God Mode

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-pheroux, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-pheroux Guest

    I noticed certain classes appear to be indestructible. For example, half a dozen people can be attacking a paly for several minutes and still make no headway. Some people even get bored and walk off to attack someone else. On the other hand, guardians are easy targets. Are people cheating to be indestructible?
    The below classes appear to be the most indestructible:
    Brawlers, Crusaders, Zerkers, and Healers
  2. ARCHIVED-ericsweeney Guest

    It really depends on the tier that you're playing in. But in general, there is no cheating going on. What you're observing in completely normal when fighting well geared / AA'ed versions of the classes which you've listed. This is what "balanced" BG play is all about.
    Either play one of those classes, learn how to rip them apart, get better gear than them, get more AA than them, get more Masters than them, or learn to avoid them. Those are your choices.
  3. ARCHIVED-Proud_Silence Guest

    Those classes you listed can all become fairly difficult to kill at lvl 90 and when they have mostly BG armor and jewelry. Coupled with fabled items that proc wards, heals, stoneskins and power, plus their own CA's and spells, they're indeed demi-gods.
    But if you work as a team, or at least know what other classes can do, you can take out any player. it does require accurate timing of your abilities and attacks, and it's not always going to work right off the bat, but teamwork is more and more becoming a requirement if you want to make sure that opposing team is going down.
  4. ARCHIVED-pheroux Guest

    Could we please have some kind of matching system for battlegrounds, so demi-gods can fight other demi-gods and mortals can fight mortals.
    The matching system would have to take into account the players gear and how good he/she is at playing PVP.
    I'm 250 AA and I've played battlegrounds with both a full set of PVE raid gear and a full set PVP gear minus jewerly and I still find I am pretty squishy.
  5. ARCHIVED-bloodfangs Guest

    PvP gear or BG gear?
  6. ARCHIVED-Taldier Guest

    pheroux wrote:
    Fights between "demi-gods" (lol) generally dont end within the fairly short time limits of a bg.
    I fought a beast of a warlock in nfp a couple days ago for a solid 15 minutes. One continuous fight, just two people, neither of us healers.
    Basically bg's are a race between the strong players on either side to see who can kill the weak players on the opposing side faster.
    Because the only way they are going to kill each other within the time limit of the match is through overwhelming numbers (the added dps of the weaker players on their team who are still alive) or by knocking the other off a cliff (personal preference).
  7. ARCHIVED-lollipop Guest

    I kill every single class you named easy even when they are fully geared. Kill them on Dirge, Troub and my new ranger who is only half geared. The only class I see as being super strong is Wizard/warlock (if speced right) tons dmg and also cant be killed due to wards stoneskins i mean its crazy. Lol go watch Exad just have 12 people on em and him kill em one at a time rofl. Its to funny.
  8. ARCHIVED-Tehom Guest

    Individual player toughness is really just heal/ward proc gear, combined with similar AA and pvp crit mit/toughness. The matchups are a bit class based - even mediocre scouts can threaten me if I'm not careful, but it's basically impossible for a caster to solo me unless I afk. Most of the time though, well-geared players will just ignore each other and try to annihilate weaker geared players - wasting your damage against people who will just heal/ward it anyway is a terrible idea. This kind of contributes to the battlegrounds not being particularly newbie friendly.
  9. ARCHIVED-dellaripa Guest

    lollipop wrote:
    Sure you do killer.
  10. ARCHIVED-Shredderr Guest

    seriously doubt you kill halfway decent crusaders , zerkers , brawlers or healers on your troub dirge half geared ranger although ranger has best chance of all of em .
    What you meant to say was you scratch em while the rest of the raid kills them correct ?
  11. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    Every class has certain weaknesses. Crusaders are very strong in BGs, but dispelling them makes them vulnerable. Priests you have to prevent them from casting. Either you have to be a class that can lock a caster down or have a team to take down a priest.
    Perty much everybody else goes down when you throw lots of bodies their way. Roots, snares, stuns and dispells and debuffs make things go faster and smoother. When you talking about tough opponents, you need to be using team tactics. Having a bunch of cowboys isn't going to get you a win.
  12. ARCHIVED-PC Guest

