Focused Feedback - Priests

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Xelgad, Nov 14, 2014.

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  1. Snookers New Member

    Lemilla's above post is spot on. I also agree that half of the conduits are useless, they never get used and I like Monstuhr's ideas for revamping the useless ones.
  2. Canth Active Member

    I don't have a whole lot to add to what Hammdaddy said for furies. One thing for QoL is to make Lucidity better and make it a group spell. We have enough to rebuff already before having to cast 2 or now 3 Lucidity buffs on our group. Also, our group utility is pretty weak right now because the straight up numbers of INT and potency are becoming seriously outdated as mage INT and potency scales up. 300 INT is a drop in the bucket now.

    Another thing is our ancient spells except Primal Fury are 5 heals? Really? Not a single DPS spell? Back into the Fray is a better heal than either of our straight ST heals even above 50% and 2 of our ancient spells are those 2 ST heals. Meh, in other words.
  3. Kalika Well-Known Member

    I quite agree with Ham comments.

    Just a few things :

    It would be nice if stormcaller renewal benefited to warden too, for sure CA are instant cast so i suggested to give SR a 50% to happen on a CA or something like that.

    Check to that the 10% damage increase applies to warden converted spells, those who tested said that yes but i'm not 100% sure.

    If the fury autocure gets it recast lowered, then the warden one should also be usable more often, it last not as long and is only groupwide.

    Wisdom Column need to be redone, serenity used to be essential but is useless now, 16% crit was great at 80 when reaching 100% CC was hard it's nothing today, a drink brings 50% CC.

    about the warden tree : It contains so many useless things that it should really be redone.
    You could :
    - give us AAs that increase the range of our ressurection
    - Tranquility AA now replaces tranquility by a reactive cure with 1-3 charges.
    - spirit of the wollf AA also increase the in combat running speed by 2% per rank.
    - Hate proc on sandstorm and instinct should be more important (it used to be great to help with agro)
    - Spirit of the bat should restore some % of the HP pool, like 0,5% or something like that (give it to furies too).
    - Enhance healing grove ??? => please adress the issue of our healing pets, make then untargetable too and immune to anything (like concepts) ... do the same for lunar attendant.
    - Aura of health should affect the base HP, i m not sure it does ...

    Also our thorns should give more mitigation, 800 used to be great it need to scale with the new values of mitigation.

    Warden prestige : Make the left (heal) side good, currently it's crap.
    Central tree is good.

    End left line should change mythical thorn into 5 stoneskin that proc only on significant attack (30% or more of HP, or may be 20%) and that last also a bit longer.
    Constant current should be either improved or replaced by something good.

    Right side is not that bad, hard to parse since windblade benefit others. It would be nice if the warden dps increased quite more.

    AOM prestige : see Hamdaddy.

    Side note, Hamm suggested to improve warden dps, but he also want the 10% Pot bonus of primal fury to scale.
    I agree with both statements, but if fury get a 10% bonus to their current potency (10% of the player potency not a flat 10%)
    warden should probably get something similar, otherwise the dps gap will grow instead of getting smaller.
  4. Hammdaddy Active Member

    The reason why i suggested the raid wide cure change is because the warden one is so good and ours sucks.
    Windblade needs to be 10% base crit bonus, and primal fury 10% base potency.
  5. Shanoi Member

    I wanted to add a request for an improved deathsave for Furies. Our current deathsave heals for so little on trigger, is on such a long recast, and is so short that I have never found it effective in heroics or raids (all of since ToV, so not a massive amount of experience with the history of the spell). Rather than cast the deathsave I just hope to be able to heal through whatever is happening. Otherwise Furies are in a great state in terms of ability to heal and DPS.

    Thank you.
  6. Mermut Well-Known Member

    ALL of the death saves for priests could use a look. Laughable amount of health restored, extremely short duration coupled with long reuse makes them mostly not worth bothering with.
    Kuulei likes this.
  7. Kalika Well-Known Member

    I agree that the fury raid cure is quite too long to recast and I too prefer the warden one.

    I wrote HP pool for spirit of the bat, i was clearly meaning mana pool. It is not interfering with mana regen classes, the aim is to provide furies with some mana (they have something in the right prestige) and would allow warden to regen mana on someone. It's single target.

    Last :

    All cure trees should be reviewed, so templar, mystics , wardens.

    The cure malediction AA should affect the base casting time, i'm not sure it does i have 5/5 in it since anyway we have to waste points in order to get Sentinel Fate Aas.

