Future of EQ2

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by UBiLL, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. MalcolmXBox Active Member

    Have you ever considered some don't?
  2. MalcolmXBox Active Member

    I'm not dismissing those who like it. It's ignoring those who are dissatisfied and the things that have declined in quality or quantity. The money we pay should be evenly distributed to all of the areas and is not. Now we see cutbacks in resources given to the game...ridiculous. No one should say be content with it.
    This isn't me being a whatever. It's me (and the many others over the years) calling out corporate to give everyone they pay for-that includes those of you that are satisfied. Dismissing them and some people saying "If you don't like it, leave" is foolish beyond measure.
  3. MalcolmXBox Active Member

    I posted this in another thread, but if you get a chance take a look.

    Companies need to take a serious look at their different types of market demands (genre, casual, general pve, raid, play mechanics, etc.) and learn how to fill them. Plenty of donuts people want to eat...so stop trying to make everyone eat one kind.

    Based on what I've read from some other forums and blogs. The bulk of developers don't like making raid content because it takes away from an mmo (casual player) content. Most gaming companies don't seem to want to add the end-game/raid content; preferring to see the market go away and thereby forcing raiders to play the raid-less content casual players go for; likely for the easier money and the dilemma of raiders devouring large amounts quickly.
    Even as a raider, I still empathize with that. However, there is still a consistent market probably near 10-20% of the mmo/gaming market as a whole. I base that on various comments by devs and gamers comments. I don't have a better approximation.

    Raiders want to raid. they want to keep raiding-it's that simple. It's one version of the gaming world's softball or bowling league. There is that devotion that likely makes a steady percentage of the market, where the only fluctuations are typically disliked or dried-up content. It is stupid to dismiss that.

    A simple idea (in that it is just a foundation to build on), could be separating the raid development and content; making it a separate addition to a game and it's expansions. It would be just like purchasing a deluxe or collectors package/edition; an amenity that you pay to unlock.
    All players purchasing the game get the traditional content; only the raiding is added on. I hope that makes sense.

    My hope in this is that the mmo developers commit to a game with improved quality and increased content in the general content by a dev team involved in raid/end-game development; and also increase quality and quantity of the raid/end-game content. The additional cost of raid content (in theory) would be commensurate with the additional devs and resources needed to create it.
    In short, a win, win, win for casual/general pve players, raiders, and the company making the game, That is...if none of the parties involved do something stupid or unintended that torpedoes the simplicity of it.
    I say "stupid", because it's not friggin' hard to make this work; beyond marketable price vs. cost. At one time or another, we've seen stupid by all parties in this gaming genre since it's inception.

    This all means developers having little or no divided of attention; sloppy mistakes; less rush; less band-aid fixes/patches; and hopefully a player base that remains loyal and steady.

    I'm guessing the sticky parts are a raid package's price raiders are willing to pay vs. the time and cost to develop.
    What people maybe weary about is a company that slides over one department to help with the other; resulting in players being chinced out of their respective content (not getting what they paid for). This, initially, is out of the players' hands.
    Obviously this marketing idea should be researched heavily to see if it's possible.

    It's a spitball, but I can't see how the theory hurts anyone; and as I alluded to, raiders have to get what they pay extra for-that's the whole point.
  4. Siren Well-Known Member

    Oh dear Lord, don't even say it. The original F2P Freeport server forums were a disaster: it was probably as much or even more populated than AB when it launched, and yet the devs practically never considered its patrons nor its model when they made any sort of decisions about EQ2. They never posted there, and it took subbing "translators" working both the official P2P forum sections and Freeport's to get any ideas moved along at all.

    NO. If you're not going to support a certain play model anymore (like F2P) then get rid of it. Otherwise, its participants should still have valid voices.

    I think it's overly paranoid to think hordes of people even know about EQ2, let alone are obsessed enough about derailing it in large enough quantities to roll enough alt accounts for that purpose. Most MMO gamers never even visit forums to begin with, so launcher polls are probably a closer reflection of any given community's true thoughts.
    Torvaldr and Livejazz like this.
  5. Livejazz Well-Known Member

    Indeed, especially since if hordes knew about it, it would stand to reason more people would actually be playing. But how could hordes even know about it, when it's never advertised & this announcement of EQ Next's cancellation represents the most media coverage I've seen for EverQuest in .... say ..... 10 years or so?

