From Heather Graham voice of Antonia Bayle

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Generator, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-vagrant13 Guest

  2. ARCHIVED-Tabernaq Guest

    Dwight Schultz, better known as Murdock from the A-Team and Lt. Reginald Barclay from Star Trek TNG and Voyager, is also listed in that IMDB EQ2 voiceover page.

  3. ARCHIVED-alerka Guest

    The EQ2 CD/DVD pack comes with a bonus CD that tells you Heather Graham and Christopher Lee are in the voiceovers. Old news.
  4. ARCHIVED-Lorelai_Seabreeze Guest

    Lee is also known for his Count Dracula roles
  5. ARCHIVED-Riis bal-Tannis Guest

    Why does it surprise anyone that "celebrities" play these games? They are the ones with too much time on their hands.

    Kind of like Vice Presidents.

    Message Edited by Riis bal-Tannis on 01-02-2005 09:25 AM
  6. ARCHIVED-Dag Guest

    Dwight Schultz is the bard in Willow Wood ("Gather round people, gather round. I"ll be warming up my voice in a few minutes" or "Hail to you, fine traveler") .

    Bryan Shorecling in Willow ("You talk to strangers? What's the purpose of that?!") is (I suspect) Richard Horvitz who did Dagget in Angry Beavers.

    And just as a side pet peeve......Trelly Greenfoot talks way too much! One day I"ll hang her from the highest branches and leaves of the trees, to feel free. ;)
  7. ARCHIVED-Warlock Lord Guest

    I love playing from my cell. Complete with high speed internet and an alienware system to boot!

    -Martha Stewart
  8. ARCHIVED-Espyderman Guest

    Um she is Human, im sure she likes the same things other humans do. :rollseyes:
  9. ARCHIVED-Clandor Guest

    If you think about it, playing an MMORPG is a perfect activity for sports figures who are on the road.
  10. ARCHIVED-Roland Moonstar Guest

    Back when EQ2 first came out sometime in the dark ages of 2004, and before I ended up on the server I'm now on, I grouped with two people, a girl and a guy, and the girl said that the guy was Richard Dean Anderson. He said nothing one way or the other, but it was obvious he was new and just playing the game as a favor to the girl, and he kept accidentally getting the party killed, at which point the girl would say "MacGuyver would never have aggroed those mobs! Colonel Jack O'Neil wouldn't have aggroed those mobs! Pay more attention!" and stuff like that.

    I don't actually know if it was them, or just an obsessed fan and her boyfriend or dad or whomever, and I never saw them again after that. But it made me think that we have one advantage over celebrities: if we screw up, we never have to hear "Hey, your character ___ wouldn't have done that!"