    We (wardens and probably others) need better interrupts, only our group root interrupt and lot of content is based on that.
    In ossuary of malice Adanced solo you need to interrupt one guard, in the lizard man base (heroic) interrupting several named is important (on first we just gave up trying after noticing that if facing the mob the aoe was not as bad), when i soloed the pirat boat (with tov gear) first named was very annoying i could interrupt only half of his heals.
  8. Ciroe Active Member

    It wasn't about padding a heal parse. Not at all. I could care less about parses.. And I don't have an issue with pet health management, nor dissonance management. I was trying to save the shamans their wards. If my suggested change was made, wards would be eaten up slower, essentially improving wards.

    Don't always assume a suggestion is to pad someones parse, i was thinking mechanics wise, it would be more beneficial this way. Less damage hitting a ward (because a chunk of it was intercepted first) would be better than chewing through an entire ward and then intercepting.. at least IMHO.

    Again, if you are having dissonance issues, or pet health issues, then you are doing something wrong...
    Vapur likes this.
  9. Vapur Member

    So, we just raided Zavith'Loa and noticed the mechanic of people warping to the lava and dying. Channelers really need a second combat rez, and it needs to reach farther than 5 meters.
  10. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Single Target death prevents should heal the player for 100% health, make them a real save.

    Specifically for Inq, in the Inquisitor tree Maladroit and Punishment could use some looking at. Maladroit is just such a piddly little debuff, and Punishment healing hasn't scaled very well.

    Also agree with what was said earlier about our punishment spells (Repentance, Vengeance, Smite Heretic, and Heresy) being considered an offensive spell for keeping Unyielding Retribution going. Sucks to lose the CB buff while refreshing our damage abilities.
  11. Arieste Well-Known Member

    Just curious (since we don't have a channeler atm), but does channeled evac pull people out of lava? Seems like it would be perfect use for it.
  12. Chama Member

    My druids Quality of Life adjustment would be to have a sickness free rezz.

    I never understood those arguments from other heal classes against this, because my healing qualities are NOT determined by my ability to rezz somebody - it is determined by my ability to keep them alive.

    I rarely rezz fallen mates in my raid, as all other healers don't, especially since most of the fights ( raid and heroic) became nonstop curefests.

    But if i have to do so, its an emergency and nobody in my raid is happy about the sickness that comes together with low health and power with my rezz.

    Well, maybe it's just my raid, but a sickness free rezz would make us happy - also my fellow inquisitor ;)
  13. Arieste Well-Known Member

    Didn't druids already get one with the expac?
    Chama likes this.
  14. Mermut Well-Known Member

  15. Arieste Well-Known Member

    Quality of Life: Defilers

    Disclaimer: This post will contain the “quality of life” type of things and will NOT focus on healing output balance or ward effectiveness. That is an entirely separate topic that is very important and deserving of its own discussion – which it’s been getting lots of in other threads.

    Overall Issues With Defilers:
    1. Balance vs. Mystics – both shamans do a similar amount of healing, but Mystics have always been much more effective at both buffing and dps. While the buffing/utility aspect is somewhat offset by the defiler’s mass amount of debuffs, the DPS disparity remains
    2. About the DPS – Defilers are the caster shaman (Do developers know this?!). We pew pew with spells. This has two separate problems. The main problem is that spells take time to cast (vs. quick-casting of CAs). This means that in order to cast spells, we must choose to NOT cast something else – heals, debuffs, etc. The fact that many of our dps spells take a while to cast and are very small makes it very hard to dps effectively while still casting a lot of heals.
    3. About the Debuffs – we have an endless supply of debuffs and and endless supply of AAs that CAN improve those debuffs. Yet in a group or raid setting with multiple debuffers and massively high mob stats, it becomes nearly impossible to determine whether those 10 AAs and 5000p spend improving my STR debuff by 15 points were really worth it. There has got to be some better way to provide debuff feedback.

    Pretty much all of my suggestions will be aimed at addressing one of the above issues.

