Fireplace Ideas

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-LadyVader, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jehanne Guest

    This is an interpretation of a dwarven fireplace. It used acrylia benches, flaming boars heads from Splitpaw, and is topped with an Ancient Idol for the chimney.
  2. ARCHIVED-ielixzia Guest

    I just wanted to share the simple but beautiful fireplace my guild leader (Lenni) made for me. He is the rat in the 2nd picture. I should also get around to getting more screenshots of the rest of the place. Perhaps when it's finished.





    And this is my Christmas Postcard :smileyvery-happy:

  3. ARCHIVED-Decadeca Guest

    Would you be willing to elaborate on what you used to put together that fireplace? I think it looks great. I especially like how it's slightly raised. Would like to know how you ddi that.
  4. ARCHIVED-ielixzia Guest

    Which fireplace are you asking about?
  5. ARCHIVED-LadyVader Guest

    I've finally made my way back to EQ2 after a few months of not playing and going thru EQ withdrawals! I've seen many great fireplace designs added and they all look spectacular! Great job all!

    Now that our prayers have been answered for placeable fireplaces, coming with the Frostfell festivities, I'm looking forward to seeing how you all will embelish them. I know you all can make each design as unique as possible, so keep posting your new ideas!
  6. ARCHIVED-Decadeca Guest

    Sorry for my post last month, I should have been more specific - I was refering to Writer Cal's fireplace.
  7. ARCHIVED-Writer Cal Guest

    The two steps were made from long ornate shelves. Used crates initially to place the shelves for the top step, and then I placed the shelves for the bottom step against the bottom edge of the top step.
    Embossed fir benches for the next tier, and a small ash ornate table and a couple more long ornate shelves for the tier above that. Three teak bookcases for the panels above that, more long ornate shelves, and then another two teak bookcases.
    Two spellbinders ebon sconces slightly overlapping for the red flames (one looked a bit wimpy to me.)
    And the typical thexian wine racks for the laticework.
  8. ARCHIVED-Hermoinie Guest


    Made by Krawl and decorated by Vestele at 4 Balye Court on Crushbone server. Made with Freeeport counters and ash bookshelfs, decorated
    with Frostfell items and some basic carpenter crafted items.
  9. ARCHIVED-Silvarae Guest

    this is one idea of down with the new fireplaces

  10. ARCHIVED-CapnMac Guest

    Oh I see, you have three or four fireplaces there with only one facing outward to give the illusion of the same sort of rock wall... very clever.
  11. ARCHIVED-kiyokobabygirl Guest

    Just some fireplace' I've had over the years in Norrath.. Was a lot of fun building them so even with the new 'actual' fire places out I've kept my hand made ones in the older homes.


  12. ARCHIVED-othera1 Guest

    just visiting random houses and damnit i wanna put heaps of items together to make it look unique :p (saw someone with a similar fireplace with greenish flames how i get them)
  13. ARCHIVED-nanaran Guest

  14. ARCHIVED-PsychoCannon Guest

    My first take at a Fireplace, will touch it up a bit when I get the time and material.

  15. ARCHIVED-yipssy Guest

    ones i have made








    got a few more too all on everfrost server made by Grelin
  16. ARCHIVED-yipssy Guest

  17. ARCHIVED-yipssy Guest

  18. ARCHIVED-yipssy Guest

  19. ARCHIVED-Jehanne Guest

    My latest fireplace.
  20. ARCHIVED-Elorah Guest

    So many creative ideas in this thread...

    I will be adding some of mine in the next few days... I like so many, that some ideas I "borrowed" and made my own using bits and pieces... *Gulps*

    Be gentle please.... lol

    This is Kalinia's fireplace. She resides on Butcherblock server in the 5 room non status suites in Gorowyn.


    This is in Shalindria's 3 room at 20 Karana Court. I made this one AGES ago, just after KoS came out. It is mostly made using Acrylia Benches (3) and Desks (8).... It took me ages to get it just right (we had to manipulate height back then) I just can bear to tear it down or


    You are welcome to come by and see any of the houses. Someday perhaps, I will post pics of the whole houses. But for now, I am a bit too nervous... lol. I also Have Kaliana's 5 room house at 4 Bayle Court in Qeynos, but sadly due to lack of items space, she has the pre-made hearths in her house... lol

    I will be working on Elorah's 5 room non status home in Neriak soon too.... I just to harvest some more rares *wink*