Freeport’s Fantastic Rumor Mill

Discussion in 'Guide Events' started by ARCHIVED-Naylie-DelANews, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Charbon Guest

    Lunie wrote:
    That red-blurb doesn't always happen - guides don't have that 'power' - it could have been one of the Sony Community Team.
    If a guide does a broadcast or /shout - it will only be in one zone, we'll sometimes try to jump over to adjacent zones and point folks in the right direction as well as use 1-9.
  2. ARCHIVED-Katttara Guest

    I had to miss most of yesterday's times due to RL things...but when checking out real quick before I had to go, Brasse said that there would be more today. Any idea of what times that will be? (Thanks, by the way!) =)
  3. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, it's not a "Guide" thing, but I know that they is plannings to open the Community Lounge at 10:30 AM Pacific today (Friday, 12/23).

    Then at 11 AM Pacific, there should bes a gobbylin in the Frostfell Wonderland needings help with some lost gifts for those who didn't participate befores.
    And I is hopings to does some other things later today myself, some of which I will post here and some which will be done as surprises.
  4. ARCHIVED-Katttara Guest

    Ok, two things I am a tad confused on :p
    I thought the community parties were on five other servers (from reading news posts)...are you meaning Freeport? If so, then very nice! =)

    And the lost gifts quest...I thought those were given in qeynos and freeport...not the FW village...or did I miss something?

    Thanks again =)
  5. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    They posted in that thread I linked to that they would be opening the Community Lounge portals on the others at 10:30 AM Pacific today.

    And the Lost Gifts yesterday may have been in Qeynos or Freeport, but today you should look in the Wonderland. Not every Quest we runs will be in the same place every time.
  6. ARCHIVED-Isulith Guest

    Katttara wrote:
    We are opening the portals on all servers, however the parties are only being held on the five listed in the article. Since Freeport had a Nights of the Dead party, they unfortunately will not be getting a Frostfell party. We have to spread out limited resources to make sure we get to all the servers, which means we usually have to split up events. To compensate, we try to make sure the Community Lounge is available on ALL servers so that players can throw their own parties there if they so wish.
    The quests can be given out in a variety of places depending on the mood of the Guide. :)
    I hope that helps! Merry Frostfell!
  7. ARCHIVED-Isulith Guest

    For today, Friday, December 23, 2011 our wonderful bug Charbon will be available at 11:00 AM PST to give out a Frostfell quest or two. Then, Brasse will be available starting at 7:30 PM PST. Enjoy!
  8. ARCHIVED-Conner_McCrea Guest

    Many thanks for the Community Lounge today, it's great seeing Guides around on Freeport, it's something I missed from my days way back in EQ1. Hoping Guide events become a regular occurance in the near future, interacting with real people is always much more enjoyable compared to static NPC quests.
  9. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    We is glad you likes it Conner. And yes, it will be. We is now officially on Freeport, and there's more funs to come.
  10. ARCHIVED-Conner_McCrea Guest

    Hullo Squee :)

    I was the Beastlord Somerled chastising my badger for misbehaving. VERY happy to hear you and your fellow Guides will be regulars around our part of the world, I know the RP heavy folks will be interested.
  11. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    I just noticed this forum and the updates within. I've been having piles of fun on the AB server with my first taste of guides and my main is looking ever so foreward to them here on Freeport. Her master, however, is sick as a pup with a cold and will be in bed within the hour and unable to partake of the later festivities...unless the nyquil wears off.
    If I miss it, I want to say, yay for guides and I look foreward to meeing more of you in the future~
  12. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Riddle Me This
    Does fun with quests seem your thing?
    Then joyous news do I bring.
    Today at 5 in Kelethin,
    A Riddle Contest will begin.
    Or, for those less rhymatically inclined, today (12/23) at about 5 Pacific, if you are interested, there will be a young Halfling challenging adventurers to a riddle contest. He will be in the city of Kelethin, but at a location that should be available for those of.. less stellar alignments.
    Everyone who participates will get a prize, but the winner gets the main prize.
  13. ARCHIVED-Katttara Guest

    thank you for the rounds of riddlin...twas fun...hope ya do it more! =)
  14. ARCHIVED-Andemon Guest

    There's an unannounced aether race in TS right now, but I finished in 126 seconds (fastest on server so far) and got no prize. Did someone trigger it accidentally? :D
  15. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    One of them is triggered by doing it 5 times I think?
  16. ARCHIVED-Andemon Guest

    Still active, ran it six times. Nothing.
    I wonder if this has anything to do with the crash that we had today, it's been active since then.
  17. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    No, the Aether Race is not related to the other.
    That was triggered yesterday by me. And it was announced on the server and when it went up and when it went down later.

    As for the prize mention, if you got a prize from it previously, I don't "think" you get it again. Of course, I coulds be wrong. It's morning yet.
  18. ARCHIVED-Isulith Guest

    We will be continuing the round of Frostfell guide quests this week starting today: December 27, 2011. I (Isulith) will be on hand starting at around 8:30 PM PST. We will then have someone from our Community team there tomorrow, December 28, 2011 at 11:00 AM PST and I will be around again at 8:30 PM PST. Merry Frostfell everyone!
  19. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Also, this evening (12/27) at around 5 PM Pacific time, those in the vicinity of the entrance to Neriak might keep their eyes open for a tiny Gnome needing help to win the affections of his lady love.
  20. ARCHIVED-Andemon Guest

    Squeecha wrote:
    I ran it with a new alt who hadn't got any disks yet. Fastest time on the server but no prize...also asked a couple of other racers about it, they didn't get one either.
    Ah well, at least it was worth some xp.