    - Defile – needs lower base recast or much higher dmg. It’s not that great in the first place and it’s meant to be a class-defining spell, but it’s not.
    - Absolute Corruption – needs lower base casting time and recast. It’s not good enough as a nuke, not needed enough as debuff and not up often enough as an interrupt.
    - Maelstrom – needs lower base recast. Given our need to branch out from wards into heal spells, we need to be able to use this a bit more often. Can be done by upping the reset % via prestige.
    - Imprecate – needs faster base cast time or added DoT element
    - Soul Cannibalize – one of our worst spells. Why is this divine dmg? Needs to do nox damage and a lot more of it (power drain can stay same). Or convert this into a groupwide powerfeed.
    AAs – Shaman
    - Pretty much all top row spells except Ritual are useless.
    - Tribal Leadership line (formerly AGI) – remember how defilers are casters? Ok, so Ancestral Authority doesn’t apply to spell weapons. Why not? It should. Tribal Rage only triggers on melee. Why? It should trigger on spell dps and ranged attacks too.
    - Coagulate Line (formerly STA) – this entire line is garbage. Especially the endline. My suggestion would be to move immunities and scourge from the INT line to this line and then make new caster-friendly options for the INT line – since that line is supposed to be the “caster dps” line, but neither Immunities nor Scourge have anything to do with caster dps.
    - Ritual line (formerly WIS) – Ritual of Alacrity is 100% useless to defilers. Add some offensive buff to it and we might spec it, but I doubt it.
    - Intelligence Line (formerly INT) – as mentioned above, Immunities and Scourge (while situationally useful) really don’t belong on THIS line. If you move them over to the STA line and free this up, you should add a something that benefits caster healers (since leadership line is now clearly aimed at melee). I would love to see a self-UT type spell similar to what mages get on their Dragon line. There is no way a defiler is ever getting UT from a troub and giving us this option would help a lot with all those DPS issues considering that the vast majority of our spells are DoTs!

    Shaman AA Summary: if you don’t want to fix ALL of it, just replace Goagulate with Self-UT and you fix like 20 problems with one fell swoop. (and switch the Selft-UT and Scourge places on the endlines)

    AAs – Defiler Tree
    OMG. Soooooo many terrible AAs and we have to take most of them because we need to fill out this line.
    Suggested Changes:
    - Spiritual Circle – instead of reuse, make this add extra ticks/instances
    - Ancestral Avenger – instead of reuse and CB, make this restore 10% of tank’s HP per rank.
    - Emergency Warding – instead of reuse, make this affect base reuse – these are hardly needed these days anyway.
    - Voice of Ancestors – instead of reuse, make this affect base reuse or make it grant a 2 second control effect immunity for every rank.
    - Atrophy, Abomination, Umbral Trap, Abhorrent Seal – we don’t really need a reduction in power cost or resistability. Extending the length would be nice though, so we don’t have to cast the debuffs as often and could focus on other things. 5s per rank sounds nice.
    - Ancestral Cleansing – this post cure ward is so tiny that it’s completely irrelevant. (tested pre AoM, but I can’t imagine it’s been much improved).
    AAs- Shadows
    - Ethereal Weaponry – should affect spell weapons. (Defilers are casters, remember?)
    - Ancient Pedigree – doesn’t seem to be particularly good for anyone, but it’s 1pt, so who cares.
    AAs- Heroic
    - Spiritfire – this is pretty terrible. Even when soloing and tanking stuff it doesn’t do that much. Here is another place where you can put that self-UT option if you don’t want to put it on the shaman tree.
    - Spirit Aegis – this is an ok ward, especially now after CB chances. It even parses nice in ACT. But… the problem with it is philosophical. It takes forever to cast. In a situation when I would want it up on the group, I probably don’t have time to cast it and/or would choose to cast something else. Given the lengthy recast time on it, there is no need for it to take so long to cast. Reduce base cast time.
    AAs – Dragon
    This affects all healers, so I’m not going to comment much on it. I do want to comment on one thing:
    - Wuoshi – top 2 are situationally usable. But, if I go to the trouble spending 10 points to prevent being taunted/detargeted, it really should be up quite a bit more than it is.

    AAs - Prestige
    Overall our prestige is great. Both sides are viable as well as a double conversion spec. Pretty close to perfect in terms of providing options. Some minor comments:

    - Phantasmal Barrier is junk. Just too random. Not a big deal.
    - Spiritarmor – this doesn’t list the benefit you get from each rank. Would be nice to know without manual testing.
    - Spiritwrath – really, you’re asking a defiler to give up double-conversion in order to get this spell. I doubt anyone in their right mind would. It needs to be A LOT more powerful to work even in a purely offensive setup. One needs to give up just too many good things to get it.
    AAs – AoM Prestige.
    Seems good, too early for any complaints.

