ARCHIVED-SinIsLaw Guest

    So now there is one week, where the server versions don't match between US/ EU servers.
    And that means now HUGE amount of patch work each time one changes the Region!
    I have characters on both of the english speaking regional servers (EU/US), so I patched last night the GU52 on the US Realm.
    When I tried to log into the EU server this morning i started (what looked to me) a full rescan and had an estimated 8+ hours of download remaining where files were repatched!!
    Are you gonna address this? Or are we not limited to either one of the regions?

    Imho, you could at least patch RE/SP (the english speaking EU servers) since they are running identical packages then the US Servers ...
  5. ARCHIVED-Shoushin Guest

    it's always gonna be unfair due to the time difference, since we are hours ahead and then the US ppl would start complaining about not being able to get worldwide discoveries. And.. well.. arent they US based? Cant blame them favoring their own ppl.
    However it does bothers me how SOE keeps saying "same day" when we are always one day behind. For heaven's sake, just include in your posts when the servers here and when they are gonna get patched. Give some love for the gamers from the other side of the world, since I do bet we give you some fair amount of money as well.
  6. ARCHIVED-firza Guest

    Shoushin wrote:
    what keeps bothering me is that time after time after time they make the same mistakes. Translation delays...nah never happened before....Late information...nah never happened before...patch English speaking servers could we thin of something minor like that up front...

    Lets give them a day or two of extra experience...they will hush again.
  7. ARCHIVED-Dessellion4 Guest

    Shoushin wrote:
    At the moment the US is updated in their early morning so that (hopefully if it doesn't go wrong) they can play in the evening (primetime). The EU servers are updated the following morning so that we can play primetime. I would be happy to lose a days primetime play so that all servers were updated simultaneously during US mornings , our evenings. This way if I wanted a chance at worldwide discos I could stay up late and do so, unlike the present situation where I have no chance because we're 24 hours behind.
  8. ARCHIVED-Hardain Guest

    Great job indeed.
  9. ARCHIVED-krrr Guest

    US servers update time is in 40 minutes, that's 14:00 CET and 13:00 GMT, nowhere near prime time for EU players
  10. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    The upside is the voice issues will probably be fixed by the time you get GU52.

    If I were to make a polite suggestion to SoE, it's never fiddle with voice chat on the same day you are introducing a ton of content that folks will want to group up, play, and talk about.
    Our guild had 20 people logged in, all ready to play the new content, and chose not to do the group zones due to voice chat being so buggy. Tuesday is normally our WoE night.
  11. ARCHIVED-Thunderthyze Guest

    Arcos@Splitpaw wrote:
    Funny thing is that they can do a simultaneous patch when expansions are released. Anyway, maybe SOE can hang on to a few staff in the meantime that will remember next GU that the French and Germans speak a different language? Oh by the way, the EU (English) patch is NOT the same as the US patch, there seems to be way more voicepacks in the latter for one thing.
  12. ARCHIVED-Whilhelmina Guest

    btw, is the 23th the 23th or the 24th ? We would love to get some infos before the patch is supposed to go in too... Well, a 24 hours notice for example... Or something...

    Holymoly@Runnyeye wrote:
  14. ARCHIVED-dSquirrel Guest

    Brenlo wrote:
    hiya, well thanks for the information, but to keep us happy you need to inform us a bit sooner. people are getting annoyed cos they took the time to plan for the new GU, i know i did, took a days holiday to find it's cancelled.
    If you have to screw with the translation issues with eu servers, then fine. but i think it might be decent to give us more notice than 2 hours. you obviously knew the QA of the eu builds were not complete, so in future let us know more in advance. this 'short notice' crap is what is annoying people. if you talk to us and let us know you are having issues sure people will be annoyed, but it won't be a shock when we log on to find 'oh it's been cancelled' a MOTD update is not enough. there should have been a lot more notice given.
    I still don't believe why you made the UK servers take the slate with the french/german/japanese servers, as we do not use the same build as ours is english based, we could have been updated with the US servers easily enough. or is it because you want to cause a rift between eu and us players? i know in 4 years of playing there has been a 'we get patched first so we get everything disco'ed first' attitude, but we tolerate it. this patch has been coming for a long time, so you should have easily known that there were issues weeks before the deadline.
    anyway i hope the 'additional fun' will be worth the wait. you just need to treat the EU with a bit more respect then just making us deal with translation issues.
  15. ARCHIVED-steelbadger Guest

    You wanna know the really funny thing?

    The last few times this happened the EU servers had to wait a week for the update... with none of the bugfixes introduced to the US servers in the meantime.
    Ahh good times.
  16. ARCHIVED-Doggi Guest

    Whilhelmina@Storms wrote:
    Since Eovania is gone, Germany doesn't even have a CRR...
  17. ARCHIVED-Alienor Guest

    Linuky@Valor wrote:
    Has Soffrina also left? I thought she would have been responsible for the French. And the Germans, well, everybody get's what he deserves :) The forums are dead anyway, so there is no real reason for a German CR.
  18. ARCHIVED-stayx Guest

    Thats a bad joke or?
  19. ARCHIVED-regalus Guest

    thanks for the heads up but this should have been told to the EU community alot sooner than when people are login or seeing the forums this morning. surely the QA team new about this before today.
    As for Update days think it's time we went back to the old patch system when all server did get patched at the same time and not a day after, although technical you are patching on the 16th in the US but in the EU it is the next day.
    best way to do this would be get a poll up and ask us what we wont dont assume we dont mind the next day.
  20. ARCHIVED-Doggi Guest

    Alienor wrote:
    What is that suppose to mean? ^^
    Soffrina is still there, she is kinda the "replacement" for Eovania till another german CR is hired... or not...