KoS Required Fixes. Dev's MUST READ!!

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Kazooooooooooo, Oct 31, 2015.

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  1. 4280777 Member

    Yeah, always hoping for good it's human nature. But ask yourself why. DBG had tons of time before they even launch TLE and they didn't fix a thing. Then few months in vanilla, while we were waiting for DoF, they promised fixes, they said they collecting data and stuff to make appropriate changes to items/encounters, I know a lot of people who voted no 'just to give DBG some extra time for fixes' and again they barely fixed anything. They even forgot to fix most obvious thing in the world, the level of peacock fury sword and it took them another 2+ weeks after DoF was unlocked to do so... So do you really expect any serious fixes now, when they are busy with merges and new expansion?? Oh god..
  2. Kander Developer

    We are going to make time to make the necessary tweaks for the TLEs should/when KoS gets voted in. If it gets voted in this week, we will stop what we are doing and do what we can in the bare minimum of time.

    If it does not get voted in, than we will sped some good time trying to give the TLE's as much love as we can after the expansion launch.

    We haven't forgot, we aren't forgetting. Its just crazy busy atm.
  3. CIFU New Member

    Thanks for this.

    My take away is if people want to see some changes to tle vote for Kos. There will be some short term fixes and when the devs are ready they will give some much needed love to TLE. If the vote doesn't pass TLE will remain as is, and right now TLE at least on deathtoll is not in a good place.
  4. GBlack Active Member

  5. GBlack Active Member

    I hope you guys have read at least this thread with players suggestions. Another xpac with nothing important fixed will be DT's gravestone. Also it could be great if you will check some old threads named "current state of PvP healer" pt I and pt II ignored so hard :D And A lot of us hope, you guys can post some patchnotes when it will come to real fixing =)

    P.S. Oh, and I hope the next TLE related reply will not take another several months to come. )
  6. Kander Developer

    I personally have read and have notes of everything that has been posted. This does not mean we will change everything or be able to address everything that has been posted.
    Katz, Belenos, Xillean and 4 others like this.
  7. Ajjantis Well-Known Member

    Those "minor" things will determine whether deathtoll will be dead or alive after the KoS release. It will have a huge impact on deathtoll so theres no way you can say that it should not be a priority.
    GBlack likes this.
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