Game crashes repeatedly

Discussion in 'General Tech Support Questions' started by ARCHIVED-Slingsun, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Slingsun Guest

    Using standard UI and EQ Maps. ATI 5770 Vid card with latest drivers. Can log into a charector, but after a minute or so it freezes and crashes to desk top.
    This is happening in Sinking sands, Guild hall, Sundered. After a crash if i try to go back to the same toon it crashes when it started loading into zone.
    I noticed quite a few people were reporting this on the extended board as well this moring with no response. Hasebeen happening since 12 oct patch.
  2. ARCHIVED-Edriel Guest

    getting exactly the same problem - also completely standard install - patcher downloads same 4.3mb update every time I log in.
  3. ARCHIVED-Laserfoot Guest

    ditto...since last game update, i been getting freeze ups/crashes using the paineel broker also..sumpin bad going on here :(
  4. ARCHIVED-Laserfoot Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Rothgar Guest

    We have a fix coming soon for a client crash that will hopefully take care of your problem. Without seeing a crash log I can't be sure if you're experiencing the same issue or not.
  6. ARCHIVED-Wolftear Guest

  7. ARCHIVED-Ashi Guest

    Here's my crash log from a few minutes ago.

    SOEVersionString=2010/10/13 17:24:08


    Unhandled exception EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0x07446E17
    Application was trying to read from 0x07446E17
    Region Begins At: 0x07446000
    Region Ends At: 0x0750E000
    Region Size Is: 0x000C8000 bytes
    Memory Protection: Invalid (00000000)
    Memory State: MEM_RESERVE
    Memory Type: MEM_PRIVATE

    Game Data:
    SOEBuild: SOEBuild=6996L
    SOEVersionString: SOEVersionString=2010/10/13 17:24:08
    OS Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 VER_NT_WORKSTATION
    CPU: 4 x86 GenuineIntel 1995MHz RDTSC MSR CMPXCHG8 SSE SSE2
    DirectX Version: 9.0c
    Video Card/Driver: [NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700] [nv4_disp.dll] {d7b71e3e-455a-11cf-b450-542503c2cb35}
    Time at crash: Thu Oct 14 14:15:27 2010
    Login Server: none
    Performance: 6
    Game Uptime: 64 seconds
    Position last frame: -301.02, 51.77, 586.31
    Zone name: exp02_rgn_realm_of_night
    Time in Zone: 3 seconds
    Previous Zone name: GameScene::ZR_NETWORKED_ZONE_CHANGE
    Multi-core support: enabled
    Low-Memory Mode: disabled
    Resolution: 1920x1144 (60 hz) maximized
    UI: ui/default

    Loading RoomItemNode: zones/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night/rooms/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night_rn_island02_int_tunnel04_0.voc, tag 0x575cb906
    Loading RoomItemNode: zones/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night/rooms/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night_rn_island01_int07_0.voc, tag 0xef29f72b
    Loading RoomItemNode: zones/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night/rooms/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night_rn_island02_int_tunnel05_0.voc, tag 0xbede0ff0
    Loading RoomItemNode: zones/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night/rooms/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night_rn_island03_int_tunnel02_0.voc, tag 0x89f07189
    Loading RoomItemNode: zones/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night/rooms/exp02_rgn_realm_of_night_rn_island03_int_tunnel04_0.voc, tag 0x35eab254
    Received chat channel update msg...
    saving UI: MainChat_clone_0
    main chat: writeCustomSettings for MainChat_clone_0
    World bounds of (exp02_rgn_realm_of_night) are (-1270.447266 -2029.195313 -1253.634766), (1516.594727 682.943848 1533.407227) (computed in 0.000s)
    [0.000s] VeZone loaded

    Thread Data:
    Primary Thread Id: 1264
    Current Thread Id: 2556
    Current Thread Priority: 0

    AddressLimitMB: 2048
    Load: 31%
    Total physical: 3487092736
    Free physical: 2389938176
    Total pagefile: 4294967295
    Free pagefile: 4294967295
    Total virtual: 2147352576
    Free virtual: 1547104256