    It's still the best overall MMO yet made, but far more people apparently prefer to play that decidedly inferior cartoon thing from that other game company :mad:
    Zarnafien, Kittybock, Raff and 2 others like this.
  6. MalcolmXBox Active Member

    I'm going by people I play and have played with. Likely 1 in 3. Others I know (not sure how many) are on the fence. It should be the entire player base looking out for each other in every facet and attempt to empathize every perspective. We don't do that much-if at all. I see a lot of apathy and ignorance.
  7. MalcolmXBox Active Member

    Incidental. A survey by EQ2 would clear it up. For whatever reason, they haven't done it which is a detriment to players.

    A group of dissatisfied players is important for mgmt and executives to look at.
    Don't dismiss ftp players. If this game is looking good to them. They may sub. Plus, some of those are players that left the game and wanted to check and see if it's worth playing again.
  8. Berserkerkitten Well-Known Member

    Awful performance, dated graphics, zero user-friendliness, the dullest tutorials this side of grass simulator... no offense, I love this game and everything, but I think you may be grossly overestimating the appeal of this old game. Heck, they advertised it on German TV when ProSieben was in charge of the German server for a little while. Hell of a lot of good that's done. :p
  9. Jaden Well-Known Member

    Yup. Very valid to enjoy and support a product or activity, while actively informing oneself of changes and voicing positions. That voice includes both verbal and written interaction and monetary 'support.'


  10. Venur Active Member

    IMO you've made a good picture of the problems with EQ2 and its mostly due to the age of the game. User firendliness wasn't even a thing back in the old days so not much tought have been put on it.

    Its sad because EQ2 have some of the best feature out of any MMO. Epic quest for all class gave so much depth to the game. Signature and Heritage quest give a lots to do. Group and solo mentoring was an awsome idea but I wish you wouldn't be so overpowered while mentoring.

    But like you've said, the game lack a lot of thing to be appeaing to someones who never played the evequest franchise and I doubt the game bring enough money for daybreak to invest what it required to bring the game into 2016 standards.

    I mean they don't even have enough money to finish EQN, I don't buy the (it wasn't fun) argument.
    Meneltel and Berserkerkitten like this.
  11. Sadsack Member

    It is interesting, the theory of taking money from a game when it is "successful" and using it to fund a new, unknown, game.
    Kind of reminds me of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Diverting funding from a "good" investment into a "risk" project.

    One wonders what would happen if the money made from a "successful" game were spent on updates and expansions of the "successful" game, and money for the new venture was independently raised? Reinforce success, not divert resources from it.

    If the risky development fails, it seems it would have little to no effect on the existing games. As it stands now, taking on risk for a new game reduces resources allocated to existing games.
    Jaden likes this.
  12. Siren Well-Known Member

    I think the main theory is that any one MMO isn't going to last forever, so if they don't continue making successful new games, the day will come where the company cannot support itself any longer. Witness that EQ1 launched in 1999, and EQ2 only 5 years later in 2004. Both of these games are WAY past their primes, and yet SOE/Daybreak has never really had another hit, let alone a sequel to the EQ franchise. I suppose they sold what, 3 million early access passes for H1Z1, but how many of those players are even left? Never mind that now any new players coming down the pike will have to buy two games to get what was originally supposed to be the content of one game.
    Berserkerkitten likes this.
  13. Jaden Well-Known Member

    Good post Venur. Actually while I was reading the explanation, I felt much empathy and embarrassment for the devs.

    Sorry to the player population that had been hoping against hope something would solid was coming as far as EQN and also for those who enthusiastically became Landmark founders etc.

    I found the toonish presentation of the characters not to my liking from minute one. However I have friends who were so looking forward to something "new" that would eventually represent 21st century Norrath.

    The way the announcement was worded is so odd. I cannot fathom in any way, shape or form the dev leadership going to the suits and saying:"You know what, we hate to admit this but, we just can't carry on with our plans. We've been unable to make EQN really fun, and we think the only responsible thing to do is just roll up the carpet now."

    Why would this company have the DEVS who have been involved in the project, who are very creative, very experienced and basically really motivated, be the identifying factor as to why it is being hung out to dry?

    :cool: I think not.
  14. Jaden Well-Known Member

    ------------------***Don't know why this double-posted, pls remove one if possible. Thanks.***

    Good post Venur. Actually while I was reading the explanation, I felt much empathy and embarrassment for the devs.

