Illusionist vs Necro and Warlock's wand dps.

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Mckain, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Vasco Active Member

    This discussion reminds me of several raid encounters in Rift where they were riddled with anti-melee mechanics. You could either opt out and play a range spec that does a little less DPS or you can stay melee. People that played well were able to overcome the anti-melee mechanics are the ones that top the parses. This is what usually differentiate a skilled raider from the mediocre one.

    Should you play a spec that's easier and provide you a bigger safety margin? Sure. As a min/max raider, should you strive to be the best despite all the challenges of a melee spec might bring? Absolutely. It's up to you, on how good you want to be.
  2. slica Active Member

    Shots fired! Who's gonna win?!
  3. Ucala Well-Known Member

    uplifting swings adds the same spell weapon auto that it does to your melee auto...
    you def do not gain 400-500k more damage from melee then you do from range, you gain maybe 50k
  4. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    Let's compare parses then and we'll see who's right.
  5. Ucala Well-Known Member

    it's just like when you were saying damage procs were good, man the laughs
  6. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    They still are. I'm trying to get the Fleshrend one still but hasn't dropped for us yet.

    Either way, you're completely wrong on everything you've stated about Melee Enchanters.

    If you want to be able to put out good dps numbers while being an utility class, it's a safe bet to be in Max Melee Range and turning on your Forced Melee and timing those auto attacks. It will increase your parse substantially if you do so.
  7. Ucala Well-Known Member

    you still need to learn to read.
    I already stated that melee would pull you more dps, just when the situations are in your favor.
    in fact everything I said has been 100% true. you just can't seem to get past this.
    it just doesn't pull as much damage as you think it does over range
  8. Jokirr Member

    Sorry to burst your bubble, his are on there just very early in the thread, and mostly in the pow thread, as are mine if you need everyone to have done good dps on a coer to talk to you.

    Well to be fair coer is so brain numbing that toggling between autos is the only thing you're actually putting thought to, but still Range > Melee.

    And because nobody cared to mention, I will say this so people don't make noob mistakes. The AA "Quickening" base auto multiplier DOES NOT effect the wands, only the MA AttkSpeed, and DPSmod.
  9. SacDaddy420 Active Member

    i thought there was no "spell" weapon stat anymore. Everything just became one stat.
  10. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    The only parse he posted on this expansion is one from Nexus, other than that all this parses are from the previous expansion.

    Anyway, if you guys wanna keep saying that Melee is worse than Spell Auto, then be my guest. Facts will be facts, just look at your Character Sheet in game and that should be proof alone.
  11. Ucala Well-Known Member

    again and again I have to explain this to you. one of the first things I stated in this thread was that melee Will Do more damage then your wand. it's just that you need near perfect cases to do that (lack of jousting/moving during the fight, perfect timing, etc).
    which is very rare in cases, and no it doesn't matter that wing 3 has alot of nice cases.
    also your melee auto just won't do so much more like you are thinking. you say you gain like 400k-500k from your melee over your wand? that is just complete false info. you gain around 50-100k I am fairly confident in saying. (unless it's a massive AoE fight, then maybe slightly more)
    in exchange for that 50k extra dps, you get to not care where you stand and not care about timing autos.
    it's because of those that I say wand is better then melee. It's because of that, that I say wand > melee

    Is it lazy? hmm, kinda. but then again it's also "lazy" if you don't carry about so many of those item clickies to use before pulls that boost your stats. but I don't do those either cause really, it's a waste
  12. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    I've already stated which fights are good for Meleeing and which aren't. There are no mobs, as far as i can tell, that do that Less Damage the further away you are or are in a specific meter range away from the boss.

    Yes, there are AEs that will outright kill you if you're near the boss, but that's where AoE blocking classes come in, like Druids and Bards, or your own personal AoE block with Sever Hate/Respite.
  13. Ucala Well-Known Member

    idk what you just said, cause it seems like you went off to a new topic.

    but also, whoever still specs sever hate, I feel bad for them
  14. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    Look at the parse I just posted on eq2flames and see how i do 400k500k dps more on my crushing than others on Caden and Keplin.
  15. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I hope you are smart enough to know that doesn't mean anything.
    here is an example.

    a coercer in a lower guild kills some raid mob, does 150k crushing range.
    another coercer in a higher guild kills the same mob, does 500k crushing from melee

    that doesn't mean that melee does 350k more then range.
    comparing parses 101.

    you will just have to do what that equil illy, do dummy training parses by yourself to figure it out.
    I'm confident in saying it's only like a 50k-100k (if aoe) difference
  16. Jokirr Member

    And the funny thing is there are not many aoe based fights in tov 1/2 let alone wing 3.
    But like ucala says the gains are to small to warrant being melee all the time, plus wanding lets u not spec for sever hate which idk why people would spec it still anyways.
  17. Ucala Well-Known Member

    not to mention that eq2 flames is dead, no one posts parses at all.
    the illy parse thread this expac was mostly filled with some russian illy and Freeby, both of them quit I believe a good while ago, of course it's easy to say their parses are a little dated now :p
  18. Gnomad_Madgon Active Member

    As an Illusionist I prefer to melee, unlike so many other enchanters I actually enjoy timing my auto attack. However It does not deliver a significant increase in DPS vs. using a wand. I have tested it on training dummies extensively. The only thing that gives melee an edge is the .300 base auto attack multiplier from the strength line in the enchanter tree(if I understand the math correctly the equivalent of 30WDB), and the fact that it will trigger procs more frequently by a small margin due to the quicker delay. Some of the gain you will get from melee is quickly lost in pausing for you auto attack and not casting as many spells. I could be wrong but I am fairly sure they altered the base damage on wand damage to reflect what mages and priest already possess on melee damage when they overhauled spell weapon stats and wand damage. So the edge gained in DPS for enchanters and priests using a two hander was lost. I for one will continue to Melee simply because I enjoy it. I would love to see enchanters get a slight inherent boost to melee damage because I hate seeing summoners and sorcerers, who take advantage of the stat merge out parsing me by leaps and bounds on crushing damage with a silly wand.

    As a side not, the availability of good two handers is lacking. IMO the best two hander in game to melee with is Darkspell, Staff of the Reaper because a 7.0 delay is awesome! All other two handers are 6.0 seconds, they are ever so slightly too quick for my taste.

    An old post of mine.
  19. Ucala Well-Known Member

    you are correct they did modify wand damage to increase it.
    2hs are rare, it's basically the PK 2h and the Zlan 2h (zlan 2h better for yourself if you are melee, PK 2h better for group dps)