    In Summary:
    1. Dear Devs, please remember that defilers are the CASTER shaman. We need for general shaman stuffs to work with casting spells.
    2. To help improve our DPS versus our mystic counterparts, you need to remember (that we’re casters and) that we need to give up casting a heal or debuff in order to cast a dps spell. So we need bigger nukes or more damaging dots, because we (usually) can’t afford to be chain casting our DPS stuff. Avenging Ancestors (from the Heroic tree) is a good example of the type of spell that works with our playstyle - you cast it rarely, but it does a lot when you do. Spells like Nightmares and Maelstrom are good too because both dmg and heals.
    3. Debuffs. We have a lot, and a lot of AAs tied into them. We’re not quite sure just how much all this is worth. This is probably a bigger overall issue than just defilers.
    4. Please consider giving us an option to spec for a self-UT type of spell. It should address many of the DPS-related issues with the class. There is a plethora of completely useless AAs and AA endlines that you can get rid of to find a place for it.
  16. Chama Member

    Omg, i did not realize that Reincarnation has Sickness removed , lol.

    Well, in that case i am happy :)
  17. fiyy Member

    On the first bullet, if this change is implemented please please please let us have a toggle for it. I really like the fact that I can hit healing barrage and heal those near a named fight on a raid if I'm not, and that I can use soulshot for my group alone. I wouldn't mind being able to toggle each independently, but I really would not be happy if it was forced to be my group only. Aside from the conduit and Vector of life, we would have no other out of group heals which imo, would not help us but hurt channelers more.

    On the second, I completely agree. I remember seeing this in HKC lower levels. When I got hit with a potency debuff and cured, my pet would drop to ~30% HP and I'd be working on recovering it the whole time, manageable but not very fun/fair(maybe?) compared to the effect a potency dot has on other classes as a whole. Since all our conduit heals are % based I think maintaining the pets HP % through the fluctuations in potency would be nice, when some classes come in range of me in a group my pet HP will take a hit because my potency will increase. Or if I hit the new base potency buff prestige, my pet HP takes a "hit", this isn't as bad, since i have the same HP value on the pet as before using the buff, just makes me jump. In current content the curse on the 3rd named (I forget the actual name) of Highhold does this same thing with a 200% potency debuff.
  18. Monstuhr Well-Known Member

    I see at best a very rare occasion when a channeler would want healing arrow/barrage to affect the 6 closest people to the mob, as opposed to their own group. I do see the point in having it affect the person being targeted by the mob you are fighting to provide some additional healing to a tank.

    That said, when the current damage mechanic hitting a raid is the constant ticking of damage from an effect applied to the whole raid, having an additional consistent group heal is probably the biggest benefit a channeler can get as a healer. When I am healing my group I want my heals to actually apply to my group and not some other random group. Otherwise the amount of time I actually rely on (or for that matter use) healing arrow/barrage to act as a heal is limited to either heroic gameplay or when my raid group is separated from the remainder of the raid.

    Maybe the solution is letting healing arrow/barrage apply the heal to the target the mob is fighting and also the channeler's own group. But at a minimum, having healing arrow/barrage affect the channeler's group is by far the most important change that could be made to improve the gameplay of a channeler.
  19. Smite Active Member

    Inquisitors: Quality of Life at the 100.

    1. I agree with the suggestions of post #11.

    2. Although new abilities from AoM prestige certainly have their place beefing up select areas of the AA lines could help keep the number of new hotbar abilities manageable.

    Might I suggest additional places to look include that -95% potency on the KOS Wis tree, the absurd AA cost for a second endline Heroic (Eq/PD/IR), etc.
  20. Xanice New Member

    For the Channeler class
    Had this now happening quite a lot, even in heroic ini's, which is rather annoying, it would be great if you can fix that, for example by letting our construct not being effected by these debuffs or so.

    Not much to add about this, don't get us wrong, Healing Barrage/Arrow are great, but for a raid perspective, when people are spread out all over the place, it is not easy to heal with this spell. In heroics, this works great without much issues.

    And please read what Tyman reposted from Lemilla!!! Conduits for the Channeler need a serious rethought. And add some Utility.... please....
  21. Raistlyn Active Member

    Decided to post on this thread also because I think the discussion is universal.

    To keep it short, I feel that my Fury (all classes) just have too many abilities that do the exact same thing (becomes much more prevalent once you start getting the important blue stats cast speed/reuse/recast) I suppose this mostly applies to damage abilities as I frequently use all of my heals/cures.
    Smite likes this.
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