    Sorry to the player population that had been hoping against hope something would solid was coming as far as EQN and also for those who enthusiastically became Landmark founders etc.

    I found the toonish presentation of the characters not to my liking from minute one. However I have friends who were so looking forward to something "new" that would eventually represent 21st century Norrath.

    The way the announcement was worded is so odd. I cannot fathom in any way, shape or form the dev leadership going to the suits and saying:"You know what, we hate to admit this but, we just can't carry on with our plans. We've been unable to make EQN really fun, and we think the only responsible thing to do is just roll up the carpet now."

    Why would this company have the DEVS who have been involved in the project, who are very creative, very experienced and basically really motivated, be the identifying factor as to why it is being hung out to dry?

    :cool: I think not.
  15. Balbasur Active Member

    Thanks hardcore raiders for killing a franchise.
  16. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    I blame the bean counters who want to always show a good profit every quarter and not make a risky investment. Perhaps someone should remind them of the SAS motto: Who Dares Wins

    You cant make a decent profit without some risk. You don't have to bet the farm, but you should invest some of your profits back into your company. But I guess DBG is, in rotting dead but moving bodies, by apparently taking one game and splitting into to two games and charging for both... say, didn SoE do that with OOW/GoD? *sighs* Maybe we can convince Disney to buy EQ/EQ2... we can only dream.
  17. Balbasur Active Member

    I was in a top raid guild every expac, the problem is raiders just took took took. Slippery wanted harder raid content in DOV and he got it...any one remember crit mit stupid 100% crit chance bs etc. Thanks Hard Core Raiders. Any one one remember the LFG EQ2Flames carnage !!?!?! NPU and devs teamed together to give themselfs best items in the game which was unfair to eveyr one else.
  18. Luchsia New Member

    Thats sadly not true in a world of banker and investment companies.
    With enough money today you can make profit without any investment - just by buying and selling, or buying and getting money out of it - and throw it away early enough. Next: repeat same thing with another product ^^.

    As sad as it is, this has reached the "game market" some time ago.

    So, as much as I wish EQ2 will stay and grow, I have no hope for that.

    Still playing at Stormhold ...
  19. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    Should I list all the banks that needed bailout because of money loss? Bad investments and trying to hide those facts from their stockholders? Nm, not worth any more of our time. Either we, we wont be changing how they do business by this forum or posting.
  20. Kelvani Well-Known Member

    Guys EQ2 is not dead. Not yet. You know what kills a game? The players who doom and gloom over every little thing and drive potential new gamers away. Recently, we got a new player.. I mean completely new .... in my guild. He is in AWE of the game. Every day he logs in, excited to play the game you have become jaded to. He just learned about factions, and he was super psyched (also surprised at how many factions want to kill him =p). The devs repeatedly tell us new content is coming. That they have exciting new models for orcs, and they are about to have a spring twitch to announce their upcoming gameplan. Why would they bother if they were in zombie mode? Why would they bother with a STUNNING new office? They would have put as little money into the real estate as possible.

    They could not have been more clear that EQ1 and EQ2 are important to them still. The answer to why EQNext has been cancelled its pretty obvious. They cannot make the game WE demand. WE want realism, not cartoony WOW characters. WE like complex UIs we can customize, not hinky console style buttons. Why on earth would they not listen to the thousands of folks who have given them feedback? Landmark is fun, if you love to build. Landmark is not for everyone. There is definitely a need for storyblocks, IMO, so they can create worlds which draw people in. Its a great sandbox, like an adult minecraft. If they made it available like minecraft, as offline content I think it would appeal to a lot of folks. Not everyone wants realms.

    At anyrate, don't take my word for it. Read the article here:

    This section here is specifically aimed at calming concerns about the franchisegoing kaput:

    "In final review, we had to face the fact that EverQuest Next would not meet the expectations we – and all of you – have for the worlds of Norrath.
    The future of the EverQuest franchise as a whole is important to us here at Daybreak. EverQuest in all its forms is near and dear to our hearts. EverQuest and EverQuest II are going strong. Rest assured that our passion to grow the world of EverQuest remains undiminished."

    I honestly do not know how they could be more clear than that.... they just need to put it where people can see it =p
    Raff and HaphazardAllure like this.