[Item Request] - Glass Tile

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Senya, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Heh...don't have that capability; my highest level character, Uwk here, is only 83rd, and I don't have any of the expansions from AoD on (no money, unless I stop doing Gold for at least 3 months, which would kinda defeat the purpose; besides, I'm less than a year away from 9-Year Vet rewards... ;->). :-/

  2. suka Well-Known Member

    I agree, but then, glass uses sand. i know that in the game they use unlikely stuff like loam, but i would like to see more sand in the game- as harvest nodes, for the many uses like glass, Glass is made from silica or sand, soda and lime. These items are mixed together and heated to a high temperature. so if we could harvest these items and then have a nice recipe to use them for making several types of class in several shapes and forms. Also i would like to see placeable sand, placeable flows of lava, and realistic water and lava falls. Obsidian is a form of natural glass. I would like to see a dark but see-through glass made from it. If you take a piece of almost clear obsidian and shave it carefully, you get a beautiful piece of glass like stone that is a jewel quality. I can imagine goblets made of this. bottles and goblets that can can barely see don't appeal to me. i want to see what i have placed. if those transparent wine glasses and bottles could get really big and be used to tint an area, i would like them way more.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Lol! Yep, I know how glass is made in RL (I miss real Pyrex so much, and no, o new owners of the bleedin' company, "a new technique for making [way cheaper than borosilicate] soda glass temperature-safe!!1! :D" is NOT THE SAME THING, and makes the new Pyrex dishes they come out with very, very unsafe [if anyone wants a set, get one you know to be older than, say, 1998...look for the Duran brand instead nowadays]), but there's no way in the gods' green Norrath the devs are gonna make entirely new nodes from scratch, with entirely new harvests (they'll probably get ulcers over the thought of separating out the poor Loams...), hence my Loam suggestion. ;->

    But yeah, I agree completely with the other suggestions, they sound beautiful! I like some of the glassware we have, I know the "lab flask" and such can be expanded to pretty huge, but they're usually in shapes that make it difficult to pass them off as windows or such. :-(

    Submarine ports, maybe...hmm......

    now pondering...
    suka likes this.
  4. suka Well-Known Member

    submarine ports- now if they can give the illusion of water- hmm- some dark water maybe- too bad you can't really put things into walls. If they would only give us free-placement. and please devs, don't say you can't do that- you already did- in eq1.
    Geden and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  5. daicia Well-Known Member

    I'd love to see these as player made items in clear at the very least! Maybe we could have a tinted versions added later as a seasonal recipe--maybe a Bristlebane tie-in, since that seems to be the most colorful event of the year?

    Can we also get a versions with a frame around it, like a windowsill? And an empty frame/sill?

    I was just thinking about how having an empty frame would help keep item count down when building windows, so we're not fiddling with railings and whatnot to make those too. This is what got me on that train of thought (thanks for the image, Lera of EQ2 Furniture!)

    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Wow! What's this and what category is it in? :)

  7. daicia Well-Known Member

    It's a tinkerer recipe from one of the Tinkerfest scrolls. Titanium Hexagon Gasket. To be clear too...I'd square frames for windows hehe...
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. suka Well-Known Member

    for frames, the ones they have on the mirrors that the carpenter makes would be fine- but would like different choices of materials. Yeah- something clear that doesn't reflect would be great. and maybe a little painting of something behind it to look like an outdoor scene
    daicia and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Meh, dunno that would be necessary; I've seen lots of folks making "windows" out of their paintings and railings, etc. to cover the original frame... :-/

    The only issue I have with the Carpy mirror recipes is that a) not enough! more! and b) they seem to be in every shape but easily rectangular. Granted, it's a nice decorating challenge on occasion, and it does allow for all sorts of groovy effects, but if you just want a normal reflective rectangle, it's really tricky, which could be solved by dealing with a). ;->

  10. suka Well-Known Member

    have you sen the mosaic inlaid mirror? nice, rectangular, and a pretty frame - now if i could have that one in a see through version it would be great
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. daicia Well-Known Member

    I hear where you're coming from Suka and that might cut item count too, but I don't know how they could make it and give it the depth you can get with layering a picture in game with something like a misty tile or ice tile now. When I suggest a blank frame, I'm thinking of something to pair with clear glass tiles when they're used to build a structure from scratch in a space like the TT island or a Gorowyn breakout, more than a fake window inside an enclosed house.
    Karrane and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  12. suka Well-Known Member

    yeah and unfortunately the closest we get is the vampiric mirror at this time. i really wish they would let us make frames
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Have that be a Carpy recipe using wood? One sort or set for each Tier (Elm Frame, Maple Frame, etc.)? :)

    who KNOWS they've added recipes in the past to the below level-cap books before... ;->
    suka likes this.
  14. Geden Well-Known Member

    +1... no +100000^10!! :) We NEED these to help make Norrath a more beautiful place! Pleeeeeeeease
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Jexi Well-Known Member

    Is is possible to create a full window with glass in it, that can make whatever it is placed against see-through? Somehow I keep thinking it's possible, but my memory is foggy on that. I have been feedbacking a long time for 2 things: glass tiles and royal blue tiles. :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. suka Well-Known Member

    no- not a window. there is a mirror that is see through- a round one with a watery surface. and the regular vampire mirror - the one that is not foggy - you can do that with it since it is also see through and doesn't reflect, the mystical mirror is the round one - it looks a lot like the polished mirror but doesn't reflect.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.