Massive changes underway, your thoughts?

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-LoreLady, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zholain Guest

    As obvious as that statement is, too many people seem to ignore it. 'Balancing' for any class should not be done around equipment from what is basically a non-existent tier.
  2. ARCHIVED-Jay42 Guest

    ^^ Agreed.
    And ditto Gwyn's "Aiee!" and Skaer's comment about rolling with the punches. Some people enjoy speculating and guessing at the impact of changes like these, but I'm no good at that - just not wired that way. I have to experience this first hand before I'll really understand how it affects me.
  3. ARCHIVED-Gareorn Guest

    It's more fun to read a post about how the proposed changes are going to break us followed by a screen shot of them cancelling their account.
  4. ARCHIVED-Raahl Guest

    I'm really nervous about these changes. Sony rarely gets things right the first time through. And I'm not sure that I'll be willing to wait the 6 months or so for them to fix things broken by these changes.
  5. ARCHIVED-brandi7920 Guest

    Verrry much in agreement. Just gonna have to wait and see how it goes.... :smileytongue:
  6. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    Bah to that, lazy slobs! Its much more fun to look at all the angles to see how things are going to be before it even hits.. And then see if your even right :p
  7. ARCHIVED-TerriBlades Guest

    HAHA thats so true.
  8. ARCHIVED-Carnagh Guest

    Which Rogues are you talking about?... The Rogues in your guild don't maintain 1.5k dps, because I've seen the parses you've posted. If I recall correctly (and I could well be in error, genuinely correct me if I'm wrong), nobody in parses I've seen you post maintains 1.5k dps, Rogues or otherwise. What Rogues are we talking about that maintain 1.5k dps? I've read about Rogues that do this but I've not seen it myself. I know of one Rogue when called to substantiate it with logs was found to fall well short of it.
    I find it interesting the process by which it becomes recieved wisdom that Rogues maintain 1.5kdps. I don't doubt that there's aren't Rogues out there doing it, but all to often we start throwing around crazy figures as some sort of norm that many of us have never seen happen, nor have even seen actual logs of it happening, as if it's some sort of norm. And then it gets argued as the maintained norm... it's not. It's far from it.
    You really can't rely on what you see others quoting as either their or their guildies dps on forums. People are way too apt to quote the max spike dps they've observed as some sort of baseline.
  9. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    I tend to talk about top end, my own guild no, however I have a habbit of collecting parses of various guilds out there.. And seeing whos doing what.. The rouges in my own guild have DW's - and seem to like the tanking line, and just break 1.1k dps..

    I also have parsings of a simple rouge with a velium rapier being able to maintain 1.4k dps and being extreemly poorly geared, I also have parsings of highend rouges holding 1.5k, and being able to maintain that..
  10. ARCHIVED-TerriBlades Guest

    I know this wasnt directed at me, but I have seen plenty of well geared, well played brigands posting 1.3-1.5K. And not to be out done, my very own brigand in legenday gear (w00t just got MoA) can post 1.1-1.3K.
    Edit: I forgot to mention that my brigand isnt even at 50 AA yet. I think 47 at the moment.
    Message Edited by TerriBlades on 10-03-2006 10:31 PM
  11. ARCHIVED-Mronin Guest

    Thank you for being one of those who not only understands but voices this concept. It's posts like yours that bring a sense of sanity and logic to this forum.

    "Every expansion so far has had a major combat revamp, why should this one be any different. We are rangers, by now we should know that each expansion means relearning how to play our class. Some will complain, some will applaud, after a few months the dust will settle and we will know where we are.

    We are a pendulum class, I'm just hoping that these changes swing us back toward the middle.

    Message Edited by Mronin on 10-04-2006 12:52 PM