Focused Feedback - Priests

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Xelgad, Nov 14, 2014.

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  1. Balbasur Active Member

    Channelers need a dps boost or fury's need a dps nerf or else channelers need buffs equal to other priests.

    All priests need debuffs improved

    All priests need death save hp value converted into a % amount
  2. Balbasur Active Member

    Not true
  3. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Will tehe inflation in abilities ever stop ?

    Warden just got 2 new buttons and paladin 3.
  4. Smite Active Member

    That's along the same lines I had in mind.

    EQ2 is a little long in the tooth perhaps to do a pure crunch Master Strike style, but however EQN's combat buttons actually end up working out in the 'slight' vertical progression applied horizontally might (five years from launch) look something like your suggestion.
  5. kluxor Well-Known Member

    For wardens, and the other melee priests for that matter, any chance we could see some AA' to turn masters strike, natures fury, and wrath into combat arts instead of spells similar to some of the other ones that get converted through aa?
  6. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Druid big new heal should have is recast lowered, currently it simply does not work ... i know that people hp pool are a bit low and that it will work better later. But still, react with current 100% reuse should be 20 seconds.
  7. Canth Active Member

    The druid new prestige heal does work and I use it when it's up instead of the group direct heal so as not to completely pause dps, but not as a dps spell in rotation. The efficiency on the dps portion is horrid.
  8. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Cleric/Templar Feedback (Cont.)


    Divine Recovery/Divine Healing: This ability could use a revamp as few if any go completely down the old Int line to take this ability due to outdated nature of its buff. Base reuse too long, buffs too small from the SF buff to Divine Recovery (Divine Healing).

    Bolt of Power: Would like to see an increase in the damage if possible.

    Steadfast/Steadfast Resolve: Interrupts seem to be bypassing this immunity on a consistent basis.



    Fate of Healing: Please reduce the threshold from 20% to 10% before this passive heal triggers like is Prestige ability replacement (if taken) Divine Fate.

    Prestige Tree

    Holy Guide: This ability lowers the base reuse of Divine Guidance to 150 seconds only. However, due to current stat inflation this offers little in the way of a prestige endline, consider adding an extra 5%-10% max health to Divine Guidance.
    Beaue likes this.
  9. Tylia Well-Known Member

    Why do furies need a dps nerf?

    I will agree that the death save needs to be made more useful again.

    I don't think the fury has too many abilities/spells at all. I guess it all depends on how well you know what each one does and how you play the class. I never feel "behind" or like I "can't catch up" and I play my fury full throttle.
  10. Balbasur Active Member

    Channelers are supposed to be able to be the highst parsing priest compared to other healers, right now the trade off's between buffs vs dps they can produce just isn't there. Furys have better buffs and can generally produce more dps easier.

    Hence a mismatch.

    Also, all of the non AOM buffs need to be looked @ for priests
  11. Mktavish01 Member

    Nah , the healer buffs don't need looking at.
    Healers heal , all classes buff.

    Channelers were meant to be not quite healers , keep that in mind.
    Not that they don't need some tweaking , just not being on par with healers.

    Trying to find equilibrium with healers will do the channeler class no favors.
    Better to think outside that box. Common , come up with something sony aint doing already.
  12. Balbasur Active Member

    Not true at all. Channelers were meant to be the top parsing healers in terms of dps which sacrificed buffs. However, Fury's don't have to sacrifice buffs and can keep up with them Something is out of check. Either Furys are doing to much or Channelers are doing to little. Or Furys have to many buffs and Channelers not enough.

    Same can be said about INQ, but I rather not go that route. And yes healer buffs do need to be looked at.
  13. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Btw do you think "totemic protection" ward amount is ok ? same issue for the druidic "protective instinct"....
  14. Raistlyn Active Member

    I don't feel this way either but I still feel that there are too many buttons that essentially do the same thing. At least with combat arts it's easier to macro them together since they are pretty much instant-cast.
  15. Xiatoris Member

    Where is it stated that Channelers are meant to be the top parsing healers for DPS?
    Tylia likes this.
  16. Arieste Well-Known Member

    unless there is another spell with the same name, "Totemic Protection" isn't a ward...
  17. Jjeorge Member

    Methinks Kalika meant Spirit Aegis, in which case he would be correct--given the cast time of this thing, it's never really been satisfyingly large enough.
    Kalika likes this.
  18. Canth Active Member

    I don't think there aren't too many buttons. Almost all have a situational use, depending on spell efficiency and mob script. The only two I almost never use are the two single target direct heals, because Back into the Fray is OP. Unfortunately, those two heals are two of our possible Ancient level heals. :(
  19. Raistlyn Active Member

    Back into the Fray is OP but when someone is still taking a ton of damage I use the other single targets. I am fine with our heals/dispels, I feel that there are too many blue/green/red nukes and too many cooldowns though. Maybe I have a bad setup going, but ~30 keybinds seems to be about my limit personally so I find myself clicking all of my green nukes and half of the cooldowns when I use them. But this to me isn't a fury/priest problem alone, it goes across all classes. I don't think that my berserker needs 15 cooldowns, just like I don't think my warlock needs 9 encounter nukes (yes I know they become single target after the epic, but that just means I have 9 more single target nukes that I probably didn't need either.) or that my pally has 9 blue aoes... just give me less cooldown time on half of these abilities and delete the others. They all do the same thing just with different graphics.
  20. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Sorry i was meaning Ancestral Support, i restarted to play my rusted mystic and yesterday this thing was warding for like 60K ( i had 6 maintained bufs) with a low dps group (people doing 1,5-2m on ST).

    Totemic protection is fine, it scales since it's % base on damage received ;-)
    Not sure i will spec for it, I already tried it and it is so slow to cast .... i was usually casting it on pull. Casting time could be lowered.
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