Monk DPS > Bruiser DPS currently?!

Discussion in 'Bruiser' started by ARCHIVED-LordMacbeth, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Maelwys1 Guest

    costs me 135 at adept 1 with 340 stam or with 325 stam when i actually examine the skill every 6 secs.
    I gain 11 health per 6 second tick on in combat regen - with NO regen items on.
    so actual cost in health per 6 seconds is 124.
    I run 31.9 mitigation in the ghostly wraps, without the buff. with the buff - 45.4 - 13.5% mitigation extra mitigation (at adept 1)

    Basically the mob has to be able to do 1000 damage for the buff to save me 135 pts of damage - in 6 seconds.
    As most bruisers are aware, most heroic mobs can hit us for 3-5k on major attacks, and in the hundreds to low thousand point range on autoattack damage.

    Now...if it still doesn't make sense to you to use it...please don't. I don't need you to use it for myself to see the benefits.
    costs - under 2% of my max health, if this buff is up consistently IN COMBAT for 3 minutes solid...yes, it will cost you just shy of 60% of your overall health.
    However, the buff is used generally only when things get hairy...multiple adds, epic mobs turning on you, etc, where the mitigation is key.
    3700 pts of damage in 3 minutes. if it's not saving you at least that much damage, yes its a detriment. But i'd highly doubt that (if used correctly) it's not gonna save you a LOT more than that. can be turned off in combat, btw. just cancel its effects...

    Message Edited by Maelwys1 on 04-28-2006 07:02 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-OperationsX Guest

    Oh both of you classes get over yourselves, both you T3 dps classes are overpowered, replacing tank role and dps role all in one toon outdamaging all the T2 dps and most of the T1 dps on mostly all raids thanks to haste, AA's and procs being overpowered for fighters. No dang fighter should be outdpsing mages and predators on raids and that's what happens all the time due to AE's killing pets and dumbfire pets, draining mana, stifling ect for both summoner and sorcerer and slowing em down meanwhile the hasted brawlers with all its mighty HP and mitigation compared to the robe wearers continue to pound on the mob with all its raid buffs and procs with Auto attack while everyone is oop, continuing to do insane amounts of damage

    Oh btw I use Advanced Combat Tracker too

    Message Edited by OperationsX on 04-28-2006 08:54 PM
  3. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Who supplies those procs? And haste and DPS buffs?
    Last i checked it was the wizard/assasin/conjuror procs, bard and enchanter dps and haste that made raid parses so high for fighters.
  4. ARCHIVED-ganjookie Guest

    rousing cry line = DPS buff
  5. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    my point ganjookie is he is basing bruiser dps as being overpowered compared to other T1 dps. While the dps we achieve is not possible w/o thier buffs. Utimately any melee class can acheive the same increase with haste, dps, proc, and double atk. As has been shown acorss the boards.
    Message Edited by Gungo on 04-29-2006 10:48 PM
  6. ARCHIVED-PhozFate Guest

    reason FTW!

    I like how people never talk about that. I can't read the dps solo as i can in a raid mainly due to the reasons listed above. just buffs tripleing my solo dps/haste without proc buffs are amazing. I bet if you could parse the dps one class adds to thier own dps the numbers would be alot diffrent.

    To another posters above. Since when was our DOT mit buff % based and not a static number? I'm gonna check in gmae but i feel your wrong

    EDIT : checked in game, yea your right :smileytongue:
    Message Edited by PhozFate on 04-30-2006 04:46 AM
  7. ARCHIVED-Raidi Sovin'faile Guest

    It gives you a specific number for health drained, but it's the same thing as Sprint... no matter how much your max health goes up or down it's always going to be 2% of it. Just like Sprint is always 15% to cast, and 10% every 3 seconds (or something like that).

    And yes... the only reason we PARSE high, is because we have so many buffs from other classes. Technically, the damage we are doing are caused by those other classes, so when it comes down to it, they are adding that DPS to the fight, not us.

    There's a world of difference between PARSING high, and what you bring to the group. Fighters aren't t1 DPS, but we parse really well.

    If they could attach the name of the proc's to the person who cast them instead of the person who is proc'ing them... I think we'd see a significant difference in the parsed DPS tiers.
  8. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Funny I was just saying the other day how I wish our haste for hp buff was a mit for hp buff like yours.
    Mit is huge in this game, and 1400 mit for a little hp is nothing to sneeze at.
  9. ARCHIVED-QQ-Fatman Guest

    Becasue you tank a lot... but as i said, most of brusiers / monks do not tank epics - or do not tank at all. A mitigation buff does nothing when you're not tanking.
  10. ARCHIVED-ganjookie Guest

    Gotcha, that makes perfect sense
  11. ARCHIVED-PhozFate Guest

    I much prefer to have the mit buff over a haste buff. True most bruisers don't tank HoF and other things. But why aren't most tanking those things? It can be done.

    Also trying to look at it from thier side do you think a monk ever feels their skill is useless when they are in a group and they don't need the haste?

    Message Edited by PhozFate on 05-01-2006 09:25 AM
  12. ARCHIVED-Owain Guest

    I dunno about whether I'd prefer the MIT over the haste (I wouldn't) but didn't someone say they'd rather have the self invis than the mit buff? This is nuts.
    The mit buff is pretty useful, I find - and I don't even raid tank atm. If you're MA or even if you just catch aggro from an epic - an Adept III Deadly Spirit can be a lifesaver. And using it on tough named etc is a must too. Maybe I'm missing something but I think it's a pretty good CA.
    (Hint to PvPers - get this Adept III NOW)
  13. ARCHIVED-Tamo Guest

    Quote from Kymi: Also trying to look at it from thier side do you think a monk ever feels their skill is useless when they are in a group and they don't need the haste?

    Exactly. As a monk I can easily get my self up to 100% haste and that really accomplishes nothing. I still get out DPS'd by Assassins and Rangers and BRUISERS and throw in a Beserker or 2. Not to mention any mage type class that isn't slacking.

    If the "T1" DPS classes are complaining about being out DPS'd by a brawler of some form then they aren't doing their "job". Plain and simple. Its the fact that they got lazy and never thought we would capable of these numbers. Its shock thats all it is shock.
  14. ARCHIVED-Carnagh Guest

    Yes, because people who play Brawlers play harder than people who play other classes.... is that the argument you're going to present the devs?
  15. ARCHIVED-Maelwys1 Guest

    It's not the t1 classes complaining about brawlers specifically. It's the complaint that most of the t1 classes have seen nerf after nerf to their dps, while the 2nd and 3rd tier classes haven't been modified appropriately in balance to the nerfs the t1 classes have seen.
    In halls of seeing last night, we saw wizards, warlocks and rangers parsing in the 500-700 dps range fairly consistently...while certain classes were parsing 800-1000 dps on the same fight.
    This was not one fight, it was quite a few.

    But that's not what this thread is about. This thread is about monk vs bruiser, and finding some parity between the two. please redirect further discussion...
  16. ARCHIVED-Ishya Guest

    will they still be similar after next patch (lu24 and more changes on test)? seems to me bruiser got a few adjustments on the dps coming up ( lowing critchance AP - lowering some CA's with about 7-12%)