    Memory Manager:
    Allocations: 203758
    Bytes Allocated: 301844352
    Max Allocations: 203762
    Max Bytes Allocated: 397880416
    System Memory Allocated (MB): 380
    Limit: 2048
    Number of Allocate Calls: 313430
    Number of Free Calls: 109671

    EAX 0x00000001
    EBX 0x00000000
    ECX 0x7C90E514
    EDX 0x00000000
    ESI 0x00010000
    EDI 0xD2010538
    GS 0x00000000
    FS 0x0000003B
    ES 0x00000023
    DS 0x00000023
    EBP 0x08B5FFB4
    ESP 0x08B5FF6C
    EIP 0x07446E17
    FLAGS 0x00010246
    CS 0x0000001B
    SS 0x00000023

    FPU Registers:
    CW 0xFFFF027F
    SW 0xFFFF0000

    FPU Rounding Mode: Nearest

    Call Stack:
    0x07446E17 in ????????
    End of Call Stack

    Stack Scan:
    0x08B5FF6C: 0x00000001
    0x08B5FF70: 0x00040282
    0x08B5FF74: 0x0000C0FD
    0x08B5FF78: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FF7C: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FF80: 0x00045F52
    0x08B5FF84: 0x000002CB
    0x08B5FF88: 0x00000175
    0x08B5FF8C: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FF90: 0x07446AF0
    0x08B5FF94: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FF98: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FF9C: 0x072B0000
    0x08B5FFA0: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FFA4: 0x00010011
    0x08B5FFA8: 0x01900015
    0x08B5FFAC: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FFB0: 0x075B10E8
    0x08B5FFB4: 0x08B5FFEC
    0x08B5FFB8: 0x7C80B729, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll (0x7c800000)
    0x08B5FFBC: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FFC0: 0xD2010538
    0x08B5FFC4: 0x00010000
    0x08B5FFC8: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FFCC: 0x7FF48000
    0x08B5FFD0: 0xC0000005
    0x08B5FFD4: 0x08B5FFC0
    0x08B5FFD8: 0x08B5FB90
    0x08B5FFDC: 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x08B5FFE0: 0x7C839AD8, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll (0x7c800000)
    0x08B5FFE4: 0x7C80B730, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll (0x7c800000)
    0x08B5FFE8: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FFEC: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FFF0: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FFF4: 0x07446D40
    0x08B5FFF8: 0x00000000
    0x08B5FFFC: 0x00000000
    0x08B60000: 0x00400000, in C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\EverQuest2.exe (0x00400000)
    0x08B60004: 0x08640000
    0x08B60008: 0x09560000
    0x08B6000C: 0x00000000
    0x08B60010: 0x00000000
    0x08B60014: 0x08B60020
    0x08B60018: 0x00000000
    0x08B6001C: 0x00000000
    0x08B60020: 0x08B60010
    0x08B60024: 0x08B62030
    0x08B60028: 0x00000038
    0x08B6002C: 0x00000070
    0x08B60030: 0x01DEC0DE
    0x08B60034: 0x08B7A8D0
    0x08B60038: 0x08BC54A0
    0x08B6003C: 0x00000000
    0x08B60040: 0x00000000
    0x08B60044: 0x0020001C
    0x08B60048: 0x000000FF
    0x08B6004C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60050: 0x6B636150
    0x08B60054: 0x61636F4C
    0x08B60058: 0x6E6F6974
    0x08B6005C: 0x65676100
    0x08B60060: 0x74634120
    0x08B60064: 0x74617669
    0x08B60068: 0x223D6465
    0x08B6006C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60070: 0x6B636150
