Good Swashy Races??

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Cypthekiller199, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Winter12345 Guest

    y does everyone keep saying barbs are fat, aren't they just muscular??? o_O
  2. ARCHIVED-AegisCrown Guest

    as far as racials dark elves are the best race for swashbucklers hands down.
  3. ARCHIVED-Full_Metal_Mage Guest

    The most important thing about being a Swashbuckler is being sexy. Lots and lots of sexy. Half Elves have more sexy than any other race.
  4. ARCHIVED-Terron Guest

    Full_Metal_Mage wrote:
    And swashies are sexier than any other class.
    The only reason not to be a Half-elf swashie is if you want to give others a chance.

  5. ARCHIVED-121 dirtybird Guest

    The thing that upsets me most is back about 10 GU's ago, Racial traits were crap. There realy wasn't anything worth going for on any of them. Then they went and changed it and Arasai and Dark Elf's got nasty Temp buffs that were racial and the Good Side has nothing in comparison to them. Even after the changes, they would not allow us to "Reclass" over to another Race.
    Oh, Human Swash FTW.