GU #57: No new PvP/BG accessories? Timetravelling said...

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-EndevorX, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-EndevorX Guest

    Seliri@Nagafen wrote in Re:Fundamental Reformation in Stagnation? Warfields/Faction Balance/PvP Ranks/Immunity/Items:
    What's up with the prospect addressed in Timetravelling's answer to #3, and why haven't we seen any new PvP/battlegrounds accessories in GU#57 notes?
  2. ARCHIVED-Olihin Guest

    I will be adding more items to our merchants, but not until later updates. There is a bigger issue that we are looking into that once fixed, we will be able to devote more time into getting new items made. Until then, please take some time and give me feedback on the various PvP weapons we currently have and any pros and cons so that I can avoid the cons in making our new weapons.
    Thank you!
  3. ARCHIVED-Guld_Ulrish Guest

    Why fix iteams when so much other stuff is broken in pvp?
  4. ARCHIVED-Mosha D'Khan Guest

    Olihin wrote:
    would this Bigger issue be the Fighter nerf?
  5. ARCHIVED-Olihin Guest

    Guld_Ulrish wrote:
    We can honestly fill in the bolded word with any other topic that does not concern each players' current priority issue. At this time items may not concern your as much, but to others they do. I am still waiting for some of your feedback about what IS wrong in your type of play. There will always be changes that are not going to directly affect you as a player, but they still need to be made.
    Thank you for your understanding and patience!
  6. ARCHIVED-Grumble69 Guest

    For the BGs--until you can properly fix Smuggler's Den, can you lower the win conditions to 1000pts & 10min cut-off?
    Many of my matches in 70-79 don't have more than 2 groups on one side. It's actually kind of fun that way. And I prefer it over the x4 zerg fest. But since there are fewer players, there are not as many total kill points. So the matches are stretching out the full 15min. I wouldn't mind that if there was a mechanic where the losing side could catch-up. But as it stands now, you usually play hard for 5min and the last 10min is just tedium (regardless of which side you're on).
  7. ARCHIVED-Guld_Ulrish Guest

    Fame system and the writ system? Classes dmg reduction that makes them lol?
  8. ARCHIVED-bigdaddyt59 Guest

    Items are probably one of the biggest and easiest to fix problems with pvp right now.

    toughness and stupid annoying procs we have asked them to remove for 3 years now.

    glad to see you looking into this, please dont screw it up horribly like the start of SF...

    wasting time changing pre level 90 BG's is well... a waste of time. Unless you are comanded by smokejumper to focus on low level content so people can be happy on EQ2X, but pretty much every department is doing that right now, how soon until we can just buy pvp tokens?
  9. ARCHIVED-Heelo Guest

    Legionnaire's Conviction is broken on pvp servers as well as stonewill only procing for 1000 damage in stuff like this getting fixed as well?
  10. ARCHIVED-drymacaroni Guest

    Scout auto attacks maybe? 2 hits, 2 double hits, flurries, and procs that happen too frequently?
    And a mage gets like at max a 10% chance to double spell?
    But then again, the bigger issues don't involve PvP at all right now do they?
  11. ARCHIVED-Olihin Guest

    Pudaanza@Nagafen wrote:
    In regards to the procs, many have been changed already.
    • Rune of Blasting
      Anashti Sul charm
      Ancient Robe of the Disciple
      Living Dead
      Ancient Robe of the Disciple
      Belt of Opportunity
      Bertox Charm
      Blade Singer's Effect
      Brell Charm
      Chainlinks of Hatred
      Enchanted Gi of the War
      Fear Charm
      Fire Runed Robe
      Growth Charm's damage shield
      Marr's Chosen effect
      Merciful Legguards
      Pantaloons of the Peaceful Visionary
      Ring of Tormenting
      Sol Ro's charm
      Spirit Draining Wristguard
      Tribunal's charm
      War's charm
      Poison Coin's Result
      Poison Coin Mage
      Welled Up Rage
      Terrestrial Strike
      Surpressed Rage
      Fangs of Byzola
      Exacting Eye
      Crippling Magical Affliction
      Greater Magical Affliction
      Magical Affliction
      Greater Burning Affliction
      Greater Grave Elemental's Affliction
      Grave Elemental's Affliction
      Smashing Pumpkin
      Atmospheric Discharge
      Bane of Slain Pain
      Darkened Direction
      Darkness of the Void
      Long Road to Ruin
      Major Arrhythmia
      Obsidian Chaos
      Deadly Combination
      Rune Fist
      Ages End
      Balance of Chaos
      Terrestrial Smite
      Torturous Paths
      Pestilential Rain
      Toxic Tempest
      Mystic Havoc
      Gravity Flux
      Concussive Shock effects
    All now reduced in PvP and many other effect like the ones on the PvP items have been reduced in how many times they proc. I am not sure which other ones other then those you gain from Raids are you speaking about?
  12. ARCHIVED-Olihin Guest

    Heelo@Nagafen wrote:
    This is already being looked into. I believe I had already informed you of this when you inquired in game. I may be mistaken, it could have been SK # 321 ...
  13. ARCHIVED-drymacaroni Guest

    Olihin wrote:
    Was wondering if my damage spells would ever be able to out DpS PvP heal procs? my lightning bolt went from hitting for 5k to 1.5k in PvP after the resist fix. Thanks for the 15% increase though. 1,500 x 1.15= 1725. With average health being almost 20k now, I rather try and heal myself till Qs get tired and run off.
    Also, when will tank classes stop being able to out heal me in BGs?
  14. ARCHIVED-drymacaroni Guest

    Whats up with scouts running me out of power before they hit 80%? Anything on that?
  15. ARCHIVED-Cainle Guest

    Shankapotomus@Nagafen wrote:
    Yeah, i think toughness and resistance consolidation need to go, because DPS for alot of classes went down this expansion, instead of up, and everyone has like 2x the amount of HP from TSO ( exaggeration ).
  16. ARCHIVED-drymacaroni Guest

    Could I stop stunning myself when I'm being auto-attacked by scouts from my thornskin?
  17. ARCHIVED-bRz Guest

    Greater rune of mending is being affected by crits, crit bonus and potency, I regularly see it healing for nearly 3k
  18. ARCHIVED-drymacaroni Guest

    Anyway I could use my dispel PvP charm slot when I get shadowstepped-stunned by an assassin (or any class) and never got a chance to engage?
  19. ARCHIVED-goose1123 Guest

    Olihin wrote:
    Could we add Battle Frenzy to this list as well? It is still broken in PvE content on PvP servers only.
  20. ARCHIVED-Cloakentuna Guest

    Although this is a minor change to those procs, why on earth did you do it?
    Inc. DPS is already so minimal this xpac that you get a group with the Toughness and PvP Crit Mit and 1 or 2 healers who aren't completely terrible and they never die, god forbid you throw a tank in there.
    Either remove Toughness or PvP Crit Mit, or drastically increase incoming damage in PvP because as it stands now, any group fight is a huge waste of time 99% of the time.