    0x08B60074: 0x61636F4C
    0x08B60078: 0x6E6F6974
    0x08B6007C: 0x223D0000
    0x08B60080: 0x775F6975, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll (0x774e0000)
    0x08B60084: 0x6F646E69
    0x08B60088: 0x616D5F77
    0x08B6008C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60090: 0x6B636150
    0x08B60094: 0x61636F4C
    0x08B60098: 0x6E6F6974
    0x08B6009C: 0x72657600
    0x08B600A0: 0x61636974
    0x08B600A4: 0x6F72006C
    0x08B600A8: 0x223D736C
    0x08B600AC: 0x08B60031
    0x08B600B0: 0x08B6A010
    0x08B600B4: 0x00000001
    0x08B600B8: 0x00000001
    0x08B600BC: 0x00000002
    0x08B600C0: 0x00000000
    0x08B600C4: 0x4C000000
    0x08B600C8: 0x00746665, in C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\EverQuest2.exe (0x00400000)
    0x08B600CC: 0x08B60031
    0x08B600D0: 0x00000000
    0x08B600D4: 0x00000002
    0x08B600D8: 0x00000002
    0x08B600DC: 0xFFFFFEE9
    0x08B600E0: 0x00000001
    0x08B600E4: 0x3F000000
    0x08B600E8: 0x53202265
    0x08B600EC: 0x08B60031
    0x08B600F0: 0x6B636150
    0x08B600F4: 0x61636F4C
    0x08B600F8: 0x6E6F6974
    0x08B600FC: 0x30303400
    0x08B60100: 0x69532022
    0x08B60104: 0x223D657A
    0x08B60108: 0x2C353337
    0x08B6010C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60110: 0x6B636150
    0x08B60114: 0x61636F4C
    0x08B60118: 0x6E6F6974
    0x08B6011C: 0x72740000
    0x08B60120: 0x20226575
    0x08B60124: 0x72657355
    0x08B60128: 0x69736552
    0x08B6012C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60130: 0x69486E4F
    0x08B60134: 0x66456564
    0x08B60138: 0x74636566
    0x08B6013C: 0x7200726F
    0x08B60140: 0x61636974
    0x08B60144: 0x2230006C, in C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\Miles\mssds3d.flt (0x22300000)
    0x08B60148: 0x200A0D3E
    0x08B6014C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60150: 0x64616873
    0x08B60154: 0x2F737265
    0x08B60158: 0x65646F63
    0x08B6015C: 0x6E65672F
    0x08B60160: 0x63697265
    0x08B60164: 0x2E697567
    0x08B60168: 0x006C6476, in C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\EverQuest2.exe (0x00400000)
    0x08B6016C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60170: 0x00000000
    0x08B60174: 0x00000002
    0x08B60178: 0x00000002
    0x08B6017C: 0xFFFFFF3C
    0x08B60180: 0x00000001
    0x08B60184: 0x3F000000
    0x08B60188: 0x636F4C20
    0x08B6018C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60190: 0x6B636150
    0x08B60194: 0x61636F4C
    0x08B60198: 0x6E6F6974
    0x08B6019C: 0x223D6500
    0x08B601A0: 0x50626154
    0x08B601A4: 0x22656E61
    0x08B601A8: 0x63615020
    0x08B601AC: 0x08B60031
    0x08B601B0: 0x6B636150
    0x08B601B4: 0x61636F4C
    0x08B601B8: 0x6E6F6974
    0x08B601BC: 0x74740000, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll (0x74720000)
    0x08B601C0: 0x20226D6F
    0x08B601C4: 0x6B636150
    0x08B601C8: 0x657A6953
    0x08B601CC: 0x08B60031
    0x08B601D0: 0x69486E4F
    0x08B601D4: 0x66456564
    0x08B601D8: 0x74636566
    0x08B601DC: 0x7200726F
    0x08B601E0: 0x61636974
    0x08B601E4: 0x6574006C
    0x08B601E8: 0x223D746E
    0x08B601EC: 0x08B60031
    0x08B601F0: 0x08B69FC0
    0x08B601F4: 0x00000001
    0x08B601F8: 0x00000001
