Fireplace Ideas

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-LadyVader, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Plexie Guest

    A fireplace I made for a friend of mine. Was quite proud of myself

  2. ARCHIVED-Rran Guest

    Heres my fireplace and entrance hall to my Casino. The Casino is still very much a work in progress. I'll post a thread with all the rooms done, once I finish.

  3. ARCHIVED-Elorah Guest

    HOLY MOLY Rran! I cant even begin to imagine the patience that took! Nice looking and imaginative...
  4. ARCHIVED-Kahlef Guest

    I agree with Elorah. That must have taken days, at least, to make.
  5. ARCHIVED-Rran Guest

    It took about 6 hours total to do. Would have been alot faster if I had known about the ctrl+mouse wheel at the time. I had to use shelves to get the varying heights on the bookcases.
  6. ARCHIVED-Karrane1 Guest

    That is one sweet looking fireplace Diggles.. =)
    /grins.. What damage did it do to your house count?
  7. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    Wow, Diggles. The entrance reminds me very much of what I would see in a high class casino. Are you going to use the brightly colored carpeting for the gaming areas too?
  8. ARCHIVED-Astraste Guest

    Wow, Diggles, just WOW!

    I needed a small simple fireplace for my bedroom so I quickly whipped this up and placed it in the corner.

  9. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    Well, I'd made most of my fireplaces the same way to give them a nice realistic feel, but I also have a string of very creative and unique fireplaces I've done for different homes. Today, after so long of having pre-made fireplaces, the hankering came again to make my own. The premades just didn't seem to fit this home I was designing.
    So, what did I do? I sat down and made them like I used to... plus a few extra touches we didn't have before. In place of the small wooden barrels, I used small sandworn pillars sunk into the false floor. In place of generic sconces, I used the fires of tranquility. Instead of teak chests for the hearth, I used an adamantine pool. Instead of ash bookcases for the chimney, I used a large sandworn pillar. I added hanging plants as an extra touch.
  10. ARCHIVED-Karrane1 Guest

    I really like the look of that Sapph =))
  11. ARCHIVED-Jehanne Guest

    Two that I recently made. The first in a Nerian home and the second in a Qeynos one.
  12. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    Adding a few too, first one from Vesla's house.


    A similar fireplace, but in a slightly different version:


    Last one from a decorating job I did. The fireplace is kind of part of the whole bookshelf system there.

  13. ARCHIVED-Jehanne Guest

    Made for Mellya on AB.[IMG]
  14. ARCHIVED-Jintakes Guest

    My fireplace at 4 Bayle in SQ on Everfrost
    More of the house here

  15. ARCHIVED-LadyVader Guest

    Oh nice one Jin, I really like this design!
  16. ARCHIVED-Jintakes Guest

    I have a couple new fireplaces I did in my friend Lieali's place
    The water meets fire is my fav