Introducing: EQ2 Relaxation video series

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Sturmlocke, Jul 26, 2022.

  1. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    DCUO, The Fortress of Solitude, VERSION 2 PREMIERE

    As promised one or two days ago: Join me today on a relaxing trip into the beautiful depths of the Fortress of Solitude VERSION 2 in DC Universe Online. This version is visually identical to Version 1, it's the same cut, but it will feature a completely new / alternate soundtrack for your hearing pleasure. Version 3 is already in the works and will be different than V1&2 both visually and acoustically. Forum discussion and more infos in my post on page two:

    Please note: Same as before, Youtube is processing the HD version of this video right now, but it should be done by the time the premiere starts. I'll reschedule if it needs more time. Enjoy!
    DreadRoberts and Breanna like this.
  2. docdante Member

    Alss servers down and tired from work i found this...
    nice work, ty!
    Sturmlocke and Breanna like this.
  3. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    Ty too for checking it out! Hope it is able to showcase how beautiful and how much potential the games around here truly have. After Version 3 I'll be doing one more special vid for DCUO btw, and then I'll check the list to see what is next.
  4. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    Hail and well met everyone, releasing:

    DCUO | The Fortress of Solitude: A Relaxing Tribute | Ambience & Piano Solo | VERSION 3

  5. luminosa Active Member

    I am incredibly late to this whole series. I have been looking for a video very much like this, a nice walk through Norrath. Thank you for putting this together! This would be great for the treadmill or even just to watch when you're trying to fall asleep. Well done.
    Sturmlocke likes this.
  6. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    Thank you for the kind words @Lumi! Welcome to the club! Happy that you like that little walk through the magical forest of Gfay. I have been doing a few of those ever since, even for some of our beautiful dungeons, and I will record some more very soon. Even when recording it's a super relaxing "ambiente" late at night, helps calm the soul for sure. I've upgraded my hardware many times now, so all videos are now 4k/60 too with even greater detail.

    Btw, as you can see with DCUO and Vanguard, I am also doing special music videos by collaborating with professional musicians and other ppl for these games. In the posts further above you can see some of that for DCUO, but here is one for Vanguard:

    I will also be doing something just like that for EQ2 later this year, already have it planned, just have to find the time and financial resources to start production. In addition to all of that, I also do some walking relaxation videos for these games in real life, such as here:

    Visiting a castle and finding another item of desire (Vanguard):

    Visiting a fortress and finding the item of my desire (EQ2):

    Luckily I was able to reacquire my UHD 4k/120fps action camera that I'll be using to record these real life videos, so that means both virtual reality and real life will have better quality from now on. So as time goes on, I am going to be doing all sorts of different types of content for these games. I have so many ideas and so little time, haha, but we'll be getting there eventually. Hope you stick around and feel free to share any ideas or wishes as we go on. Cheers!
    luminosa and Siren like this.
  7. Majesty Active Member

    LOVE this! Subscribed to your channel and thank you for the work you are doing for these!:)
    Sturmlocke likes this.