Halls of Fate - Persistent Zone and Key

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-GeoffBlack, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-GeoffBlack Guest

    Today, my wife and I were in Halls of Fate trying to work down to Sothis for one of her quests. To make things more interesting we were self mentored to 75. We had to stop for a bit so we zoned back to the guild hall and logged, thinking that since zone would remain persistent all would be good. When we came back in and tried to get down to the lower part of the zone the door was locked and the doomwing key absent. So effectively, we were locked out of a persistent zone. Is this working as intended?
  2. ARCHIVED-Chakos Guest

    Yes, working as intended. Halls of Fate locks you into that instance as soon as you kill a named -- once a named dies, if you leave, you cannot reenter at all for another 18 hours.
    Halls of Fate is not a persistant zone.

    Chakos wrote:
    Yes it is.
  4. ARCHIVED-Chakos Guest

    HBP wrote:
    No, it is not.
    When in game, go ahead and kill any named within Halls of Fate. Now hit Alt Z and check under the Persistant Instances tab -- Halls of Fate will not show up. Now check the Lockout tab and it will.
    A persistant instance is one that you can reenter freely during the lockout timer and pick up where you left off, a la the shard zones. HoF is NOT persistant.
  5. ARCHIVED-Leovinus Guest

    Chakos wrote:
    Yes, it is, or at a minimum, is supposed to be. From the July 14, 2010 Game Update notes:
    • Many instances from Deserts of Flame and Kingdom of Sky are now persistent. This includes Ancient’s Table, Cazel’s Mesa, Scornfeather Roost, The Halls of Fate, The Blackscale Sepulcher, The Den of the Devourer, The Vaults of El’Arad, and The Nest of the Great Egg. ---emphasis mine
  6. ARCHIVED-Raetsel Guest

    Many instances from Deserts of Flame and Kingdom of Sky are now persistent. This includes Ancient’s Table, Cazel’s Mesa, Scornfeather Roost, The Halls of Fate, The Blackscale Sepulcher, The Den of the Devourer, The Vaults of El’Arad, and The Nest of the Great Egg.
  7. ARCHIVED-Chakos Guest

    I had not seen that update; this being the case, it needs to be bugged. As it is currently behaving in game, and being listed in the lockout window, it is not persistant as it is apparently supposed to be now.
  8. ARCHIVED-NaeenSpeedbringer Guest

    Chakos wrote:
    actually, as he described it, it is behaving as a persistent. it sounds like he was able to go back to his partially cleared instance, he just ran into the door into the lower area that had become relocked and the key is no longer there to open it. i remember this being a problem when they first started creating persistent instances that had some sort of in-zone locked gate or door.
  9. ARCHIVED-Kordran Guest

    I'd /bug it, it sounds like the zone isn't being persisted correctly. Oh, and by the way, if you want to make things "interesting" for the zone, you should mentor down to 70. That was the original level cap when that instance was released, and what the content was designed for (and even then, the mentoring system makes you far more powerful than a level 70 player could have hoped to be back in 2006).
  10. ARCHIVED-Chakos Guest

    Naeen@Unrest wrote:
    You are exactly correct.
    Chakos' reading comprehension fail ftw
  11. ARCHIVED-ElsaRat Guest

    I've experienced the same thing, returning to a cleared version of Halls of Fate only to discover we couldn't get past the locked door that we'd gotten the key to before.
  12. ARCHIVED-GeoffBlack Guest

    Arandar@Everfrost wrote:
    We were a duo that both normally solo. It was interesting enough at 75. I expect that you are right - it would be more interesting at 70, but we were good where we were. Bugged away.
  13. ARCHIVED-GeoffBlack Guest

    Naeen@Unrest wrote:
    Exactly the problem. It is not a full lockout as the zone shows on the persistent tab, etc. Sounds like it is an issue. Thanks for the replies.
  14. ARCHIVED-HBP Guest

    Chakos wrote:
    /sigh....how about actually logging into the game and zoning in. /wipes the egg of your face
  15. ARCHIVED-hortefoutre Guest

    Well i remember doing it and people telling us not to evac beyond a certain point because a door would be closed or something like that. So it's probably not a persistancy issue but rather a zone feature, beyond a certain point you cannot stop.
  16. ARCHIVED-BabyAngel Guest

    FUNNY!! I just came on to post this exact problem,
    The problem is the key vanishes once you log out, its persistent so you go back to finish the rest of the instance but you can't reopen the door, and so... your stuck!
    Basically they need to make the key click-able for all in group to grab, and have it not vanish after someone picks it up in group,
    Hope they fix this soon!
    By the way, I love that nasty dragon fight,
  17. ARCHIVED-missconstrue Guest

    well its january 2012 and its still not working. i was logged out and when i came back to finish it a few hours later no key and not able to get past the locked door
  18. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    ElsaRat wrote:
    The key is no zone no?
  19. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    Ok I just ran this to the room with the key got it and unlocked the door. The doors become inactive after that point they stayed open but could not be interacted with, I left the zone and immediately re-entered went to the doors and they were still open. This is not conclusive because the zone is dynamically created when you enter and mine was probably still active. I will check after 30 minutes or tomorrow.
    The zone and it's lockout timer do behave like all other persistent instances but it may not save the state that the door is in properly.

    If you get a key in your inventory it is consumed when you open the door, I didnt think to check the key when i grabbed it.
  20. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    Upon returning to the zone 30 minutes later, the regular noticeable delay you get when zoning and the servers create an instance for you revealed that in fact the doors close, they return to being in an interactive state where clicking them returns "The door is locked." in Chat Text -> Nearby chat -> Narrative.
    Now it is clear that the state of the doors are not saved on the server side with the zone information, and it should not be that hard to fix this.
    The leg work has been done, and a clear concise description of the problem has been given.
    This needs to be addressed and this needs to be exempted from any necro thread rules, so the devs at least have an opportunity to see it.
    So so long as you do not zone for more than 15 or 30 minutes whatever that timer is it is working as intended, suffer any real interruption and you are hosed. This is one of the things I can't really see being very critical about a quick test would indicate that it was working, deeper testing shows it isn't. This needs to be fixed and added to a QA checklist that ensures that the state of interactable objects is saved with the instance before it even gets to test.