    0x08B601FC: 0x00000002
    0x08B60200: 0x00000000
    0x08B60204: 0x3D000000
    0x08B60208: 0x69572F22
    0x08B6020C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60210: 0x00000000
    0x08B60214: 0x00000002
    0x08B60218: 0x00000002
    0x08B6021C: 0xFFFFFFA3
    0x08B60220: 0x00000001
    0x08B60224: 0x3F000000
    0x08B60228: 0x6F6C2E61
    0x08B6022C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60230: 0x656C6552
    0x08B60234: 0x53657361
    0x08B60238: 0x646E756F
    0x08B6023C: 0x5F646500
    0x08B60240: 0x656E6170
    0x08B60244: 0x7974735F
    0x08B60248: 0x2022656C
    0x08B6024C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60250: 0x73756F4D
    0x08B60254: 0x65764F65
    0x08B60258: 0x756F5372, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll (0x75690000)
    0x08B6025C: 0x6500646E
    0x08B60260: 0x6261542E
    0x08B60264: 0x65676150
    0x08B60268: 0x2F202273
    0x08B6026C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60270: 0x656C6552
    0x08B60274: 0x53657361
    0x08B60278: 0x646E756F
    0x08B6027C: 0x72657600
    0x08B60280: 0x61636974
    0x08B60284: 0x2235006C
    0x08B60288: 0x6D614E20
    0x08B6028C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60290: 0x00000001
    0x08B60294: 0x00000000
    0x08B60298: 0x00000001
    0x08B6029C: 0x3F000000
    0x08B602A0: 0x61463A32
    0x08B602A4: 0x72756C69
    0x08B602A8: 0x2C650065
    0x08B602AC: 0x08B60031
    0x08B602B0: 0x00000000
    0x08B602B4: 0x00000002
    0x08B602B8: 0x00000002
    0x08B602BC: 0xFFFFFFF6
    0x08B602C0: 0x00000001
    0x08B602C4: 0x3F000000
    0x08B602C8: 0x22303433, in C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\Miles\mssds3d.flt (0x22300000)
    0x08B602CC: 0x08B60031
    0x08B602D0: 0x73756F4D
    0x08B602D4: 0x65764F65
    0x08B602D8: 0x756F5372, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll (0x75690000)
    0x08B602DC: 0x2000646E
    0x08B602E0: 0x20202020
    0x08B602E4: 0x503C2020
    0x08B602E8: 0x20656761
    0x08B602EC: 0x08B60031
    0x08B602F0: 0x7478654E
    0x08B602F4: 0x64616853
    0x08B602F8: 0x7453776F
    0x08B602FC: 0x00656C79, in C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\EverQuest2.exe (0x00400000)
    0x08B60300: 0x62615422
    0x08B60304: 0x65676150
    0x08B60308: 0x50202273
    0x08B6030C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60310: 0x7478654E
    0x08B60314: 0x64616853
    0x08B60318: 0x7453776F
    0x08B6031C: 0x00656C79, in C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\EverQuest2.exe (0x00400000)
    0x08B60320: 0x61636974
    0x08B60324: 0x2022006C
    0x08B60328: 0x6F726353
    0x08B6032C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60330: 0x00000001
    0x08B60334: 0x00000000
    0x08B60338: 0x00000001
    0x08B6033C: 0x3F000000
    0x08B60340: 0x3A315F31
    0x08B60344: 0x7473614C, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll (0x74720000)
    0x08B60348: 0x32333300
    0x08B6034C: 0x08B60031
    0x08B60350: 0x00000001
    0x08B60354: 0x00000014
    0x08B60358: 0x00000001
    0x08B6035C: 0x3F000000
    0x08B60360: 0x614E2065
    0x08B60364: 0x223D656D
    0x08B60368: 0x74746142, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll (0x74720000)
    End of Stack Scan

