Important -- Ongoing Zoning / Login issues

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Jamiss, Feb 24, 2015.

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  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I've checked my Host files dozens of times (usually whenever I get the atrocious "Trying login server #1" lie), and there's literally nothing there but the Comments at the beginning. I'm trying to get into Splitpaw server from the US (I guess that's my first mistake) and usually, I'm able to do an end-run around the stupid lie and get in anyway, but not this time. Tried half a dozen times this time and nothing. I'll clear the cache (though I doubt that has anything to do with it) and try it again, and if that fails, I'll just go in through the .exe file and screw the LaunchPad. This has gone on far enough (years, basically). :mad:

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