    I personally play a T4 SK as my main character in BG, and I know why people complain. There is a guy in my guild, called Knuk. We occasionally go in together, and when he decides to take the flag, he can literally stand in the enemy base in Ganak holding their flag and he won't go down, actually I've only seen him die twice, and that was to a coercer and another SK.
  13. ARCHIVED-Beef_Supreme Guest

    Yeah, the SK's are pretty overpowered at T4 when geared up well with max aa's, in a disproportionate manner to the other classes.
    I mean, if you take an SK with full BG gear, max aa's.. he's gonna be a lot more powerful than any other class with the same. BER's are pretty close as far as just surviving, and Paladins aren't *that* far behind, I guess, but SK's just dominate when everything's equal.. and maxed. Think a Guardian with the BG gear, 160 aa's and full Masters would be as good? HA! not even remotely.
    I play a Bruiser, and do really well in there too, so it's not like I'm coming from a weak BG class. And that's just covering the fighters!!
    The thing is, I don't really see this changing, and I'm not sure it should. If it takes getting a class all the way to the very maximum of what it can be at a Tier, to really see which one is superior, I don't think it's as much of an issue. My Bruiser crushes lesser SK's in a matter of seconds, and can hang in there with the best ones for quite a while, and with any help will usually win. (I'm well geared, 136aa's at the moment, full masters, etc).
    I agree, a few classes really got the short end of the stick. Some got better. It's not like we can't see which ones are gonna be better, or do different roles, by looking ahead a little. I knew SK's would dominate when in the best gear, and still wanted to be a Brawler. I kill squishies faster than an SK can, it's a trade off.
    The good news is, while Guards really got the shaft, BER's didn't. If being good in BG's is important to you (for more than just good aggro), then change your Guard to a BER for now. Things may get corrected, if not, BER's are really damn good in there. Same goes for a few other classes, too.
  14. ARCHIVED-lollipop Guest

    Shredderr wrote:
    Healers no sorry, meant Sk paly zerkers ect. Dirge and Troub can be beast mode IF you know how to play them and play the game. Healers are hard as hell to kill by any class solo if they are geared. Only way is if you can stun stifle for long period matched with burst dps.
    But the others lol yeah. I love it when I am running solo to meet up with my group or something. And some big headed tank like SK or paly stops to kill me like a passing thought. S funny when they realize they are getting owned and try to run away only to die. I then emote should have just let me pass....sigh lol.
  15. ARCHIVED-Mary the Prophetess Guest

    The main reason that some players seem indestructable, (in T4 at any rate), has more to do with the disparity in gear and Masters spells, and AAs.
    While it may be true that two equally geared players may find one class more dominant than another, really it is more likely that the dominance you are seeing is because you are going up against a totally geared-up, adorned-up, masterred-out, player with 160 AAs.
    If you are in M/C with a couple of BG pieces and expert level spells with 70 AAs, then you are going to find your fully geared opponent a tough cookie. But even then they can be beaten with the correct strategy and 3-4 players.
    Debuff, fear, stun, stifle, interrupt, taunt, powerdrain. Rather than try to burn a tank down with brute force, use a little more finesse.
    Also, speaking only for a twinked out Berserker, I can tell you that even though I am tough to take out, I can't put out the DPS or have the power to hold a flag, nor have the speed to chase down a flitting Fae Ranger (Why can't you just stand still and let me pound on you?)
    I used to be an immovable object, but I am finding that more and more people are getting the gear and the AAs and fights are becoming tougher.
    Hang in there. Those top geared players are not hacking or exploiting, they are just top geared. You will be too in less than a month's time of regular participation.
  16. ARCHIVED-goryfis Guest