  8. ARCHIVED-Ashi Guest

    BTW, it's only crashing on my XP machine. Vista and win7 machines are fine.
  9. ARCHIVED-Slingsun Guest

    Also an XP sp3 user. Saw some info about ports causing this but will wait for the hotfix to see if that fixes it first.
  10. ARCHIVED-Wolftear Guest

    I'm as well an XP sp3 user.
  11. ARCHIVED-shadowedwolf Guest

    For whatever reason there is no crash log being created for the latest crash... but this is the error I am getting....
    Everquest II has detected an unrecoverabe error and must shut down
    <verify>E:\live\eq2\framework\core\devices\src\directX9renderdevice.cpp(16877):directX error.(D3DERR_Invalidcall)
    00b0fe56 00000011

    This has been going on since the patch... The hotpatch on Wednesday helped me get into a couple toons, but now today I can't even play any toon on either account using XP.
    Hopefully your fix comes soon and it helps, cuz not being able to play for the last couple days, and loosing out on the little time I have to do NotD... it makes me sad. :(
    Thank you though, Rothgar, for looking into this... :)
  12. ARCHIVED-Oh Cant I Guest

    I get the same error message as did Shadowedwolf. Like others, it's happening only on my XP machine and I am using the standard UI and EQ Maps only.
    When this crash occurs, I am unable to log the toon back in on the XP machine and it locks and crashes just after starting the "Loading UI Resources" portion of the log in run. To date, completely crashing out with a black screen has only happened while I had a toon in one of the large houses that now has a new locale and happens when I move to that new room. It's also happening when that toon is in a house where they are either a visitor or a trustee but it belongs to another toon.
    I also have experienced the frequent freezes in other areas but only crashed out totally in the houses with new, outdoor locales.
    Thanks Rothgar for addressing these issues:)
  13. ARCHIVED-Wolftear Guest

    I petition to have my main outside of Freeport and avoid towns since then and so far I can play normaly.

    Well if avoiding zones and towns is normal.
  14. ARCHIVED-Wolftear Guest

    It worked for 30 mn,
    I'm unsure posting here is of any help. I posted what was my problem 2 days ago after gu58 with all my specs with no result.
  15. ARCHIVED-Slingsun Guest

    Still happening, lets you log on and play a bit then crash and unable to load back into that toon.
  16. ARCHIVED-shadowedwolf Guest

    Slingsun wrote:
    Unfortuantly, that sounds about right. It's been about three days now since the problem arose... I just hope it's a quick easy fix they can do soon...
  17. ARCHIVED-Wolftear Guest

    yes no update and no news about this
  18. ARCHIVED-shadowedwolf Guest

    Incase anyone missed this... this is from the known issues section of the general tech forum.... Didn't help me but it might help others... depending on the issue...
    Description: Upon clicking "PLAY" on the LaunchPad, the game may immediately (or moments before the character is normally displayed) crash with an error message about "D3DERR_INVALIDCALL" (or similar). This particular error is caused by a minor incompatibility with certain features that the video card supports and what the game requires.

    Work-Around Steps: Fortunately, there are some steps that usually resolves this particular problem. Merely go to the EverQuest2 folder (usually C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest2\) and delete the file named "EQ2_RECENT" (it may say .INI at the end). This will also reset some other settings in the game, but only with graphics and sound settings. Please note that this issue is usually caused by setting the "Graphics Resolution" slider to lower than 0.700 inside the game. Make sure that this slider is set HIGHER than 0.700.

    Development Status: Work-around steps provided, but the development and quality assurance teams are still investigating potential causes for some of these issues.

    Talk-back: None at this time.

    Unfortuantly, this did nothing for me, well, except maybe reset all my settings and possibly hotbars; judging from the messages that popped up when I tried to load the game.
    Still though, unable to log my toons that the error has occoured on... Please get a fix soon... Already lost alot of playtime, and now looking at loosing the weekend...

    On a side note... ow often/when/whatever is a crashlog created? I found an old log from Sept... but I'm not seeing any being created with this current problem
  19. ARCHIVED-CobaltCub Guest

    I'm having the same problem... Tried the fix that Shadowedwolf posted and it worked for about five minutes then the game crashed again. Each time the game crashes I get this error message: EverQuestII has detected an unrecoveral error and must shutdown.
    DirectX Error. (E_FAIL)

    I did not have this issue before the latest patch was released. Soon after I patched the crashes started. I updated my display drivers and DirectX to see if that would help, but the problem has not gone away.
  20. ARCHIVED-scorpianscribe Guest

    I'm having the same issues on extended and cant seem to get help BUT...
    I've noticed I could play a seperate character that wasn't having the issue. I also learned that the location of the character contribues. My characters have had this happen in Neriak, new foreign quarter, and Lavastorm, hill up to solesk ro temple.