Freeport’s Fantastic Rumor Mill

Discussion in 'Guide Events' started by ARCHIVED-Naylie-DelANews, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    Missed the event with the Clockwork Assassin. Will that be returning any time soon, Boss Mouse?
  2. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    Squeecha wrote:
    I have but one word.../hic
  3. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Rascal@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Well, I can't guarantee anything, but I'd imagine in the next day or three. :)
    We has a few folkses havings some issues, and we wore some out over the weekend, but I'll sees what I can rustles up.
  4. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    So, how do we go about cheering on getting guides a shiny named after them ;) During the guide event, we discovered Ninwa had no shiny named after her and it was decided by commitee that a Ninwa's Grub Muffin was needed!
  5. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, those were put in and named for the 24 EQ2 Guides with the longest time. But if they introduce any new ones, I'll try to remember to send them that.
  6. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    And for those asking about the Withered Lands one -
    This evening, make yourselves available at the Combine Freehold in Withered Lands around 5 PM Pacific and see if Gnathan isn't there to offer you a task.
  7. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    In the AB thread, Gninja reports that the book is now on Shady Swashbuckler for those who had their journal eaten when the quest completed and should be fixed to reward it for those who do it after Thursday!
  8. ARCHIVED-Gninja Guest

    The book won't be available on Shady until Thursday as well.
  9. ARCHIVED-Thornrose Guest

    There's a rumor floating on the wind that a family of storytelling baby dragons may be in the Thundering Steppes on Wednesday 5/2/12 around 4PM ET. I bet they'd appreciate your help!
    On Thursday 5/3/12, that talkative wind says a dwarf may be desperate for assistance with his research about 5PM in Butcherblock Mountains. And around 6:30PM that same day a gnome will be looking for some help winning his true love in the Commonlands.
    As usual, be aware that demon RL may interfere with the best laid plans.
  10. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    So, did I learn a lesson last night or what ;)
    In an effort to find all the little guide whisperings that pop up in the overcrowded level 1-9 chat, I've taken to ignoring anyone who chats too much. Not because they offend me, but to keep 1-9 clear. (Trust me, I"m a chatter big hard feelings, this is *business* ) It's worked great, I've caught a baking contest and a story telling! However, there's a downside when attending a story telling with a group of people, some of whom you may have on miss their pieces to the story and then don't know where to go with YOUR story....
    Moral of the story, check the person to your right and make sure you can hear them when they spin their tale!
  11. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, let's sees what may be going on the next day or so.
    Tomorrow, 5/8, at 3 PM Pacific time, travelers in the Enchanted Lands can hopefully help out a hunter with supply issues.
    Then on Wednesday at 6:30 PM, them orcs in the Commonlands are having issues themselves. Can't they all just get along?
  12. ARCHIVED-Sinnous Guest

    I'm confused lol, what happens tomorrow at 3pm in the enchanted lands?
  13. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, if you're in the vicinity later today, maybe you'll see or hear from the hunter I mentioned. I'm not going to gives away everything!
  14. ARCHIVED-Darklourd Guest

    Good Day Squeecha
    Could you tell me what day I might find a gnome in Withering lands?
  15. ARCHIVED-Tayne Guest

    I just watched your web chat. You did great :)
    Nice to put a face with a name.
  16. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, let's sees here. Now that I is semi-caught up...
    This evening at around 5 PM Pacific time, those with a fondness for axes may find some work helping out a poor Dwarf in the Butcherblock area.

    And tomorrow, 5/15, those in the Qeynos Harbor area around 6 PM may be able to help a poor Guide locate some missing people.
  17. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Oh, and maybe those with a thing for tinkered stuffs might watch out in the Withered Lands this evening around 5 PM.
  18. ARCHIVED-Darklourd Guest

    Ahh my dear Squeecha,
    I missed the gnome in Withered Lands sadly. I would very much have liked to talk with him. I did talk with Guides Neenoh and Serwren just recently. They were in Sinking Sands and I happened upon them. If you see them, please ask them if they have heard any news of my sister.
  19. ARCHIVED-Ninwa Guest

    *hops in and froaks*
    Heard something interesting!
    Tomorrow, 16th May, at roughly 12:30pm PDT (or 8:30pm UK time) there will be a dragon or more in Frostfang Sea looking to share stories!
    *hops out again*
  20. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    Ok, don't laugh....sigh...go ahead...laugh.
    But back in 2005, there was a GM/guide event...not sure which that offered a froglock meditation pool. I know your secret club has them as decorations, I've seeeeeen!
    What would be the chance of that puppy..granted with a new quest made a return. Ninwa would of course need to offer the quest, being a Froglock and all!!!