Kunark and level 80

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Emerix, May 9, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Allisia Guest

    I left after LU13 because the change was to stark and drastic. I liked DoF, but the LU was too much too quickly for me to take. I could tell from one day to the next how many HPs I lost, how much mitigation I lost, and how I couldn't tank mobs that I could before. You say you'd rather be nerfed and be unique, but you also pointed out that you weren't nerfed. In fact, you were improved and kept your uniqueness. So why would LU13 bother you? LU13 was probably 80% of the reason I left (the other 20% being dissatisfaction with my guild at the time).
  2. ARCHIVED-Raidi Sovin'faile Guest

    [p]I'm totally for a lvl 80 increase. Tier 7 is becoming bloated. EoF did it's job and allowed a large portion of the game to "catch up" and be in the final tier... now it's time to increase to the higher level.[/p][p]We need to increase levels because things are becoming stagnant. How many people out there have their 3rd alt mastered out now? How many people have alts up to 70 just so they can zone in and get the "trash" fabled that no one needs anymore.[/p][p]We need to expand the levels so we have more room for growth. And it doesn't have to be like tier 7's single ancient teachings. They could just as easily add 5 new ancient spells... some upgrades to the 50s ones, and some totally new ones. Or we could have an all new set of spells and abilities that replace the old ones, giving additional benefits instead of just more of the same. Who knows![/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Jennal Guest

    I too hated the idea of having to lvl up again, however complaining isn't going to change anything they've already announced the lvl increase to 80. So, I will suck it up and level. I do want to say that I believe they brought on the level increases too much too soon compared to old game. Old game progression went from 50 -60, then 60 -65, 65-70 and so on. Yes, I realize this isn't the old game, and truthfully I probably would have stuck with the old game if Gates of Discord never came out, but the constant increases on this game are making it hard for smaller guilds who don't raid as much as the huge guilds to keep up, or even to catch up. There are alot of guilds that can't even raid EoF yet, some have not even beat KoS yet, adding 10 more lvls isn't going to change that. I do like that they are introducing Kunark again and I hope that Vel is next to follow, just please skip Luclan lol. Would be interesting if they brought in the instances from Ldon though, those were fun, was fun to work to get those adornments. Oh and isn't about time to introduce ARMOR DYES again please!!!!
  4. ARCHIVED-dnice74 Guest

    [p]This post is primarily directed at Aethane, high-five to Novus for this drivel, though. [/p][p] I was going to try to read through this whole thread before I commented, but your posts make me ill. Seriously, I hope you have shut up before I get to the end of this. [/p][p]This expansion isn't coming out for SIX MONTHS. [/p][p]You are going to need THE BEST POSSIBLE GEAR to progess through it. [/p][p]You have no clue who will leave, how people will react, blah blah Chicken Little. [/p][p]The problem? Your attitude is poor. Boo hoo, your guild might not clear EoF before the new expansion. Guess what? YOU CAN STILL DO IT AFTERWARDS. These games are designed with progression in mind. You are suggesting to hundreds of people on these boards that they just give up?? Woo hoo! I'll just shelve my toon for 6 months and then come back! Thanks![/p][p]I pray your key point in this argument does not apply to your life. [/p][p]"boo hoo, inflation will devalue my money, why bother!"[/p][p]"boo hoo, i'm never going to be as strong as i was at 25, why bother!"[/p][p]"boo hoo, we are all going to die anyway, i quit!"[/p][p]Seriously - this is horrible. I shudder to think what I'm going to read next. Quit spreading your quitter's mentality around the boards. I'm very happy there is a new cap coming out - cause if there wasn't, then your little whines would come true. Wooo, another year with the same spells and AA's! Let's just rework everything and basically kill the same mobs with different graphics! Whhheeeeee![/p][p] [/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-Hojoo01 Guest

    I think its a great idea to increase lvl.. And to anyone who thinks the level increse of the OOW expansion from EQ1 is what killed it is strongly mistaken... OOW sucked because the trials and raids were insane..people kept getting stuck on zones like uqua and left to other games... Level cap increases are always good. You get plenty of new content and it makes equipment and encounters from previous expansions easier to get for the more casual players.
  6. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    [p]I was just pointing out the reason most of the "I am leaving threads" and the reason most of the people I hung out with at the time gave for leaving EQ2. I personally loved the changes and my main at the time was an Illusionist, though it was not long befor I changed it to Monk, more because my guild mates out lvled me and I was getting board as a buff bot then anything else though. [/p][p]As far as complaining that DESERT of Flames had the 2 Main types of Deserts in it, and there for was monotinous, is to me kinda confusing. I mean goto the American south west, then goto the Sahara Desert are you going to tell me that those to areas are even remotly similar in anyway other then neither of them get much water?[/p]
  7. ARCHIVED-Krikket Guest

    Bring on level 80. Heck lets bump it a little and give us more puch it to 90. I have two 70's(and have had them for a while) and will have a 3rd I'm sure before this goes live. I was very dissapointed when I found out EoF would not up the levels. AA's are all fine and good but for me it's the "DING!" /em happy dance, I have been board with having to start yet another toon just to get my fix. But I'll take what I can get. Level 80 will have to work for now, just tell me that the next bump in levels will not be to far behind this one.
  8. ARCHIVED-ganjookie Guest

    lol silent majority, thats awesome. how do you know it's the majority if they are silent? anyhow the levels are raising thank heavens, have fun with it!