    I love seeing post like this one.
    OK here it goes.
    Yeah i play a SK but I am not one of those who created it BECAUSE of the OP'd quallities displayed with the release of TSO. I have played one class and one class only since launch.
    Really there are only a hand full of players that i hit alt s for before i even move in a BG to see if the round is worth it. Most of the time however i AM that demi-god you are talking about. more and more i am getting to the point to wear if i am on center and my team losses it i will remain fighting alone on center till the dead return. Ganak is a joke too. As a matter of fact i now have too many Ganak tokens that i threw off my last one just to end it.
    There are many factors however that make a demi-god, and many that bring them down.
    1- team work. If i have one healer and one good dpser with me i can take towers at will. if i am properly buffed..........hehehe yeah. but now it works both ways. if noone sticks by my side and runs off then i am vulnerable. hit alt s in game to see who is just rockin the BG and avoid the top 3-5 especially if they are together. but if you see one alone thats when you take them down. hit one and get him/her all agro'd on you and lead them away from the rest of thier team and they usually go down easy then.
    2- knowledge. BIG point here. one reason that BG's and duels are getting easier and easier is cause i am learning the weaknesses of certain classes (sorry trade secret). i watch thier health. if it is not moving at all i wait on my big dps cause they have thier shields and wards up. give those a second to go away then POP. if you can break target thats great. cant hit what we cant target right?? wrong. AoE's baby for the save. looking at my act and spending an hour at least going through there most dps seems to be slash from melee weapons. ppl will block that alot or find some way to prevent you from killing them, meaning stoping the slashing. range a tank, not alot of what we block comes from a distance. outsmart our design.
    3- classes. i can tell you now that i truelly belive there is no better class than anyother. i have seen the best of the best in BG and there have been at least one of each class. i mean ppl who shouldnt do what they do but they are just that good. this is tied into #2.
    4- gear. i wouldnt really worry bout gear. yeah it might take you a minute or two but you keep at it and you too will have a full set of top gear. the more you get the more easier things are for you. but again reread #1

    As a SK i have many spells and abilities that not only prevent me from getting hurt but also fix the hurt that i do get. with the timings down i can heal myself and dps to distract and/or destroy you. read your spells and learn what they do and when they do it. you must first learn to be your own master before you can be master to others.
    250aa with full challenger and full BG jewelry...... masters is all i am missing out on. for a non raider that is about as good as i get.

    but on a side note i do think it needs to be changed just how easy SK are now. not quite as much fun as the dark ages. back when sk were nothing more than a rare off tank and power lvlers.
  17. ARCHIVED-StaticLex Guest

    pheroux wrote:
    This is one of the funnier things to have happen IMO. Fighters.. Yeah OK, they have about a negative billion chance of killing me. Ever. So I'm not too surprised when they run away. Same with other healers. Mages are great to laugh at while they run themselves out of power padding my heal parse. But scouts.. whenever I get a scout to give up on killing me that just reminds me I'm one bad mammajamma. lol
  18. ARCHIVED-Galldora Guest

    My BG character is a 90 monk with 250 AAs, all of which have been spent on combat skills -- no improved harvesting or anything. At least half of his spells are mastered now, the rest expert. He wears a set of mastercrafted BG gear with the best adorns he could afford. I usually play this character for solo/group PVE fights where he holds his own pretty well, but frequently in BG he goes down in flames, dead before he knows what or who hit him.
    It also amazes me how I can wallop on certain players, one-on-one, and not dent the other character's health at all, while my own character's health drops precipitously. What do you suppose an equivalent to these players would be in PVE encounters? 90^^^ heroic maybe? Or are they more like epic encounters? LOL!
    Oh well. I'm not expecting my character to ever reach "god mode" if it requires that one be fully decked out in gear only attainable with BG tokens, at least not at the rate he's currently earning those tokens. But even though he can't take these guys out, he's improving all the time in his matches against players in general -- and even with these battle beasts thrown into the mix, his survivability is increasing. I've only been playing BG for a few weeks and there's quite a learning curve, especially as I've never played PVP, but I do believe BG is expanding my knowledge of how to get the most out of my monk.
  19. ARCHIVED-Prophet629 Guest

    i have a lvl 80 zerk 180aa. last night on bgs playing smuggler's den... this rat assassin by the name of shiv kills me in under 5 seconds with me just standing there with my thumb up my butt. lmao funny stuff.. im so ****.. i have the bg armor set ..not doing so well atm, a big change from being 79 to 80. at this point all i can do is hump his corpse after 4 or so people team up to kill him..lolol..one day ill will reach god mode, or atleast a point where this guy will take 10 seconds to put me down..and i will have the last laugh
  20. ARCHIVED-Terrius Guest

    friggin shivv is a monster :( he makes it look like everyone else is wearing paper. But yes there are an awful lot of classes that seem to just never die, alas I write it off to the fact i'm **** and have crap gear lol.